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Dr. Yigit Ozkan: Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment and Standardisation

posted Jul 12, 2022, 1:07 AM by Marco Spruit
Today Bilge Yigit Ozkan defended her dissertation Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment and Standardisation at Utrecht's Academiegebouw. Her opponents had many interesting and though questions for her, but she stood her ground firmly. In short, she did really well👍

From the summary: This dissertation investigates cybersecurity maturity assessment and cybersecurity standardisation to improve organisations' cybersecurity. We state our research objective as follows: To support the improvement of organisations' cybersecurity by means of maturity assessment and standardisation. To guide our research project, we pose our main research question as “How can we integrate cybersecurity maturity assessment and cybersecurity standardisation to provide tailored support for organisations in their cybersecurity improvement efforts?”.

My personal Top 3 highlights of Bilge's dissertation are (1) the ETSI Technical Report on Cybersecurity Essentials for SMEs (CH6), the working ASMAS prototype (CH7), and (3) the Elsevier impact Journal of Intellectual Capital publication on adaptive maturity modelling.