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Welzijn.AI at the Dutch AI Parade

posted Nov 19, 2022, 11:14 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Nov 19, 2022, 11:15 AM ]
© Dall•E 2 “A chatbot talks about wellbeing with the vulnerable elderly.”
Last week I discussed my plans for the Welzijn.AI chatbot with a diverse and interested audience at the AI Parade Dialogue at the City Library Kennemerwaard in Alkmaar De Mare. One highlight was the breakout session in which the participants prioritised the chatbot's Top-7 antropomorphic characteristics. A Personal Approach and The Chatbot Establishes A Social Relationship with You scored best, followed by Showing And Sensing Emotions. Interaction was lively, authentic and quite different from the typical students audience. Worthwhile! Thanks again to the Netherlands Patients Federation for organising this evening.