This list contains all my downloadable papers, presentations, reviews, press coverage, course materials, etc.

SelectionFile type iconFile nameDescriptionSizeRevisionTimeUser

OPERAM NL version  Feb 14, 2020, 12:34 AM Marco Spruit
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My first Reviewer certificate ;-) What will they think of next...  851k v. 2 Sep 6, 2019, 3:28 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Text Mining and Analytics course at Coursera  140k v. 2 Feb 17, 2017, 2:22 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of Text Mining and Analytics course at Coursera  159k v. 2 Feb 17, 2017, 2:22 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of Hadoop Platform and Application Framework at Coursera   214k v. 2 Mar 10, 2017, 2:22 PM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Hadoop Platform and Application Framework at Coursera   73k v. 2 Mar 10, 2017, 2:22 PM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of the course Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark at Udemy.   1098k v. 2 Oct 30, 2017, 3:50 PM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of the course Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark at Udemy.  1098k v. 2 Oct 30, 2017, 3:50 PM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of the course Data Science and Machine Learning with Python - Hands on! at Udemy.   1127k v. 2 Sep 11, 2017, 8:30 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of the course Data Science and Machine Learning with Python - Hands on! at Udemy.   1128k v. 2 Sep 11, 2017, 8:30 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of the course Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands On! at Udemy.  1102k v. 2 Mar 30, 2017, 1:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of the course Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands On! at Udemy.  1103k v. 2 Mar 30, 2017, 1:09 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of the course Elasticsearch 6 and Elastic Stack - In Depth and Hands-On at Udemy.   1164k v. 2 Feb 12, 2021, 12:44 PM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of the course Elasticsearch 6 and Elastic Stack - In Depth and Hands-On at Udemy.   1165k v. 2 Feb 12, 2021, 12:44 PM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of the course The Ultimate, Unofficial Udemy Online Course Creation Guide at Udemy.  1173k v. 2 Mar 17, 2020, 6:01 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of the course The Ultimate, Unofficial Udemy Online Course Creation Guide at Udemy.  1174k v. 2 Mar 17, 2020, 6:01 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Udemy course Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python  1139k v. 2 Feb 12, 2021, 12:44 PM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of Udemy course Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python  1140k v. 2 Feb 12, 2021, 12:44 PM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p? course at Coursera   157k v. 2 Dec 17, 2022, 5:10 AM Marco Spruit

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Association for Linguistic and Literary Computing (ALLC) Bursary Award (2006).  188k v. 3 Nov 24, 2008, 3:07 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Coursera's Introduction to Communication Science MMOC: an online non-credit course authorized by University of Amsterdam's Rutger de Graaf from the Graduate School of Communication Science.  181k v. 2 Mar 19, 2018, 7:00 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of Coursera's Introduction to Communication Science MMOC: an online non-credit course authorized by University of Amsterdam's Rutger de Graaf from the Graduate School of Communication Science.  273k v. 2 Mar 19, 2018, 7:00 AM Marco Spruit
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Data Science Specialisation part 1/9  266k v. 2 Mar 9, 2015, 1:53 AM Marco Spruit

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Data Science Specialisation part 1/9   152k v. 2 Mar 9, 2015, 1:58 AM Marco Spruit
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My teaching philosophy metaphor.  499k v. 2 Apr 24, 2016, 5:56 AM Marco Spruit

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Bachelor in Dutch Linguistics and Literature (1989).  57k v. 2 Nov 24, 2008, 3:11 AM Marco Spruit

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Bachelor in Musicology (1991).  41k v. 2 Nov 24, 2008, 3:11 AM Marco Spruit

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Master in Alpha Informatics, a.k.a. Information science, a.k.a. Computional Linguistics (1995).  48k v. 4 Nov 24, 2008, 3:11 AM Marco Spruit

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My Basic University Teaching Qualification (BKO) certificate from Utrecht University (English version).   1212k v. 6 Feb 19, 2009, 1:52 AM Marco Spruit

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Lectoribus Salutem! My PhD certificate.  4278k v. 3 Nov 24, 2008, 3:07 AM Marco Spruit

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ICEIS 2009 Program Committee Membership  479k v. 2 Aug 17, 2009, 4:39 AM Marco Spruit

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Senior Teaching Qualification (SKOw) certificate  96k v. 2 Dec 3, 2019, 4:52 AM Marco Spruit

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Senior Research Qualification (SKOz) certificate  115k v. 2 Dec 3, 2019, 4:52 AM Marco Spruit

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Certificate of Udemy course Python for Data Science and Machine Learning  1142k v. 2 Jun 21, 2020, 11:30 AM Marco Spruit
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Certificate of Udemy course Python for Data Science and Machine Learning  1143k v. 2 Jun 21, 2020, 11:30 AM Marco Spruit
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Data Science & Society (UU, 2020-2021). Master Business Informatics & Applied Data Science MSc Profile. Caracal INFOMDSS evaluation, by 45/125 students [my score: 4.5/5].  116k v. 2 Nov 25, 2020, 6:42 AM Marco Spruit
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Business Intelligence (UU, 2015-2016). Business Informatics. Caracal INFOMBIN evaluation, by 15/52 students [my score: 3.9/5].  89k v. 2 Sep 30, 2016, 2:58 AM Marco Spruit
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Business Intelligence (UU, 2014-2015). Business Informatics. Caracal INFOMBIN evaluation, by 18/32 students [my score: 4.1/5]  94k v. 2 Jul 13, 2015, 1:23 PM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: bachelor course Information Science 'IOBM' (2008-2009).    1079k v. 3 Jun 23, 2009, 7:21 AM Marco Spruit
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Knowledge management 2010: Business Informatics. Generic course evaluation, by students [my score: 4.13/5].  470k v. 6 Aug 8, 2011, 3:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: master course Business Informatics 'Method Engineering' (2009).   638k v. 4 Jun 23, 2009, 7:21 AM Marco Spruit
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Data Analytics (UU, 2017-2018). Information science. Caracal INFOMBIN evaluation, by 37/135 students [my score: 3.6/5].  90k v. 2 Feb 12, 2018, 6:04 AM Marco Spruit
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Data Analytics (UU, 2016-2017). Business Informatics. Caracal INFOMBIN evaluation, by 21/99 students [my score: 3.7/5].  72k v. 2 Feb 13, 2017, 12:44 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: lectures and workshops IOBM (2007-2008).  72k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: lecture and workshop Inleiding Taalvariatie (2006).  83k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: lectures IOBM (2007-2008).  22k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: Master thesis supervision.  22k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Evaluation: workshops IOBM (2007-2008).  23k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit
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M.R. Spruit (2008). Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO) Portfolio. Utrecht University, 42 pages.    7492k v. 5 Oct 20, 2008, 5:10 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen (UU, 2011-2012). Information science. End-term online evaluation, by 22 students [my score: 3.86/5].  7046k v. 2 Feb 15, 2012, 2:27 AM Marco Spruit

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BKO Observatieverslag [1/2]  1456k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:10 AM Marco Spruit

