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For the record...

On 1 April 2022 at 16:00 CEST I delivered my inaugural lecture on the acceptance of the position of professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health at Leiden University. With this public 45-minutes lecture in Dutch, titled Translational Data Science in Population Health, I officially accepted my appointment as full professor at both the Leiden University Medical Centre and the Faculty of Science of Leiden University, holding the chair Advanced Data Science in Population Health. More info in News.

Marco Spruit Oratie 1 april 2022 Universiteit Leiden

Here's an overview talk I did on my research theme for the SAILS Lunch Seminar at Leiden University in June 2021. Unusually, this video only has my talking head, so you need to imagine the accompanying slides yourself ;-)

Here, starting at 37:40 minutes, is my 5-minutes pitch for the Applied Data Science profile to 400+ GSLS students in September 2018.

My introduction lecture in the Information Systems (INFOB1ISY) course was recorded in november 2010. It starts out somewhat chaotic due to the failing recording hardware... Which nicely illustrates one of the main points in this lecture. Another opportunity to see me move (somewhat), is to replay my PhD defense in 2008.