Translational Data Science in Population Health

Please refer to my Research Projects page for active projects.

Marco’s strategic research objective is to establish an authoritative national infrastructure for Dutch Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to democratise Data Science. He focuses in particular on the Population Health and Wellbeing domain in his Translational Data Science Lab.

Marco leads the research line Translational Data Science in Population Health at the Health Campus The Hague. This research line has three themes.
  1. In Data Engineering he investigates the further consolidation, standardisation and enrichment of the Extramural LUMC Academic Network (ELAN) data infrastructure, in line with national initiatives and in collaboration with his PHEG colleagues.
  2. In Data Analytics he investigates Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques for their suitability to answer current and novel types of translational research questions, especially from a democratising Data Science perspective, in collaboration with his LIACS colleagues.
  3. In e-Health Implementation Marco designs and implements Data Science interventions through e-Health software solutions within the region in close collaboration with the Campus partners.
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