Here's a rather complete selection of slides of my scientific talks.
  1. Translational Data Science: A case of Natural Language Processing in Mental Health (30/01/2023). EUniWell Workshop on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare and Education, Online. [30 min]
  2. Applied Data Science: Getting Things Done! (01/12/2022). ESRI Masterclass Data Science & GIS, ESRI Netherlands, Rotterdam. [360 min]
  3. Applied Data Science Marathon (23/11/2022). OvP L7 Data Science programme for the public sector, Utrecht University, Utrecht. [360 min]
  4. Welzijn.AI: … Naar een AI gesprekspartner voor kwetsbare ouderen (17/10/2022). With Top-7 Antropomorphic Characteristics Card Sorting Session, Dutch AI Parade, Netherlands Patients Federation initiative, City Library Kennemerwaard, Alkmaar De Mare [60 min]
  5. AutoML in Dutch Healthcare: Towards a Translational Data Science Roadmap (06/10/2022). Vereniging van Epidemiologen (VvE) Symposium of SIG Registry-based research "Let’s sail through the numbers", Machine Learning session. UMC Utrecht, Utrecht. [20 min]
  6. GEIGER: Cybersecurity for SMEs (28/09/2022). Netherlands Cyber Security Center (NCSC) Journal Club, with Max van Haastrecht. NCSC, The Hague ([50 min]
  7. NLP: Free text analysis in EHRs and clinical notes - Do's and don'ts (10/06/2022). Workshop session 3 at the NHG Science Day 2022, LUMC Campus The Hague, Leiden. [60+ min.]
  8. Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare (24/05/2022). Overview Talk in the Research Facility Data Analytics workshop on Free Text Analysis, LUMC, Leiden. [30 min.]
  9. Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare (13/04/2022). Guest lecture in the Taaldiagnostiek course of the Linguistics Bachelor programme, Lipsius, Leiden. [2*45 min.]
  10. Translational Data Science: Data Science in Dutch Healthcare (11/04/2022). Guest lecture in the Data Science Honours Class Series, Old Observatory, Leiden. [2*45 min.]
  11. Translational Data Science in Population Health (01/04/2022). Inaugural lecture on the acceptance of the position of professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health on 1 April 2022, [NL] [EN] transcripts, Leiden University, Leiden. [45 min.] [online]
  12. Data Science in Practice: A longterm healthcare case study (25/01/2022). Seminar "Toepassingen en implementatie van AI in de zorg". QConsult Zorg, online [45 min.]
  13. Applied Data Science Pressure Cooker (11/11/2021). ESRI GIS Professional programme, ESRI Netherlands, Rotterdam. [150 min]
  14. Applied Data Science masterclass (05/11/2021). OvP L6 Data Science programme for the public sector, Utrecht University, Utrecht. [330 min]
  15. AI en farmacie in balans? The STRIP Assistant Decade - Artificial Intelligence for Medication Reviews (4/11/2021). Nederlandse Vereniging van ZiekenhuisApothekers (NVZA) Jaarcongres 2021. De Fabrique, Maarsen. [50 min.]
  16. Applied Data Science Marathon: Getting Things Done! (01/11/2021). ESRI Masterclass Data Science & GIS, ESRI Netherlands, Rotterdam. [330 min]
  17. The STRIP Assistant Decade: Artificial Intelligence for Medication Reviews (28/10/2021). LUMC/PHEG Coffee & Research Talk, The Hague. [45 min.]
  18. From theory to healthcare practice with the knowledge discovery process: A translational data science primer (23/08/2021). Invited talk at the LUMC CAIRELab AI Summerschool, online. [45 min.]
  19. Natural Language Processing for Translational Data Science in Mental Healthcare (08/07/2021). LUMC/PHEG Coffee & Research Talk, online. [30 min.]
  20. Natural Language Processing for Translational Data Science in Mental Healthcare (21/06/2021). Invited talk at the Leiden University SAILS Lunch Seminar, online. [30 min.]
  21. Data Science in Practice: A longterm healthcare case study (18/05/2021). Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs, online. [30 min.]
  22. Applied Data Science masterclass (19/02/2021). OvP L5 Data Science programme for the public sector, Utrecht University, Utrecht. [330 min]
  23. Translational Data Science for Population Health (01/02/2021). NLAIC werkgroep gezondheid en zorg, team Burger- en Patiëntenparticipatie, online. [45 min.]
  24. Self-Service Data Science for Healthcare Professionals: A Data Preparation Approach (25/02/2020). Poster at the 13th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2020), Valletta, Malta.
  25. The Applied Data Science Marathon (13/12/2019). Data Science Life Long Learning programme for Dutch government trainees, The Hague. [300 min.]
  26. Applied Data Science for Student Empowerment..... And the Data Science & Society course at Utrecht University (20/06/2019). 14th international conference DisCo 2019: E-learning – Unlocking the Gate to Education around the Globe, Centre for Higher Education Studies and West Bohemia University, Prague, Czech Republic at Microsoft HQ. [60 min.]
  27. Data Science & Society pitch (1/4/2019). ITS H@ppening lunch event, Information Technology Services, Utrecht University. [10 min.]