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BKO Observatieverslag [2/2]  614k v. 2 Oct 20, 2008, 5:10 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiekunde: Brug tussen Mens, Organisaties en Techniek (20/03/2014). Introduction of the Informatiekunde bachelor programme for secondary school deans. [15 min]   7152k v. 4 Mar 31, 2014, 12:44 PM Marco Spruit
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Shen,Z., Meulendijk,M., & Spruit,M. (2016). STRIPA.EU: A Federated Databases Backed Clinical Decision Support System to Support Medication Reviews in Multiple Countries. ICT.OPEN 2016. Amersfoort, Netherlands, Intelligent Systems track.  2039k v. 4 Apr 29, 2016, 8:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Consumer Engagement Characteristics in Mobile Advertising (03/11/207. 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2017, November 1-3, 2017, Funchal, Portugal.  4519k v. 2 Nov 3, 2017, 5:47 AM Marco Spruit
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Studiepad Life sciences & Gezondheid (2017/10/19). Gastcollege in Mens Maatschappij & ICT. [90 min.]  5144k v. 2 Oct 21, 2017, 2:12 PM Marco Spruit
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Uncovering Algorithmic Approaches in Open Information Extraction: A Literature Review (9/11/2018). Poster at the 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC). ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.  854k v. 2 Nov 10, 2018, 4:44 AM Marco Spruit
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Analyst Career Path overview (6/3/2019). Intro2MBI guest lecture. [20 min.]  21229k v. 2 Mar 6, 2019, 6:56 AM Marco Spruit
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"AI en farmacie in balans?" The STRIP Assistant Decade - Artificial Intelligence for Medication Reviews (4/11/2021). Nederlandse Vereniging van ZiekenhuisApothekers (NVZA) Jaarcongres 2021. De Fabrique, Maarsen. [50 min.]  5175k v. 2 Nov 4, 2021, 5:47 AM Marco Spruit
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GEIGER: Cybersecurity for SMEs (28/09/2022). Netherlands Cyber Security Center (NCSC) Journal Club, with Max van Haastrecht. NCSC, The Hague ([50 min]  2462k v. 2 Oct 6, 2022, 11:25 AM Marco Spruit
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Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare (24/05/2022). Introductory Talk in the Research Facility Data Analytics workshop on Free Text Analysis, LUMC, Leiden. [30 min.]  9084k v. 2 May 24, 2022, 10:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Translational Data Science: Data Science in Dutch Healthcare (11/04/2022). Guest lecture in the Data Science Honours Class Series, Old Observatory, Leiden. [2*45 min.]  2663k v. 2 Apr 14, 2022, 1:05 AM Marco Spruit
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NLP: Free text analysis in EHRs and clinical notes (10/06/2022). Workshop session 3 at the NHG Science Day 2022, LUMC Campus The Hague, Leiden. [60+ min.]  10245k v. 2 Jun 12, 2022, 3:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Natural Language Processing: from a Translational Data Science Perspective in Dutch Healthcare (13/04/2022). Guest lecture in the Taaldiagnostiek course of the Linguistics Bachelor programme, Lipsius, Leiden. [2*45 min.]  3041k v. 2 Apr 14, 2022, 1:01 AM Marco Spruit
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Welzijn.AI: … Naar een AI gesprekspartner voor kwetsbare ouderen (17/10/2022). Dutch AI Parade, Netherlands Patients Federation initiative, City Library Kennemerwaard, Alkmaar De Mare [60 min]  2492k v. 2 Nov 19, 2022, 11:12 AM Marco Spruit
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AutoML in Dutch Healthcare: Towards a Translational Data Science Roadmap (06/10/2022). Vereniging van Epidemiologen (VvE) Symposium of SIG Registry-based research "Let’s sail through the numbers", Machine Learning session. UMC Utrecht, Utrecht. [20 min]  2557k v. 2 Oct 6, 2022, 11:25 AM Marco Spruit
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Translational Data Science: A case of Natural Language Processing in Mental Health (30/01/2023). EUniWell Workshop on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare and Education, Online. [30 min]  1414k v. 2 Jan 31, 2023, 1:45 AM Marco Spruit
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Applied Data Science: introducing the new master's profile (07/09/2016). Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) Introduction Day (2*200 students), Utrecht [5 min.]  1115k v. 3 Sep 21, 2016, 3:04 AM Marco Spruit
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Applied Data Science: introducing the new master's profile (07/09/2016). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (320 students), Utrecht [5 min.]  1226k v. 2 Sep 12, 2016, 2:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Applied Data Science: introducing the new multidisciplinary master's profile (06/02/2017). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (90 students), Utrecht [5 min.]  4012k v. 2 Feb 8, 2017, 12:11 PM Marco Spruit
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Handout for Applied Data  Science MSc Postgraduate (04/10/2017). Presentation at the Utrecht University's Open Day, [45 min.]  682k v. 2 Oct 8, 2017, 4:32 AM Marco Spruit
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Risk Mediation in Association Rules: The Case of Decision Support in Medication Review (23/06/2017). 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. AIME 2017, June 23, Vienna, Austria. [5 min.]  794k v. 2 Jun 26, 2017, 7:52 AM Marco Spruit
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Risk Mediation in Association Rules: The Case of Decision Support in Medication Review (23/06/2017). 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. AIME 2017, June 23, Vienna, Austria. [5 min.] PPSX version  2991k v. 2 Oct 20, 2017, 1:02 AM Marco Spruit
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Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (17/11/2018). Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2018 [45 min].  14710k v. 2 Nov 21, 2018, 12:27 AM Marco Spruit
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Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (18/11/2016-19/11/2016). Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2016 [45 min].  25428k v. 2 Nov 18, 2016, 6:29 AM Marco Spruit
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Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a Mean of Bolstering Up Knowledge Management in Non-Profit Organizations (Bebensee). 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Famalicão, Portugal, 2-3 September 2010.    564k v. 2 Oct 21, 2010, 11:33 AM Marco Spruit
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Identifying the Cost of Security (Bruijn). AIS SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP 2008), Paris, France, December 13, 2008.  375k v. 2 Feb 17, 2009, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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The Situational Assessment Method Put to the Test: Improvements Based on Case Studies (Bekkers). 4th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM). Sydney, Australia, September 27, 2010.  1843k v. 2 Oct 21, 2010, 11:29 AM Marco Spruit
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The Social Score: determining the relative importance of webpages based on online social signals (Buijs). 6th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). 22 October 2014, Rome,Italy.  1332k v. 2 Oct 23, 2014, 1:48 PM Marco Spruit
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A Situational Assessment Method For Software Product Management (Bekkers). 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010), Pretoria, South Africa. June 8, 2010.  4147k v. 2 Jun 16, 2010, 1:18 AM Marco Spruit
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A Framework for Process Improvement in Software Product Management (Bekkers). European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI), 2 September 2010, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France.  2742k v. 2 Oct 21, 2010, 11:29 AM Marco Spruit
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Applied Data Science: introducing the multidisciplinary master's profile (06/02/2018). Graduate School of Natural Sciences (GSNS) Introduction Day (40 students), Utrecht [4 min.]  2939k v. 2 Feb 6, 2018, 8:53 AM Marco Spruit
