My university teaching qualification (BKO) portfolio (in Dutch) describes my vision and approach and also contains many student evaluations with respect to my lecturing tasks, including various thesis supervision tracks. Also, several of my lectures have been recorded on video and/or audio and are available from my Recordings page. Below are the master and bachelor courses I actively participated in recently (adhering to the departmental manual):
Below is a multi-perspective summary of my educational activities.



MSc thesis 1st supervisionship

5 - Completed:873 - In progress:32 - Committed:6-1 - Quit:5
Business Intelligence:37Health Informatics:34Data Analytics:34Text Analytics:21Information Security:11Social Media:4IT Strategy:3 Data Analytics:2...e-Government:1

MSc thesis 2nd supervisionship

5 - Completed:62-1 - Quit:4
Health Informatics:20Social Media:12Information Security:10Business Intelligence:9Data Analytics:8IT Strategy:7Other:5Text Analytics:4...e-Government:1

BSc thesis supervisionship

5 - Completed:562 - Committed:1-1 - Quit:6
Health Informatics:18Data Analytics:18Business Intelligence:12Information Security:11IT Strategy:7Text Analytics:6Social Media:3Knowledge Management:2...Cloud Computing:1

Capita selecta supervisionship

5 - Completed:19-1 - Quit:2
Health Informatics:6Data Analytics:6Business Intelligence:4Information Security:4Social Media:3Text Analytics:2Knowledge Management:2 Text Analytics:1

2023-01-13 13:55:11 (GMT)