From 2016-2020, Marco Spruit has been the principle investigator in the Applied Data Science Lab, where his research primarily focused on Self-Service Data Science. Since 2020, Marco his research line has evolved into the Translational Data Science Lab. On 1 April 2022 he delivered his inaugural lecture as professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health at Leiden University.

Please refer to my Research Theme page for more information, or my Research Projects page for active projects in this theme.

Top 5 Projects

  1. COVIDA: Computing Visits Data for Dutch Natural Language Processing in Mental Healthcare. EUR 230K (2019-2021). Two-year postdoc, parttime scientific programmer, and deployment infrastructure. Financer(s): Alliance Fund UU-UMCU-TU/e. Applicant(s): Spruit,M., Scheepers,F., & Kaymak,U. et al. Remark: Grant total: 492K EUR.
  2. OPERAMOPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly. EUR 250K (2015-2020). PhD and postdoc position for the STRIP Assistant (STRIPA) prescriptive analytics platform. Financer: PHC 17-2014. Remark: #634238; grant total: 6.6M EUR.
  3. SMESEC: Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an innovative cyber-SECurity framework. EUR 280K (2017-2020). Two PhD positions for cybersecurity maturity modelling. Financer: H2020-DS-2016-2017. Remark: #740787; grant total: 5.6M EUR.
  4. SAF21: Social Aspects in 21st Century Fisheries. EUR 200K (2015–2018). PhD Project on Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications for a Ph.D student stationed at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). Financer: MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN. Remark: #642080; grant total: 2.7M EUR.
  5. STRIMP: Implementatie van de STRIP Assistent ter verbetering van de STRIP medicatiebeoordeling. EUR 110K (2018-2019). Postdoc to integrate the STRIP Assistant within Dutch daily primary care. Financer: ZonMW/Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen – Stimulering Toepassing In de Praktijk (GGG – STIP Ronde 3). Remark: Grant total: 350K EUR.

Top 5 Publications

  1. Spruit,M., & Lytras,M. (2018). Applied Data Science in Patient-centric Healthcare: Adaptive Analytic Systems for Empowering Physicians and Patients. Telematics and Informatics, 35(4), Patient Centric Healthcare, 643–653. [JIF: 6.182] [pdf] [online]
  2. Spruit,M., Verkleij,S., Schepper,C. de, & Scheepers,F. (2022). Exploring Language Markers of Mental Health in Psychiatric Stories. Applied Sciences, 12(4), Current Approaches and Applications in Natural Language Processing, 2179. [JIF: 2.679] [pdf] [online]
  3. Menger,V., Spruit,M., Est,R. van, Nap,E., & Scheepers,F. (2019). Machine Learning Approach to Inpatient Violence Risk Assessment Using Routinely Collected Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records. JAMA Network Open, 2(7), e196709. [JIF: 8.483] [pdf] [online]
  4. Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2020). Evaluating Sentence Representations for Biomedical Text: Methods and Experimental Results. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 104(April), 103396. [JIF: 6.317] [pdf] [online]
  5. Spruit,M., Heeringa,W., & Nerbonne,J. (2009). Associations among linguistic levels. Lingua, 119(11), The forests behind the trees, 1624–1642. [JIF: 0.719] [pdf] [online]