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Handout for: Docent en ICT: Hand in hand (19/06/2015). Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden. [30 min].  616k v. 2 Jun 19, 2015, 5:43 AM Marco Spruit
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Homberg,M. van den, Monné,R., Geurts,M., Khan,R.H., Cumiskey,L., Wolf,C. de, & Spruit,M. (2016). Digital inclusion of flood affected communities to close the last mile data gap and to create actionable information for an improved preparedness and response. UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, 27 - 29 January 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.  2924k v. 2 Jan 25, 2016, 11:58 PM Marco Spruit
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Haag, P., Spruit, M. (submitted 17/08/2010). Supporting organisations in selecting and implementing Identity and Access Management technologies: the AIM Services Assessment Model. In Sharman, R., Gupta, M., Das-Smith, S. (eds.), Digital Identity and Access Management: Technologies and Framework, IGI Global.  263k v. 2 Aug 24, 2010, 4:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen in organisaties in vogelvlucht (23/11/2012/24/11/2012). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.  5882k v. 2 Dec 20, 2012, 3:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen in organisaties in vogelvlucht (23/11/2013). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.  7952k v. 2 Nov 25, 2013, 7:00 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen in vogelvlucht (15/03/2014). Mini-lecture Information Systems. Utrecht University, Netherlands.  4097k v. 2 Mar 17, 2014, 1:58 AM Marco Spruit
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Handout: Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (20/11/2015-21/11/2015). Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2015 [30 min].  1029k v. 2 Nov 20, 2015, 1:43 PM Marco Spruit
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Algemene presentatie Informatiekunde (20/11/2015-21/11/2015). With Handout. Open Dagen Informatiekunde 2015 [30 min].  12803k v. 2 Nov 20, 2015, 1:43 PM Marco Spruit
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Business Intelligence (12/12/2013). Guest lecture in Information Systems bachelor course. Utrecht University, Netherlands.  15887k v. 2 Dec 15, 2013, 2:25 PM Marco Spruit
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Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (5/9/2013). Jaargang 2013.  5498k v. 2 Sep 6, 2013, 6:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Handout bij Introductiecollege Informatiekunde 2014.  1599k v. 2 Sep 4, 2014, 3:55 AM Marco Spruit
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Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (4/9/2014). Jaargang 2014.  17337k v. 2 Sep 4, 2014, 3:54 AM Marco Spruit
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ISFAM: The Information Security Focus Area Maturity Model (9/6/2014). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), SP1 Cyber Security track.  6211k v. 2 Jun 10, 2014, 12:42 AM Marco Spruit
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Introductie op de introductie van het vak Informatiesystemen [5 min.]  1094k v. 2 Sep 2, 2009, 8:25 AM Marco Spruit
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Data Science & Society pitch (1/4/2019). ITS H@ppening lunch event. [10 min.]  355k v. 2 Apr 1, 2019, 2:02 AM Marco Spruit
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Web 2.0 Revealed - Business Model Innovation through Social Computing (Knol). Seventh AIS SIGeBIZ Workshop on e-business (WeB 2008), Paris, France, December 13, 2008.  3672k v. 2 Feb 17, 2009, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Bridging the gap between Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Computing Principles (Kormaris). Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Charles University, Prague, July 7-9, 2010.  1845k v. 3 Jul 5, 2010, 3:53 AM Marco Spruit
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Information security in Health care: Evaluation with Health Professionals (2011/01/27). International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011), 26-29 January, 2011, Rome, Italy (30 min).  907k v. 2 Jan 31, 2011, 6:35 AM Marco Spruit
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Speech Technology in Dutch Health Care: A Qualitative Study (19/01/2018). Poster at the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2017, Funchal, Portugal.  547k v. 2 Jan 15, 2018, 1:37 PM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (18/11/2008). Inleiding in informatiesystemen in organisaties.   2218k v. 2 Nov 24, 2008, 1:43 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (16/12/2008). Het organiseren van data en informatie.    3315k v. 3 Dec 16, 2008, 4:48 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (06/01/2009). e-Commerce en m-commerce & Enterprise systemen.   3575k v. 6 Jan 7, 2009, 1:28 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (13/01/2009). MIS, DSS, AI, Expert systemen, Virtual reality.  7153k v. 2 Jan 13, 2009, 12:34 PM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (18/12/2007). Inleiding in informatiesystemen in organisaties.   2151k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (08/01/2008). E- and m-commerce & Enterprise systems.  2474k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting lecture in course: ICT in Organisation, Governance and Management [IOBM] (15/01/2008). MIS, DSS, AI, Expert systems, Virtual reality.  6969k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Lekensamenvatting van mijn VENI 2011 onderzoeksvoorstel LIKE: "Linguistic Knowledge Discovery in Dutch Language Variation Databases".  252k v. 2 Feb 4, 2011, 3:12 AM Marco Spruit
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Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects (2005/01/29). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min).  2543k v. 5 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects (2005/08/05). Workshop Progress in Dialectometry: Toward Explanation, Methods XII: Twelfth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, University of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (20+10 min).  1866k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Syntactic variation in verbal clusters and negation in the aggregate (2006/02/04). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min).  1834k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Syntactic variation from a quantitative perspective (2006/05/03). Laboratorio di Linguistica & Antropologia Cognitiva seminar, Università di Trieste, Trieste, Italy (120 min).  6476k v. 5 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Associations among linguistic levels (2006/07/07). Special session at the Digital Humanities 2006 conference, Paris - Sorbonne, Paris, France (20+10 min).   3637k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Syntactic variation from a 60-minute quantitative perspective (2006/07/16). Variation and standardisation Seminar, Radboud University, Nijmegen (140 min).  9025k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Syntactische variatie, Geografie en Dialectometrie (2006/10/09). Lecture Introduction Language variation, Free University, Amsterdam (90 min).   2678k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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A quantitative perspective on syntactic variation (2006/12/06). Theelezingen series, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam (60 min).  10040k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Affinities among syntactic variables (2007/01/12). Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 17, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (20+10 min).  2722k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Associations among syntactic variables (2007/02/03). Linguistics in the Netherlands, University of Utrecht, Utrecht (20+10 min).  4109k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Three quantitative perspectives on syntactic variation (2007/03/23). ACLC Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (75 min).   2299k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Discovery of association rules between syntactic variables (2007/05/23). Seminar in Methodology and Statistics, University of Groningen, Groningen (120 min.).  919k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit

