Below are the 31 projects — representing a grand total of EUR 2,919,911 in allocated research resources — that have driven my research efforts over the years, ordered anti-chronologically by awarded/requested amount.
Granted:31Not granted:42

2022-09-15 08:05:13 (GMT)


  1. EUR 50,000: Heterogeneous NLP in Mental Health (PreProMMF). (2022 – 2022).
      Description: External PhD research on natural language processing in mental health: detection, prediction and promotion with multilingual, multimodal and federated techniques.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Arab Academy of Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AAST)
      Remark: Financed as a 60% lecturer – 40% researcher contract.
  2. EUR 60,000: VIrtual Patients and Population Dataset (VIP). (2021 – 2022).
      Description: Partial PhD funding for 1.5 research years.
      Type: Educational innovation.
      Financer(s): LUMC Interprofessional Education (IPE) programme
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M., & Szuhai,K.
      Remark: Project Raamplan Implementatie Artsopleiding (PRIMA) 2020 working group deliverable wrt Theme 5 on Big Data and AI.
  3. EUR 0: A Telling Story (ATS). (2020 – 2024).
      Description: Mindreading with NLP, including 1 fulltime PhD project.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Max van Duijn's NWO/VENI
      Applicant(s): Duijn,M. van
  4. EUR 0: Prediction of Type II Diabetes Progression: Data to bedside (DATA2BEDSIDE). (2021 – 2025).
      Description: Reusing routinely collected data from regional GP offices (ELAN-GP) to create a clinical decision support tool to identify disease progression risk levels in Type Two Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Kingdom of Saudi Arabia scholarship
  5. EUR 0: Scenario planning for Population Health Management (PHA). (2021 – 2025).
      Description: Maturity modelling for situational data infrastructure and scenario planning towards appropriate regional intelligence.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Q-Consult Zorg
  6. EUR 255,000: "Computing Visits Data" for Dutch Natural Language Processing in Mental Healthcare (COVIDA). (2019 – 2022).
      Description: 1 two-year postdoc, 1 parttime scientific programmer, infrastructure.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Alliance Fund UU-UMCU-TU/e
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M., Scheepers,F., & Kaymak,U. et al
      Remark: Grant total: 492K EUR
  7. EUR 250,000: OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly (OPERAM). (2015).
      Description: PhD Project and postdoc position in WP2: Software Tool for Optimising Medication.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): PHC 17-2014: Comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the elderly
      Applicant(s): Rodondi,N. et al.
      Remark: EU project 634238; grant total: 6.6M EUR
  8. EUR 112,000: STRIMP: Implementatie van de STRIP Assistent ter verbetering van de STRIP medicatiebeoordeling (STRIMP). (Tue Aug 01 2017 09:00:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)).
      Description: Programmer for two years to integrate the STRIP Assistant within Dutch daily primary care.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): ZonMW/Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen – Stimulering Toepassing In de Praktijk (GGG – STIP Ronde 3)
      Applicant(s): Wit,N. de, & Spruit,M. et al.
      Remark: Complete grant total: 350K EUR
  9. EUR 300,000: Geiger Cybersecurity Counter (GEIGER). (Mon Jan 20 2020 09:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)).
      Description: PhD position and SR time: Develop a personalised metric for an SME's cybersecurity threat level, and develop a knowledge graph for the cybersecurity domain.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Horizon2020: Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises
      Applicant(s): Fricker,S. et al.
      Remark: EU project 883588; grant total: 4.8M EUR
  10. EUR 278,400: Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an innovative cyber- SECurity framework (SMESEC). (2016/08/25 – 2017).
      Description: PhD position and SR time: Develop one overarching and personalized maturity model for incremental organizational capability improvement throughout all security domains.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): H2020-DS-2016-2017: Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
      Applicant(s): Diaz,R. et al.
      Remark: EU project 740787; Complete grant total: 5.6M EUR
  11. EUR 200,000: Text Analytics for 21st Century Fisheries (TAF21). (2014/04/08 – 2015).
      Description: PhD Project for Early Stage Researcher (ESR) 7 at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-ETN)
      Applicant(s): Borit, M. et al.
      Remark: EU project 642080; grant total: 2.7M EUR
  12. EUR 200,000: Psychiatry Research Analytics InfraStructurE (PRAISE). (2015).
      Description: PhD Project in the Big Data Psychiatry Doorbraak programme.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): UMC Utrecht
  13. EUR 200,000: Fair Data and context ArchiTEcture (FeDerATE). (2015).
      Description: PhD Project on data stewardship focusing on research reproducibility and interactive data analytics in the *omics domains.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Utrecht University IT Services (UU-ITS) / Utrecht Bioinformatics Centre (UBC)
  14. EUR 22,110: Optimising PharmacoTherapy In the multimorbid elderly in Primary CAre: a cluster randomised controlled trial (OPTICA). (2016/07/17 – 2016/12/12).
      Description: Research Plan NRP 74 “Smarter Health Care” Division IV, National Research Programmes (NRP).
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): SNF: Swiss National Science Foundation
      Applicant(s): Rodondi,N., Streit,S., Schwenkglenk,M., Trelle,S., Spruit,M., & Schilling,G.
      Remark: Complete grant total: 475K EUR
  15. EUR 200,000: STRIP Assistant (STRIPA). (2010 – 2014).
      Description: PhD Project on the Systematic Tool to Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing (STRIP) Assistant is an online decision support platform integrated in GPISs to support general practitioners with optimising polypharmacy in elderly patients through periodical prescription reviews..