  28. Analyst Career Path overview (6/3/2019). Intro2MBI guest lecture. [20 min.]
  29. Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (17/11/2018). Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2018 [45 min].
  30. Uncovering Algorithmic Approaches in Open Information Extraction: A Literature Review (9/11/2018). Poster at the 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC). ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
  31. Applied Data Science in the Information Science bachelor (1/11/2018). Guest lecture in People Society and ICT, Utrecht University. [90 min.]
  32. Applied Data Science: introducing the multidisciplinary master's profile (06/02/2018). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (40 students), Utrecht [4 min.]
  33. Devices Used for Non-invasive Tele homecare for Cardiovascular Patients: A Systematic Literature Review (19/01/2018). 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2018, Funchal, Portugal. [15 min.]
  34. Speech Technology in Dutch Health Care: A Qualitative Study (19/01/2018). Poster at the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2018, Funchal, Portugal. 
  35. Consumer Engagement Characteristics in Mobile Advertising (03/11/207). 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2017, November 1-3, 2017, Funchal, Portugal. [20 min.]
  36. Studiepad Life sciences & Gezondheid (2017/10/19). Gastcollege in Mens Maatschappij & ICT. [90 min.]
  37. Applied Data  Science MSc Postgraduate (04/10/2017). Presentation at the Utrecht University's Open Day. [45 min.]
  38. Risk Mediation in Association Rules: The Case of Decision Support in Medication Review (23/06/2017). 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. AIME 2017, June 23, Vienna, Austria. [5 min.] [pdf]
  39. Sign-Lingo: Feasibility of a Serious Game for Involving Parents in the Language Development of their Deaf or Hearing Impaired Child (21/02/2017). Poster at the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2017, Porto, Portugal. 
  40. Applied Data Science: introducing the new multidisciplinary master's profile (06/02/2017). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (90 students), Utrecht [5 min.]
  41. Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (18/11/2016-19/11/2016). Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2016 [45 min].
  42. Health Analytic Systems: Design science for societal impact (17/11/2016). EIT Digital Wellbeing committee visitation, Utrecht University [30 min.]
  43. Power to the People! Meta-algorithmic modelling in Applied data science (11/11/2016). 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR), Porto, Portugal [20 min.]
  44. Analytic Systems in Applied Data Science (24/10/2016). Research colloquium, Utrecht University [20 min.]
  45. Applied Data Science: introducing the new master's profile (07/09/2016). Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) Introduction Day (2*200 students), Utrecht [5 min.]
  46. Applied Data Science: introducing the new master's profile (07/09/2016). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (320 students), Utrecht [5 min.]
  47. Analytics Systems for Complex Systems: Design Science for Societal Impact (1/7/2016). Complexity Laboratorium Utrecht (CLUe) Lunch Meeting #3, Utrecht [20 min.]
  48. Introducing... Data Science Platform Netherlands (28/06/2016). EDISON-Nether Workshop on the Open Science Cloud and Data Science Training, CWI, Amsterdam [20 min.]
  49. Life Sciences & Gezondheid: Een nieuwe koers bij Informatiekunde (13/06/2016). Informatiekunde voorlichting [15 min].
  50. Establishing Infrastructures for Analytics Systems: Design for Societal Impact (8/6/2016). SAF21 Workshop 1, MMU, Manchester,  UK [30 min.]
  51. Towards personalised information security advice: A maturity modeling approach of information security management (10/03/2016). With Handout. Guest lecture in Information Security course of Information science programme at Utrecht University [90 min].
  52. Establishing Infrastructures for Big Data Research: Design for Societal Impact (8/1/2016). Workshop: Exposome and Big Data on Geospatial Exposure and Health, Figi conference centre, Zeist [30 min]
  53. Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (20/11/2015-21/11/2015). With Handout. Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2015 [30 min].
  54. CIRA: A competitive intelligence reference architecture for dynamic solutions (13/11/2015). Poster at the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. 
  55. Towards reusability of computational experiments: Capturing and sharing Research Objects from knowledge discovery processes (12/11/2015). Full paper talk at the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
  56. Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (1/9/2015). With Handout. Jaargang 2015.
  57. Docent en ICT hand in hand (19/06/2015). Presented with handout. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden. [30 min].
  58. Life Sciences & Gezondheid: Een nieuwe koers bij Informatiekunde (30/04/2015). Informatiekunde symposium studievereniging A-Eskwadraat [45 min].
  59. Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: An explorative case study in the Netherlands (05/03/2015). The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), Utrecht, Netherlands [50 min].
  60. PSGF: The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors (16/09/2014). How to Price My Saas? Bootcamp, Brussels, Belgium. 
  61. Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (4/9/2014). With Handout. Jaargang 2014.
  62. MD3M: the Master Data Management Maturity Model (19 June 2014). 7th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Venice, Italy.
  63. BIDQI: the Business Impacts Data Quality Interdependencies model (19 June 2014). 7th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Venice, Italy.
  64. ISFAM: The Information Security Focus Area Maturity Model (9/6/2014). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), SP1 Cyber Security track.