Hoorcollege: ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management [IOBM] (18/12/2007), Recorded audio lecture: Inleiding informatiesystemen (1/2: 51 min). 48 MB.  Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit

Hoorcollege: ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management [IOBM] (18/12/2007), Recorded audio lecture: Inleiding informatiesystemen (2/2: 31 min). 29 MB.  Oct 20, 2008, 5:12 AM Marco Spruit

Hoorcollege: ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management [IOBM] (08/01/2008), Recorded video lecture on e-Commerce en Enterprise systemen. (50 min). 690 MB.  Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit

Hoorcollege: ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management [IOBM] (15/01/2008), Recorded audio lecture: MIS, DSS, AI, Expert systems, Virtual reality (40 min). 37 MB.  Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Kwantitatieve perspectieven op syntactische variatie in Nederlandse dialecten (2008/03/26). Layman's talk before PhD defense, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (15 min.).  6216k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides supporting the mini-lecture "ICT in Organisatie, Beleid en Management (IOBM)" during the information days Information Science at Utrecht University, targeted at high school students.  1313k v. 3 Nov 29, 2008, 4:48 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/11/09 - Slides for Lecture 1 on Chapter 1 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Informatiesystemen binnen organisaties in perspectief.  4145k v. 3 Dec 17, 2009, 2:31 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/11/16 - Slides for Lecture 2 on Chapter 3 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Het organiseren van data en informatie.  5053k v. 2 Nov 24, 2009, 7:25 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/11/23 - Slides for Lecture 3 on Chapters 2 and 4 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Hardware, Software, and Telecommunications.   9367k v. 3 Dec 17, 2009, 2:31 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/11/30 - Slides for Lecture 4 on Chapter 5 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: e-Commerce en m-Commerce & Enterpise systemen.   7157k v. 2 Dec 17, 2009, 2:35 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/12/07 - Slides for Lecture 5 on Chapter 6 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Informatie en Beslissingsondersteunende systemen.  5582k v. 2 Dec 17, 2009, 2:35 AM Marco Spruit
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2009/12/09 - Slides for Lecture 5 on Chapter 6 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Kennismanagement & Gespecialiseerde informatiesystemen.  9841k v. 2 Dec 17, 2009, 2:35 AM Marco Spruit
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2010/01/13 - Slides for Lecture 7 on Chapter 8 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: Systeemontwikkeling.   5207k v. 2 Jan 13, 2010, 4:07 AM Marco Spruit
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2010/01/18 - Slides for Lecture 8 on Chapter 9 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: De persoonlijke en maatschappelijke impact van computers, deel 1/2: .Verspilling en Misdaad.    7284k v. 4 Feb 3, 2010, 4:19 AM Marco Spruit
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2010/01/25 - Slides for Lecture 9 on Chapter 9 of Fundamentals of information systems by Ralph Stair & George Reynolds: De persoonlijke en maatschappelijke impact van computers, deel 2/2: Beveiliging, Discretie en Web 2.0.   7203k v. 2 Feb 3, 2010, 4:18 AM Marco Spruit
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Beter zoeken dan Google (2010/03/09). Revius Lyceum Doorn, for 5VWO students, in Rector's League (70 min.).   5350k v. 2 Mar 11, 2010, 2:45 AM Marco Spruit
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Information security: foundations, perspectives and focus areas (2011/04/05). Guest lecture in third-year Information Science bachelor course Strategic Management of Organization and ICT (INFOB3SMI) at Utrecht University (45 min.)  2274k v. 2 Apr 8, 2011, 3:14 AM Marco Spruit
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Mixed Methods (22/01/2014). Guest lecture in Advanced Research Methods master course. Utrecht University, Netherlands.  3472k v. 2 Jan 22, 2014, 2:28 AM Marco Spruit
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Aggregating Syntactic Variation: The Forest behind the Trees (2005/06/24). With John Nerbonne. iCLaVE 3 workshop Quantitative Analysis of Language Variation in Time and Space, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (20+10 min).  1647k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Analytics Systems for Complex Systems: Design Science for Societal Impact (1/7/2016). Complexity Laboratorium Utrecht (CLUe) Lunch Meeting #3, Utrecht [20 min.]  1725k v. 2 Jul 1, 2016, 6:50 AM Marco Spruit
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Applied Data Science .for Student Empowerment..... And the Data Science & Society course at Utrecht University (20/06/2019). 14th international conference DisCo 2019: E-learning – Unlocking the Gate to Education around the Globe, Centre for Higher Education Studies and West Bohemia University, Prague, Czech Republic at Microsoft HQ. [60 min.]  31858k v. 2 Jun 19, 2019, 1:34 PM Marco Spruit
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POMP: Polyfarmacie Optimalisatie Methode Platform (Meulendijk). ICT Delta 2011, November 16, 2011, Delft, Netherlands.  771k v. 2 Nov 22, 2011, 4:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Linguistic engineering and its applicability to business intelligence: towards an integrated framework (Otten). International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). October 28, 2011, Paris, France.  2536k v. 2 Nov 7, 2011, 2:28 AM Marco Spruit
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Towards reusability of computational experiments: Capturing and sharing Research Objects from knowledge discovery processes (12/11/2015). Full paper talk at the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.  3472k v. 2 Nov 15, 2015, 12:54 PM Marco Spruit
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Integrating knowledge engineering and data mining in e-commerce fraud prediction (22/09/2011). 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Mykonos, Greece.  1731k v. 2 Sep 26, 2011, 9:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen: De wereld achter phishing en Project X (28/03/2013). De Breul - Katholieke Scholengemeenschap, Zeist, in Rector's League (2*75 min.).  11267k v. 2 Mar 29, 2013, 3:15 AM Marco Spruit
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Informatiesystemen: van Phishing tot Iron Maiden (10/01/2014). Kees Boeke de Werkplaats, Bilthoven, in Rector's League (2*75 min.).   13887k v. 2 Jan 10, 2014, 7:29 AM Marco Spruit
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Selecting data quality dimensions: towards a business impacts assessment / BIDQI: The Business Impacts Data Quality Interdependencies Model (19/06/2013). 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy.  2316k v. 2 Jun 23, 2013, 10:20 AM Marco Spruit
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PSGF: The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors (16/09/2014). How to Price My Saas? Bootcamp, Brussels, Belgium.   2035k v. 2 Sep 17, 2014, 5:22 AM Marco Spruit
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Life Sciences & Gezondheid: Een nieuwe koers voor Informatiekunde (30/04/2015). Informatiekunde symposium studievereniging A-Eskwadraat [45 min].  19322k v. 2 Apr 30, 2015, 9:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: An explorative case study in the Netherlands (05/03/2015). The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), Utrecht, Netherlands [50 min].  3326k v. 2 Mar 6, 2015, 4:25 AM Marco Spruit
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Life Sciences & Gezondheid: Een nieuwe koers bij Informatiekunde (13/06/2016). Informatiekunde voorlichting [15 min].  3761k v. 3 Jun 13, 2016, 2:40 AM Marco Spruit
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Introductiecollege Informatiekunde Handout (1/9/2015). Jaargang 2015.  934k v. 2 Sep 1, 2015, 8:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Introductiecollege Informatiekunde (1/9/2015). Jaargang 2015.   7368k v. 2 Sep 1, 2015, 8:11 AM Marco Spruit
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CIRA: A competitive intelligence reference architecture for dynamic solutions (13/11/2015). Poster at the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. KDIR 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.  606k v. 2 Nov 15, 2015, 12:52 PM Marco Spruit
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Self-Service Data Science for Healthcare Professionals: A Data Preparation Approach. Poster at the 13th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2020), February 25, Valletta, Malta.  1318k v. 2 Feb 21, 2020, 6:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Sign-Lingo: Feasibility of a Serious Game for Involving Parents in the Language Development of their Deaf or Hearing Impaired Child (24/02/2017). Poster at the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2017, Porto, Portugal.   2437k v. 2 Mar 10, 2017, 2:22 PM Marco Spruit
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Power to the People! Meta-algorithmic modelling in Applied data science (11/11/2016). 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR), Porto, Portugal [20 min.]  1963k v. 2 Nov 11, 2016, 12:47 PM Marco Spruit
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BIDQI: the Business Impacts Data Quality Interdependencies model (19 June 2014). 7th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Venice, Italy.  2287k v. 2 Jun 20, 2014, 4:11 AM Marco Spruit
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MD3M: the Master Data Management Maturity Model (19 June 2014). 7th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Venice, Italy.  2649k v. 2 Jun 20, 2014, 4:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Mining Performance Knowledge in User Logs (21/06/2012). 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy.  3183k v. 3 Jun 23, 2012, 6:17 AM Marco Spruit
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Handout: Towards personalised information security advice: A maturity modeling approach of information security management (10/03/2016). Guest lecture in Information Security course of Information science programme at Utrecht University [90 min].  1576k v. 5 Mar 10, 2016, 5:40 AM Marco Spruit
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Towards personalised information security advice: A maturity modeling approach of information security management (10/03/2016). With Handout. Guest lecture in Information Security course of Information science programme at Utrecht University [90 min].  3270k v. 4 Mar 10, 2016, 5:39 AM Marco Spruit
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BIDM: The Business Intelligence development model (Sacu). 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 8-12 June, 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.  806k v. 2 Jun 16, 2010, 5:06 AM Marco Spruit
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What Concerns Users of Medical Apps? Exploring Non-functional Requirements of Medical Mobile Applications (9/6/2014). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), DH3 Design of Digital Health Initiatives track.  1441k v. 2 Jun 10, 2014, 12:42 AM Marco Spruit
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Information needs in the Dutch long-term care sector / Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: An explorative case study in the Netherlands (19/06/2013). 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, Italy.  2832k v. 2 Jun 23, 2013, 10:20 AM Marco Spruit
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Slides for: Docent en ICT: Hand in hand (19/06/2015). Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015, Leiden. [30 min].   4062k v. 2 Jun 19, 2015, 5:43 AM Marco Spruit
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Welzijn.AI: … Naar een AI gesprekspartner voor kwetsbare ouderen (17/10/2022). Card Sorting deck for Prioritisation.  88k v. 2 Nov 19, 2022, 11:12 AM Marco Spruit
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Business Intelligence FIT: The fit between Business Intelligence end-users, tasks and technologies (Tijssen). Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS'2009), Ofir, Portugal, October 8, 2009.   883k v. 3 Oct 9, 2009, 11:38 AM Marco Spruit
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Introducing... Data Science Platform Netherlands (28/06/2016). EDISON-Nether Workshop on the Open Science Cloud and Data Science Training, CWI, Amsterdam [20 min.]  399k v. 2 Jun 29, 2016, 1:26 AM Marco Spruit
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Webstrategy Formulation: benefiting from web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values (Knol). First World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2008), Athens, Greece, September 25, 2008.  1903k v. 2 Feb 17, 2009, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Using IT to Optimize Corporate Strategy for Dutch Notaries (Weeghel). IADIS Information Systems 2010, Porto, Portugal, 18 - 20 March 2010.   1095k v. 2 Oct 21, 2010, 11:37 AM Marco Spruit
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Wasmann, M., Spruit, M., Smulders, D. (submitted 5/4/2010). Performance Management within Social Network Sites: The Business Intelligence Process Method. Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS 2010), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 20-22 October 2010.  340k v. 3 Apr 8, 2011, 3:14 AM Marco Spruit
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Devices Used for Non-invasive Tele homecare for Cardiovascular Patients: A Systematic Literature Review (19/01/2018). 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. HEALTHINF 2018, Funchal, Portugal. [15 min.]  979k v. 2 Jan 23, 2018, 12:20 AM Marco Spruit
SelectionFile type iconFile nameDescriptionSizeRevisionTimeUser
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Utrecht University press release on OPTICA and SMESEC (February 9, 2017).   237k v. 2 Mar 3, 2022, 8:46 AM Marco Spruit
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3/20/2018 - Utrechtse onderzoekers plaatsen vraagtekens bij effectiviteit sleepwet - De Utrechtse Internet Courant  650k v. 2 Mar 20, 2018, 4:42 AM Marco Spruit
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English news item on LUMC website regarding my inaugural lecture on April 1, 2022.  100k v. 2 Mar 30, 2022, 12:26 AM Marco Spruit
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Dutch news item on LUMC website regarding my inaugural lecture on April 1, 2022.  112k v. 2 Mar 30, 2022, 12:26 AM Marco Spruit
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The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) Universities whitepaper Towards a Healthy Society for Everyone interview on AI technology for tailored health interventions: The role of artificial intelligence is still marginal.  444k v. 2 Dec 17, 2022, 4:01 AM Marco Spruit

