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Hello Leiden!

posted Dec 1, 2020, 6:45 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Jan 14, 2021, 11:52 AM ]
Today is my first day as Professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health at the Public Health & Primary Care (PHEG) department of the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) of the Faculty of Science (W&N)! Apart from being a great milestone in itself, here is my TOP-3 of Unique Selling Points why I am particularly excited:
  1. It is a formal DUAL APPOINTMENT, meaning that am appointed at both LUMC as well as LIACS. This makes me the official linking pin for the many upcoming collaborations at the junction of data science and natural language processing in healthcare.
  2. In Leiden, my new colleagues have developed over the last years the LARGEST POPULATION DATASET in the Netherlands, with access to anonimised health records of 500K+ patients, using the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) as its Trusted Third Party. Pure gold!
  3. My primary affiliation is within a MULTIDISCIPLINARY setting on the campus The Hague: the Population Health Living Lab (PHLL). This is a so-called QUADRUPLE HELIX fieldlab, where Academia, Industry, Citizens, and Government all collaborate.
I'd like to thank everyone at Utrecht University for the many inspiring informal encounters, personal development programmes and research collaborations that I have had with many of you throughout these... 13 years. I have learned a bunch and it was a lot of fun!

But from now on, it is... Hello Leiden!

PS: I find it truly amazing to discover that my announcement on LinkedIn has been read over 13,000 times already after just one week!