  65. What Concerns Users of Medical Apps? Exploring Non-functional Requirements of Medical Mobile Applications (9/6/2014). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), DH3 Design of Digital Health Initiatives track.
  66. Informatiekunde: Brug tussen Mens, Organisaties en Techniek (20/03/2014). Introduction of the Informatiekunde bachelore programme for secondary school deans. Utrecht University, Netherlands [15 min].
  67. Informatiesystemen in vogelvlucht (15/03/2014). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  68. Mixed Methods (22/01/2014). Guest lecture in Advanced Research Methods master course. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  69. Informatiesystemen: van Phishing tot Iron Maiden (10/01/2014). Kees Boeke de Werkplaats, Bilthoven, in Rector's League (2*75 min.). 
  70. Business Intelligence (12/12/2013). Guest lecture in Information Systems bachelor course. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  71. Informatiesystemen in organisaties in vogelvlucht (23/11/2013). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  72. Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (5/9/2013). Jaargang 2013.
  73. Information needs in the Dutch long-term care sector / Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: An explorative case study in the Netherlands (19/06/2013). 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
  74. Selecting data quality dimensions: towards a business impacts assessment / BIDQI: The Business Impacts Data Quality Interdependencies Model (19/06/2013). 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
  75. Informatiesystemen: De wereld achter phishing en Project X (28/03/2013). De Breul - Katholieke Scholengemeenschap, Zeist, in Rector's League (2*75 min.).
  76. Informatiesystemen in organisaties in vogelvlucht (23/11/2012-24/11/2012). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  77. Mining Performance Knowledge in User Logs (21/06/2012). 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy.
  78. Integrating knowledge engineering and data mining in e-commerce fraud prediction (22/09/2011). 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Mykonos, Greece.
  79. Information security: foundations, perspectives and focus areas (2011/04/05). Guest lecture in third-year information science bachelor course Strategic Management of Organization and ICT (INFOB3SMI) at Utrecht University (45 min.)
  80. Information security in Health care: Evaluation with Health Professionals (2011/01/27). International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011), 26-29 January, 2011, Rome, Italy (30 min). [blog]
  81. Beter zoeken dan Google (2010/03/09). Revius Lyceum Doorn, for 5VWO students, in Rector's League (70 min.).
  82. Introductie bachelor vak Informatiesystemen (2009/09/03). BA Information science (5 min.).
  83. Het ontdekken van taalkundige kennis in Nederlandse taalvariatiedatabanken: LINKDIS (2009/06/15). VENI grant interview presentation, Amsterdam (5 minutes).
  84. ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management (IOBM) (2008/11/29). Mini-lecture "ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management (IOBM)" during the Information Science information event at Utrecht University (30 minutes). [ann]
  85. Kwantitatieve perspectieven op syntactische variatie in Nederlandse dialecten (2008/03/26). Layman's talk given before my PhD defense, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (15 min.). [blog]
  86. Geografie en inwoneraantallen als verklarende factoren voor variatie in het Nederlandse dialectgebied (2007/06/28). Symposium kwantitatieve benaderingen in taal- en letterkundig onderzoek, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam (20+10 min.). [blog]
  87. Discovery of association rules between syntactic variables (2007/05/23). Seminar in Methodology and Statistics, University of Groningen, Groningen (120 min.). [blog]
  88. Three quantitative perspectives on syntactic variation (2007/03/23). ACLC Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (75 min). [blog]
  89. Associations among syntactic variables (2007/02/03). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min). [blog]
  90. Affinities among syntactic variables (2007/01/12). Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 17, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (20+10 min). [blog]
  91. A quantitative perspective on syntactic variation (2006/12/06). Theelezingen series, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam (60 min). [blog]
  92. Syntactische variatie, Geografie en Dialectometrie (2006/10/09). Lecture Introduction Language variation, Free University, Amsterdam (90 min). [blog]
  93. Syntactic variation from a 60-minute quantitative perspective (2006/07/16). Variation and standardisation Seminar, Radboud University, Nijmegen (140 min). [blog]
  94. Associations among linguistic levels (2006/07/07). Special session at the Digital Humanities 2006 conference, Paris - Sorbonne, Paris, France (20+10 min). [blog]
  95. Syntactic variation from a quantitative perspective (2006/05/03). Laboratorio di Linguistica & Antropologia Cognitiva seminar, Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy (120 min). [blog]
  96. Syntactic variation in verbal clusters and negation in the aggregate (2006/02/04). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min). [blog]
  97. Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects (2005/08/05). Workshop Progress in Dialectometry: Toward Explanation, Methods XII: Twelfth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, University of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (20+10 min). [blog]
  98. Aggregating Syntactic Variation: The Forest behind the Trees (2005/06/24). With John Nerbonne. iCLaVE 3 workshop Quantitative Analysis of Language Variation in Time and Space, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (20+10 min). [blog]
  99. Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects (2005/01/29). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min). [blog]
  100. FILTER: a neural filtering environment (1994/09/16). Workshop on Neural Networks and Information Retrieval in a Libraries Context. Amsterdam (30 min). [ann][chapter]