Dialectafstand gebaseerd op zinnen (2008/04/03). Kennislink.  Oct 20, 2008, 5:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Rubriek 'Doctor' (2008/04/11). Folia 61(27).  66k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Dialectafstand gebaseerd op zinnen (2008/04/03). Kennislink.  86k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:07 AM Marco Spruit

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"This study combines all of my intellectual passions [...]" (2009). In brochure: Master's Programmes Utrecht University, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, p.6.   1869k v. 3 Oct 2, 2009, 1:06 PM Marco Spruit
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Extended abstract (10 pages) of my Ph.D. thesis.  311k v. 2 Mar 26, 2009, 4:03 AM Marco Spruit
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Utrecht University press release on OPERAM (March 20, 2015).  593k v. 2 Apr 30, 2015, 9:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Utrecht University press release on OPERAM (March 20, 2015).  595k v. 2 Apr 30, 2015, 9:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Rabobank Dichterbij (Autumn 2011). Interview in Hilversum-Vecht en Plassen editie, p.10.  1790k v. 2 Sep 10, 2011, 9:39 AM Marco Spruit
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2018/03/15: My professional opinion on the Sleepwet/WiV has made the homepage.  254k v. 2 Mar 15, 2018, 11:17 AM Marco Spruit
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'Niemand heeft dat ooit willen', zeggen ze op Texel (2008/03/22). Volkskrant.  101k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:05 AM Marco Spruit
SelectionFile type iconFile nameDescriptionSizeRevisionTimeUser
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Shen,Z., Meulendijk,M., & Spruit,M. (In press). A federated information architecture for multinational clinical trials: STRIPA revisited. 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). 12-15 June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.  629k v. 2 Apr 29, 2016, 8:25 AM Marco Spruit
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Aarnoutse,F., Renes,C., Batenburg,R., & Spruit,M. (In press). STRIPA: The potential usefulness of a medical app. In Gasmelseid,T. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Developments. IGI Global.  576k v. 2 Oct 6, 2014, 2:22 AM Marco Spruit
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Aarnoutse,F., Renes,C., Batenburg,R., & Spruit,M. (2016). STRIPA: The potential usefulness of a medical app. In Gasmelseid,T. (Ed.), Advancing Pharmaceutical Processes and Tools for Improved Health Outcomes (pp. 114–135). IGI Global.  576k v. 2 Apr 26, 2016, 12:33 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Adriana,T. (In press). Quantifying education quality in secondary schools. International Journal of Engineering Education.  759k v. 2 Oct 8, 2014, 12:00 AM Marco Spruit
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Abdat, N., Spruit, M., Bos, M. (2009). Cloud Computing and the Pricing Strategy for Vendors. In Murugesan, S. (ed.), Cloud Computing.  470k v. 5 Sep 29, 2009, 1:15 AM Marco Spruit

Abdat, N., Spruit, M., Bos, M. (2010). Software as a Service and the Pricing Strategy for Vendors. In Strader, T. (ed.), Digital Product Management, Technology and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Advances in E-Business Research (AEBR) Book Series, IGI Global, 154-192.  2468k v. 3 Nov 8, 2010, 12:04 PM Marco Spruit

Abdat, N., Spruit, M., Bos, M. (submitted 31/05/2010). The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors. Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business.  498k v. 3 Aug 24, 2010, 4:32 AM Marco Spruit
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Brinkkemper, S. et al. (2009). On the Challenge of Creating an Attractive Research Master Program: Graduate Education Avant-la-Lettre. In Fascination for Computation. 25 jaar informatica (pp. 217-240).   381k v. 2 Apr 9, 2009, 4:18 AM Marco Spruit
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Bebensee, T., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (forthcoming). Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a Mean of Bolstering Up Knowledge Management in Non-Profit Organizations. 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Famalicão, Portugal, 2-3 September 2010.   207k v. 3 Jun 18, 2010, 1:24 PM Marco Spruit
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Bebensee, T., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (submitted July 2010). Exploring the Impact of Web 2.0 on Knowledge Management. In: Boughzala, I., Dudezert, A. (eds), Knowledge Management 2.0: Organizational Models and Enterprise Strategies, IGI Global.  649k v. 2 Aug 2, 2010, 7:42 AM Marco Spruit
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Bebensee, T., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (2011). Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a Mean of Bolstering up Knowledge Management. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 9(1), ECKM Special Issue, 1-9.  323k v. 2 Jun 6, 2011, 2:03 AM Marco Spruit
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Bekkers, W., Spruit, M. (submitted 28/06/2010). The Situational Assessment Method put to the Test. 4th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM). September 27, 2010, Sydney, Australia.  323k v. 2 Jun 28, 2010, 11:35 AM Marco Spruit
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Baars, T., Spruit, M. (accepted 06/12/2011). The SeCA model: Ins & Outs of a Secure Cloud Architecture. In: Rosado, D., Mellado, D., Fernandez-Medina, E., Piattini, M. (eds.), Security Engineering for Cloud Computing: Approaches and Tools, IGI Global.  450k v. 3 Jul 18, 2012, 5:17 AM Marco Spruit
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Baars, T., Spruit, M. (revised 22/02/2012). Analysing the Security Risks of Cloud Adoption Using the SeCA Model: A Case Study. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Special issue on Security in Information Systems, Rosado, D., Fernández-Medina, E., Sánchez, L (eds.).   502k v. 4 Mar 30, 2012, 8:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Baars, T., Spruit, M. (2012). Designing a Secure Cloud Architecture: The SeCA Model. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 6(1), January-March 2012, 14-33.  881k v. 3 Feb 8, 2012, 11:55 AM Marco Spruit
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Buijs,M., & Spruit,M. (In press). The Social Score: Determining the relative importance of webpages based on online social signals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). Rome,Italy.  379k v. 3 Aug 15, 2014, 2:53 AM Marco Spruit
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Bruijn, W. de, Spruit, M., Heuvel, M. van der (submitted). Cost of Security. In: Pichappan, P. (ed.), Handbook of Research on Threat Management and Information Security: Models for Countering Attacks, Breaches and Intrusions, IGI Global (21 pages).  299k v. 2 Nov 17, 2008, 1:19 AM Marco Spruit
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Bruijn, W. de, Spruit, M., Heuvel, M. van der (accepted). Identifying the Cost of Security. AIS SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP 2008), Paris, France, December 13, 2008.  148k v. 2 Nov 17, 2008, 1:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Bruijn, W. de, Spruit, M., Heuvel, M. van der (submitted Feb 2009). Identifying the Cost of Security. Journal of Information Assurance and Security.  109k v. 3 Nov 10, 2009, 12:45 AM Marco Spruit

