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Below are some conference presentations which I didn't present myself, but which were presentations of papers which I co-authored.
  1. Baseline characteristics and external validity of older multimorbid patients with polypharmacy and general practitioners enrolled in a randomized controlled primary care trial (Jungo). 92nd European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) Meeting. 30 April -1 May 2021, online.
  2. STRIPA.EU: A Federated Databases Backed Clinical Decision Support System to Support Medication Reviews in Multiple Countries (Shen). ICT.OPEN 2016Intelligent Systems track. 24 March 2016, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
  3. Digital inclusion of flood affected communities to close the last mile data gap and to create actionable information for an improved preparedness and response (Homberg). UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 27 January 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
  4. The Social Score: determining the relative importance of webpages based on online social signals (Buijs). 6th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). 22 October 2014, Rome,Italy.
  5. POMP: Polyfarmacie Optimalisatie Methode Platform (Meulendijk). ICT Delta 2011, November 16, 2011, Delft, Netherlands.
  6. Linguistic engineering and its applicability to business intelligence: towards an integrated framework (Otten). International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). October 28, 2011, Paris, France.
  7. The Situational Assessment Method Put to the Test: Improvements Based on Case Studies (Bekkers). 4th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM). Sydney, Australia, September 27, 2010.
  8. Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a Mean of Bolstering Up Knowledge Management in Non-Profit Organizations (Bebensee). 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Famalicão, Portugal, 3 September 2010.
  9. A Framework for Process Improvement in Software Product Management (Bekkers). European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI), Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, 2 September 2010.
  10. Using IT to Optimize Corporate Strategy for Dutch Notaries (Weeghel). IADIS Information Systems 2010, Porto, Portugal, 18 - 20 March 2010.
  11. Bridging the gap between Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Computing Principles (Kormaris). Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Charles University, Prague, July 7-9,  2010.
  12. A Situational Assessment Method For Software Product Management (Bekkers). 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010), Pretoria, South Africa. June 8, 2010.
  13. BIDM: The Business Intelligence development model (Sacu). 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 8-12 June, 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
  14. Business Intelligence FIT: The fit between Business Intelligence end-users, tasks and technologies (Tijssen). Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS'2009), Ofir, Portugal, October 8, 2009.
  15. Identifying the Cost of Security (Bruijn). AIS SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP 2008), Paris, France, December 13, 2008.
  16. Web 2.0 Revealed - Business Model Innovation through Social Computing (Knol). Seventh AIS SIGeBIZ Workshop on e-business (WeB 2008), Paris, France, December 13, 2008.
  17. Developing a Reference Method for Knowledge Auditing (Helms). 7th Conference of Practical Aspects on Knowledge Management (PAKM 2008), Yokohama, Japan, November 21, 2008.
  18. Webstrategy Formulation: benefiting from web 2.0 concepts to deliver business values (Knol). First World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2008), Athens, Greece, September 25, 2008.