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Dr. Lefebvre: Research Data Management for Open Science

posted Mar 15, 2021, 10:24 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Mar 15, 2021, 10:25 AM ]
Today Armel Lefebvre defended his dissertation Research Data Management for Open Science. Unfortunately, in completely online COVID19-proof fashion. Nevertheless, Armel passionately, competently and confidently defended his PhD research! Coincidentally, Armel's dissertation is the first Ph.D. thesis in which I am credited in the role of promotor (instead of being listed as co-promotor).

From the back cover: "This dissertation maps out the challenges in the current practices in science regarding reproducibility and data sharing in research. First, we identify the main stakeholders in the context of open science in Dutch academia. Next, we analyze research practices in the aspects of reproducibility and data management in both the actual laboratory context and scientific publications. We discuss particularly the threats that laboratories would face in the future without the assistance of proper research data management strategies. Finally, we focus on the future of scholarly communication and discuss how research object technology and open science readiness can contribute to open and more reproducible scientific practices."

I bet we will hear much more in coming years with the scholarly discourse about the concepts which Armel introduces in this work, especially Laboratory Forensics and Open Science Readiness... Stay tuned!