Bekkers, W., Spruit, M., Weerd, I. van de, Vliet, R. van, Mahieu, A. (forthcoming). A Situational Assessment Method For Software Product Management. 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010), Pretoria, South Africa. June 6-9, 2010.  1983k v. 2 Jan 15, 2010, 4:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Bekkers, W., Spruit, M., Weerd, I. van de, Vliet, R. van, Mahieu, A. (forthcoming). Modelmatig verbeteren van product software management. Informatie.  43k v. 2 Nov 15, 2010, 3:13 AM Marco Spruit
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Bekkers, W., Weerd, I van de, Spruit, M., Brinkkemper, S. (t.a. 09/2010). A Framework for Process Improvement in Software Product Management. European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI), 1-3 September 2010, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France.   207k v. 3 May 31, 2010, 6:48 AM Marco Spruit
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Bekkers, W., Weerd, I. van de, Spruit, M., Brinkkemper, S. (submitted 30/11/2010). Competence Building in Software Product Management, IEEE Software.   523k v. 3 Dec 2, 2010, 1:51 AM Marco Spruit
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Christoulakis,M., Spruit,M., & Dijk,J. van (forthcoming). Data Quality Management in the public domain: A case study within the Dutch Justice System. International Journal of Information Quality.  256k v. 2 Jul 11, 2014, 3:45 AM Marco Spruit
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Eskes,P., Spruit,M., Brinkkemper,S., Vorstman,J., & Kas,M. (In press). The Sociability Score: App-based social profiling from a healthcare perspective. Computers in Human Behavior.   1155k v. 2 Feb 4, 2016, 2:59 AM Marco Spruit
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Faase, R., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (forthcoming). Web 2.0 In The CRM Domain: Defining Social CRM. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM).   269k v. 3 Jun 25, 2010, 2:32 AM Marco Spruit
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Faase, R., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (submitted 26/10/2009). Web 2.0 In The CRM Domain: Defining Social CRM. Journal of Marketing.  390k v. 2 Oct 26, 2009, 1:35 AM Marco Spruit
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Fotaki,G., Spruit,M., Brinkkemper,S., & Meijer,D. (In press). Exploring big data opportunities for online customer segmentation. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research.  785k v. 2 Sep 21, 2014, 6:37 AM Marco Spruit
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Helms,R., Booij,E., & Spruit,M. (In press). Reaching out: Involving users in innovation tasks through social media. Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems. Barcelona, Accepted 8/3/2012.  530k v. 4 Mar 28, 2012, 6:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Heeringa, W.J., Nerbonne, J., Bezooijen, R. van, Spruit, M.R. (2007). Geografie en inwoneraantallen als verklarende factoren voor variatie in het Nederlandse dialectgebied. In: Nederlandse Taal- en Letterenkunde, Volume 123(1), Uitgeverij Verloren, Hilversum, 70–82.  226k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Houten,R. van den, & Spruit,M. (In press). Proactive Business Intelligence: Discovering Key Performance Indicators with the Rule Extraction Matrix Method. Business Intelligence: Technologies, Applications and Challenges. Nova Publishers.  392k v. 2 Aug 30, 2014, 1:53 AM Marco Spruit
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Kormaris, G., Spruit, M. (submitted 31/03/2010). Bridging the gap between Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Computing Principles. Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Charles University, Prague, July 7-9, 2010.  198k v. 2 Mar 31, 2010, 3:01 AM Marco Spruit
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Knol, P., Spruit, M., Scheper, W. (2008). Web 2.0 Revealed - Business Model Innovation through Social Computing. Seventh AIS SIGeBIZ Workshop on e-business (WeB 2008).   329k v. 3 Dec 4, 2009, 4:58 AM Marco Spruit
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Knol, P., Spruit, M., Scheper, W. (forthcoming). The Emerging Value of Social Computing in Business Model Innovation. In: Lytras, M., Ordoñez de Pablos, P., Lee, W., Karwowski, W. (eds), Electronic Globalized Business And Sustainable Development Through IT Management: Strategies And Perspectives, IGI Global (24 pages).   204k v. 4 Dec 4, 2009, 4:59 AM Marco Spruit
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Knol, P., Spruit, M., Scheper, W. (2010). The Emerging Value of Social Computing in Business Model Innovation. In: Lytras, M., Ordoñez de Pablos, P., Lee, W., Karwowski, W. (eds), Electronic Globalized Business And Sustainable Development Through IT Management: Strategies And Perspectives, IGI Global, 112-134.  1994k v. 2 Nov 8, 2010, 7:24 AM Marco Spruit
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Krens, R., Spruit, M., Urbanus, N. (2011). Information security in Health care: Evaluation with Health Professionals. International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011), 26-29 January, 2011, Rome, Italy.    98k v. 4 Jan 31, 2011, 6:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Krens, R., Spruit, M., Urbanus, N. (submitted 15/04/2011). Evaluating information security effectiveness with Health Professionals. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer-Verlag.  309k v. 2 Apr 16, 2011, 2:53 AM Marco Spruit
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Appendices of "Developing a Reference Method for Knowledge Auditing" (Levantakis, Helms and Spruit, 2008).  1816k v. 2 Feb 2, 2009, 7:35 AM Marco Spruit
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Levantakis, T., Helms, R., Spruit, M. (2008). Developing a Reference Method for Knowledge Auditing. In: Yamagchi, T. (ed), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5345, Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Practical Aspects on Knowledge Management, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan, November 21-23, 2008, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 147–159.  99k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Lefebvre,A., Spruit,M., & Omta,W (2015). Towards reusability of computational experiments: Capturing and sharing Research Objects from knowledge discovery processes. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, Paper 86. Lisbon, Portugal.  560k v. 2 Oct 6, 2015, 3:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Mijnhardt,F., Baars,T., & Spruit,M. (In press). Organizational Characteristics Influencing SME Information Security Maturity. Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS). IACIS.  1157k v. 2 Sep 1, 2014, 8:33 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk, M., Drenth-van-Maanen, A., Jansen, P., Brinkkemper, S., Numans, M., Spruit, M. (revised: 01/11/2011). Introducing the CORETEST feasibility analysis in medical informatics: a case study of a decision-supportive knowledge system in the Dutch primary care sector. In: Miranda, I., Cruz-Cunha, M. (eds), Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and Applications, IGI Global.  3371k v. 3 Apr 10, 2017, 6:13 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk,M., Meulendijks,E., Jansen,P., Numans,M., & Spruit,M. (2014). What concerns users of medical apps? Exploring non-functional requirements of medical mobile applications. 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, June 9-11, 2014, Tel Aviv.  128k v. 2 Mar 30, 2014, 2:44 AM Marco Spruit
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Verkooij,K., & Spruit,M. (in press). Mobile Business Intelligence: Mobile Business Intelligence: Key considerations for implementation projects. Journal for Computer Information Systems.  405k v. 2 Nov 27, 2012, 6:49 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (1995). AESTHETIC Prototype Report. Minimum complexity computation in primary auditory patterns. Unpublished technical report, University of Amsterdam, 32 pages.  504k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (1995). FILTER Prototype Report. A neural filtering environment. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 85 pages.  1483k v. 10 Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (1995). Quantifier mappings. Unpublished technical report, University of Amsterdam, 18 pages.  354k v. 4 Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (2005). Classifying Dutch dialects using a syntactic measure. The perceptual Daan and Blok dialect map revisited. In: Doetjes, J., Weijer, J. van de (eds), Linguistics in the Netherlands, 2005, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 179–190.  1328k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (2006). Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects. In: Nerbonne, J., Kretzschmar, W. (eds), Literary and Linguistic Computing, special issue on Progress in Dialectometry: Toward Explanation, Volume 21(4), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 493–506.  1125k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (2006). Tellen met Taal. Het meten van variatie in zinsbouw in Nederlandse dialecten. In: Gerritsen, D., Verburg, A. (eds), Respons: Mededelingen van het Meertens Instituut, Volume 8, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam, 12–16.  