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Expertise centre Pharmacotherapy in Elderly (EPHOR), UU-ICS, & Spru IT bv
  16. EUR 1: Applied data science in de psychiatrische praktijk (PsyADS). (2017/09/05 – 2017/12/01).
      Description: Implementation project.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Kwaliteit van Zorg: Actieonderzoek Innovatieve Zorg
      Applicant(s): Scheepers et al.
      Remark: Complete grant total: 300K EUR
  17. EUR 200,000: CEll SCreening Architecture & Analytics (CESCA). (2011 – 2016).
      Description: PhD Project on an online platform for high content screening and cloud-based data analysis services for drug target discovery and validation, leads discovery and optimization, and the assessment of cellular toxicity.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): UMC Utrecht / UU-ICS
  18. EUR 100,000: PhD Project SAM-SPM (SAM). (2009 – 2012/11/13).
      Description: External PhD research (completed) on how software product management (SPM) practices can be improved in a situational manner.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Software quality group, Centric IT Solutions
      Remark: Financed as a 60% business – 40% research contract.
  19. EUR 50,000: PhD Project Data Spaces (Data Spaces). (2012 – 2016).
      Description: External PhD research on a Data Space architecture.
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Ministry of Security and Justice
      Remark: Financed as a 80% business – 20% research contract.
  20. EUR 50,000: Text Analytics Innovations in Life Sciences & Health (TAILS). (2016).
      Description: External PhD research on text analytics based innovations from both machine learning and computational linguistics perspectives to better understand their specific added values throughout the broad application domain of personalised medicine..
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): Arab Academy of Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AAST)
      Remark: Financed as a 60% lecturer – 40% researcher contract.
  21. EUR 80,000: Real-time Speech Analytic Systems for HR dialogue support (SpeechAS). (2017/02/01 – 2017/03/01).
      Description: Real-time speech recognition app for Real-time dialogue enrichment within a Human Resources context.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): P-Direct
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M., & Brinkhuis,M.
      Remark: Financed as a 40% researcher – 60% employee contract.
  22. EUR 100,000: BeHapp: using the smartphone to longitudinally monitor adolescent social behavior in real life (BeHapp-DoY). (2015/05/01 – 2015/07/08).
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Utrecht University Strategic Theme Dynamics of Youth (DoY) 2015
      Applicant(s): Kas,M.
  23. EUR 30,000: PhD Project UBIL (UBIL). (2014).
      Description: External PhD research on a unified business intelligence language (UBIL) for vendor and technology independent BI-chain modeling through a data lineage framework..
      Type: Research collaboration.
      Financer(s): CSB-System Benelux, Kadenza
      Remark: Financed as a 80% business – 20% research contract. Quit in 2016.
  24. EUR 50,000: Social Network Forensics (SNF). (2013 – 2014).
      Description: Inter-ethnic relations and ethnic identity of Dutch adolescents in offline and online networks based on the Linguistic Engineering for Business Intelligence (LEBI) framework.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Utrecht University Strategic Theme Dynamics of Youth (DoY) 2014
      Applicant(s): Corten,R., Helms,R., Spruit,M., Tubergen,F. van, & Brinkkemper,S.
      Remark: Seed fund for UU strategic theme Dynamics of Youth
  25. EUR 50,000: Polypharmacy Optimisation Method Platform (POMP). (2010 – 2011).
      Description: Feasibility study on a knowledge platform to assist physicians, especially general practitioners, in optimising polypharmacy in elderly patients.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Agentschap NL/SBIR
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.
      Remark: Small Business Innovation Research programme
  26. EUR 40,000: Situational Process Improvement in Cybersecurity (SPICY). (2012 – 2013).
      Description: Feasibility study on an incremental organisation-senstive maturity model for cybersecurity risk management to provide SMEs with easy, fast and understandable advise to become more aware and improve their overall security.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Agentschap NL/SBIR
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.
      Remark: Small Business Innovation Research programme
  27. EUR 16,650: ISMIR 2010 (ISMIR). (2010 – 2010).
      Description: As the ISMIR 2010 Sponsoring Chair I acquired funds for the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Gracenote, Microsoft research, Philips research, Google, Taylor & Francis, NWO, Utrecht municipality, Province of Utrecht, & SIKS.
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.
  28. EUR 15,000: Curriculum Planning app (CURP). (2014 – 2014).
      Description: Development of an interactive serious game to support collaborative curriculum course design for education management, staff and students.
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Utrechts Stimuleringsfonds Onderwijs
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.
  29. EUR 5,000: CURsus Planning app - Rev1 (CURP1.1). (2015/09/03).
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): Utrechts Stimuleringsfonds Onderwijs 2015
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.
      Remark: CURP2 budget on hold until CURP1 is used in daily practice throughout departments
  30. EUR 5,000: A text mining approach to interest development (INTERESTM). (2019/05/14).
      Type: Competitive funding.
      Financer(s): UU focus area Applied Data Science
      Applicant(s): Akkerman,S., Spruit,M.
  31. EUR 750: PhD Bursary award (ALLC). (2005).
      Description: For innovative research in Humanities Computing.
      Type: Competitive award.
      Financer(s): Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC)
      Applicant(s): Spruit,M.