418k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Geografie en inwoneraantallen als verklarende factoren voor variatie in het Nederlandse dialectgebied (2007/06/28). Symposium kwantitatieve benaderingen in taal- en letterkundig onderzoek, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam (20+10 min.).  880k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (2007). Discovery of association rules between syntactic variables. Data mining the Syntactic atlas of the Dutch dialects. In: Dirix, P., Schuurman, I., Vandeghinste, V., Eynde, F. van (eds), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2006. Selected papers from the seventeenth CLIN meeting, 83–98.  9284k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (2008). Quantitative perspectives on syntactic variation in Dutch dialects. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, LOT Dissertation Series 174, LOT, Utrecht, 157 pages.  9973k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Cover pages of my PhD thesis, LOT Dissertation Series 174 (Spruit, 2008).   418k v. 4 Nov 24, 2008, 3:58 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R. (submitted). Towards linguistic discovery in language variation databases. Zeitschrift Fuer Dialektologie Und Linguistik (special issue).  156k v. 7 May 4, 2009, 3:17 AM Marco Spruit
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Chapter proposal for the Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services.  658k v. 2 Jan 31, 2011, 6:24 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Drenth-van-Maanen,A., Jansen,P., Numans,M., & Brinkkemper,S. (in press). General practitioners’ attitudes towards decision-supported prescribing: an analysis of the Dutch primary care sector. Health Informatics Journal.  662k v. 2 Dec 4, 2012, 9:02 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Drenth-van Maanen,C., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., Jansen,P., & Knol,W (In press). Computerized decision support improves medication review effectiveness: an experiment evaluating the STRIP Assistant’s usability. Drugs & Aging.  220k v. 2 May 19, 2015, 9:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., & Jansen,P. (2015). STRIPA: a rule-based decision support system for medication reviews in primary care. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems. Münster, Germany.  302k v. 2 May 19, 2015, 9:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Willeboordse,F., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., Knol,W., Jansen,P., & Askari,M. (2016). Efficiency of clinical decision support systems improves with experience. Journal of Medical Systems. [ISI impact factor: 2.213]  1011k v. 2 Jan 24, 2016, 3:48 AM Marco Spruit
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Nieuwerth, J., Spruit, M., Zijlstra, D. (forthcoming). Infrastructure as a Service – Adoption Capability Assessment. In: Demirkan, H., Spohrer, J., Krishna, V. (eds.), The Science of Service Systems volume of Service Science: Research and Innovations (SSRI) in the Service Economy.    208k v. 4 Dec 2, 2009, 7:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Omta,W., Egan,D., Spruit,M., & Brinkkemper,S. (Submitted). Information Architecture in High Throughput Screening: High Content Analysis, Architecture and Knowledge Discovery. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies . HCist'2012, Algarve, Portugal, 1-3 October, 2012.   372k v. 3 Jun 8, 2012, 12:43 AM Marco Spruit
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Haasbroek,J., & Spruit,M. (2015). De ideale docent anno 2015: Docentgedrag en studenttevredenheid binnen het universitaire bachelor onderwijs. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015. Leiden.  119k v. 2 Jun 19, 2015, 6:27 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., Visee,Y., & Jong,E. de (2015). DIA: het Docent-ICT Adoptie raamwerk - Verbinden van onderwijsvormen en onderwijstechnieken via onderwijstaken. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2015. Leiden.  822k v. 2 Jun 19, 2015, 6:27 AM Marco Spruit
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Otten, S., Spruit, M. (submitted 25/05/2011). Linguistic engineering and its applicability to business intelligence: towards an integrated framework. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR) 2011, 26-29 October 2011, Paris, France.  611k v. 2 May 25, 2011, 11:56 AM Marco Spruit
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Peersman,H., Batenburg,R., & Spruit,M. (In press). Preventing credit card data breaches. A framework of critical indicators. IFIP TC11 Conference on IT Assurance and Audit. VU University Amsterdam, May 13-14, 2013.  467k v. 2 Apr 29, 2013, 5:42 AM Marco Spruit
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Stroe,A., Koelemeijer,S, & Spruit,M. (Submitted). Hoe volwassen zijn PMO’s op het gebied van business intelligence (BI) en corporate performance management (CPM) ter ondersteuning van de meest belangrijke processen?. Controller Magazine.  366k v. 2 Nov 27, 2012, 6:49 AM Marco Spruit
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Polman, T., Spruit, M. (submitted: 25/08/2011). Integrating knowledge engineering and data mining in e-commerce fraud prediction. Integrating knowledge engineering and data mining in e-commerce fraud prediction. 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Mykonos, 21-23 September 2011.  53k v. 2 Aug 27, 2011, 12:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Pachidi, S. & Spruit, M. (submitted). Mining Performance Knowledge in User Logs. WSKS 2012, 20-22 June, 2012, Rome, Italy.  528k v. 3 May 22, 2012, 2:27 PM Marco Spruit
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Pachidi,S., & Spruit,M. (In press). The Performance Mining method: Extracting performance knowledge from software operation data. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research.  596k v. 2 Mar 6, 2015, 4:26 AM Marco Spruit
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Pachidi,S., Spruit,M., & Weerd,I. van der (In press). Understanding Users' Behavior with Software Operation Data Mining. Computers in Human Behavior, Special Issue: ICTs for Human Capital. [ISI impact factor: 2.293]  629k v. 2 Jul 27, 2013, 1:08 PM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M. (2013). Selecting data quality dimensions: towards a business impacts assessment. Proceedings of the 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2013).   296k v. 2 Jul 6, 2013, 12:56 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M., Abdat, N. (submitted 14/10/2011). The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA), IGI Global.  537k v. 2 Oct 14, 2011, 2:23 PM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Bruijn,W. de (in press). CITS:The Cost of IT Security Framework. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy. Accepted 12/12/12.  742k v. 2 Dec 12, 2012, 2:21 PM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Boer,T. de (In press). Business Intelligence as a Service: A Vendor’s Approach . International Journal of Business Intelligence Research.  1383k v. 3 Feb 8, 2017, 8:50 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Cepoi,A. (2015). CIRA: A competitive intelligence reference architecture for dynamic solutions. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval. Lisbon, Portugal.  949k v. 3 Nov 5, 2015, 7:22 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit, M.R., Heeringa, W., Nerbonne, J. (t.a. 2008). Associations among linguistic levels. Lingua, Special issue on Syntactic databases.   2566k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Jagesar,R. (In press). Power to the People! Meta-algorithmic modelling in Applied data science. In Fred,A., & Filipe,J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Porto, Portugal.  395k v. 4 Nov 27, 2016, 2:15 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Lammertink,M. (In press). Effective and efficient business intelligence dashboard design: Gestalt theory in Dutch long-term and chronic healthcare. In Lytras,M., & Papadopoulou,P. (Eds.), Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine. IGI Global.  670k v. 2 Feb 6, 2017, 7:31 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Pietzka,K. (In press). MD3M: The Master Data Management Maturity Model. Computers in Human Behavior. [ISI impact factor: 2.273]  139k v. 2 Sep 8, 2014, 8:23 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Roeling,M. (2014). ISFAM: the Information Security Focus Area Maturity model. 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, June 9-11, 2014, Tel Aviv.   1060k v. 2 Mar 30, 2014, 3:50 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Roeling,M. (2014). ISFAM: the Information Security Focus Area Maturity model. 22nd European Conference on Information Systems. Tel Aviv, Israel.  1060k v. 2 Apr 8, 2014, 12:13 PM Marco Spruit
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Sacu, C., Spruit, M. (2010). Data Warehouse (DW) Maturity Assessment Questionnaire. Technical report UU-CS-2010-021, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University.  217k v. 2 Jan 11, 2011, 6:16 AM Marco Spruit

Sacu, C., Spruit, M. (submitted 19/02/2010). BIMM: The Business Intelligence maturity model. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 8- 12 June, 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.  393k v. 2 Feb 26, 2010, 4:47 AM Marco Spruit
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Sacu, C., Spruit, M. (2010). BIDM: The Business Intelligence development model. Technical report UU-CS-2010-010, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University. 14 pages.  504k v. 2 Jun 30, 2010, 2:38 AM Marco Spruit
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Smeitink, M., Spruit, M. (accepted 21/12/2011). IT sustainability measures: the Strategic Green Ontology. In Ordoñez de Pablos, P. (ed.), Green Technologies and Business Practices: An IT Approach, IGI Global.    870k v. 5 Dec 21, 2011, 2:55 AM Marco Spruit
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Smeitink, M., Spruit, M. (submitted 13/09/2011). Maturity for Sustainability in IT: Introducing the MITS. In: Córdoba Pachón (ed.), Special Issue On: IT goes Green: Systemic Approaches to IT Policy Making, Design, Evaluation and Management, International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA), IGI Global.  704k v. 3 Apr 5, 2012, 3:03 AM Marco Spruit
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Snijders,R., & Spruit,M. (in press). Towards Improved Music Recommendation: Using Blogs And Micro-Blogs. International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management.  487k v. 2 Jan 10, 2014, 11:32 PM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Sacu,C. (2015). DWCMM: The Data Warehouse Capability Maturity Model. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1508-1534.  306k v. 2 Jan 4, 2016, 4:07 AM Marco Spruit
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Syed,S., Spruit,M., & Borit,M. (2016). Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities. In Fred,A., & Filipe,J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 189–196). November 11-13, 2016, Porto, Portugal: ScitePress.  852k v. 3 Nov 22, 2016, 6:54 AM Marco Spruit
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Stroe,A., Spruit,M., Koelemeijer,S., & Beltman,B. (2016). PMOMM: The Project Management Office Maturity Model. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 7(3), 47-61.  397k v. 2 Oct 26, 2016, 9:04 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Vroon,R. (2013). Information needs in the Dutch long-term care sector. Proceedings of the 6th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2013).  340k v. 2 Jul 6, 2013, 12:56 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Vlug,B. (2015). Effective and Efficient Classification of Topically-Enriched Domain-Specific Text Snippets. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 6(3), 1-17.  1850k v. 2 Aug 25, 2015, 2:05 AM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., Vroon,R., & Batenburg,R. (In press). Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: an explorative case study in the Netherlands. Computers in Human Behavior, Special Issue: ICTs for Human Capital, Submitted 9/1/2013. [ISI impact factor: 2.293]  621k v. 2 Jul 27, 2013, 1:08 PM Marco Spruit
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Spruit,M., & Wester,W. (2013). RFID Security and Privacy: Threats and Countermeasures. Technical report UU-CS-2013-001, Utrecht University.  247k v. 2 Jan 2, 2013, 4:33 AM Marco Spruit
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Toledo,C. van, & Spruit,M. (In press). Adopting privacy regulations in a data warehouse: A case of the anonimity versus utility dilemma. In Fred,A., & Filipe,J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Porto, Portugal.  515k v. 2 Oct 9, 2016, 3:04 AM Marco Spruit
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Tijssen, R., Spruit, M., Ridder, M. van de, Raaij, B. van (submitted). BI-FIT : The fit between Business Intelligence end-users, tasks and technologies. Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS'2009), Ofir, Portugal, 7-9 October 2009.   650k v. 2 Apr 8, 2009, 1:44 AM Marco Spruit
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Tijssen, R., Spruit, M., Ridder, M. van de, Raaij, B. van (2010). BI-FIT: Aligning Business Intelligence end-users, tasks and technologies. In: Cruz-Cunha, M., Varajão, J. (eds.), Enterprise Information Systems Design, Implementation and Management: Organizational Applications, pp. 162-177, IGI Global.  173k v. 2 Sep 15, 2010, 5:55 AM Marco Spruit
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Vleugel, A., Spruit, M., Daal, A. van (forthcoming). Historical data analysis through data mining from an outsourcing perspective: the three-phases method. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR).  1653k v. 3 Nov 20, 2009, 6:11 AM Marco Spruit
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Weeghel, R. van, Spruit, M (submitted 25/01/2010). Using IT to Optimize Corporate Strategy for Dutch Notaries. IADIS Information Systems 2010, Porto, Portugal, 18 - 20 March 2010.  134k v. 2 Feb 1, 2010, 4:56 AM Marco Spruit
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Wasmann, M., Spruit, M. (resubmitted 22/06/2011). Performance Management within Social Network Sites: The Social Network Intelligence Process Method. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR).   728k v. 3 Jun 22, 2011, 8:32 AM Marco Spruit
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Weeghel, R. van, Spruit, M. (submitted 15/04/2011). Corporate Strategy Optimization for Dutch Notaries with the use of IT. Special issue of the International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM).   166k v. 4 Apr 15, 2011, 1:58 AM Marco Spruit
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Published Open Access version of: Weeghel, R. van, Spruit, M. (2012). Corporate Strategy Optimization for Dutch Notaries with the use of IT. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM) 4(1), 317-325.  125k v. 2 Nov 22, 2011, 6:55 AM Marco Spruit
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Wijaya, S., Spruit, M., Scheper, W. (2008). Webstrategy Formulation: benefiting from web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values. In: Lytras, M., Damiani, E., Ordóñez de Pablos, P. (eds), Web 2.0: The Business Model, Springer, 103-132.  441k v. 2 Jan 8, 2009, 7:36 AM Marco Spruit
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Wijaya, S., Spruit, M., Scheper, W. (2008). Webstrategy Formulation: benefiting from web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values. In: Lytras, M. et al. (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5288, Official Proceedings of the First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 373–384.   237k v. 3 Oct 20, 2008, 5:09 AM Marco Spruit
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Wijaya, S., Spruit, M., Scheper, W., Versendaal, J. (t.a. 2010). Web 2.0-based Webstrategies for Three Different Types of Organizations. Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier [Impact factor 2008: 1.767].  513k v. 2 Jan 20, 2010, 5:18 AM Marco Spruit