MS2015-04: Privacy regulations implementation design in a DWH context

posted Nov 24, 2015, 7:30 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Feb 2, 2016, 8:55 AM ]
The IT departement of Utrecht University is looking for a master student (MBI or COSC) with affinity for datawarehousing to help think of and then possibly implement a permanent solution for their BI Reporting systems in compliance with anonimisation regulations (Wet Persoonsgegevens). Basically, if n<10 then resulting items of queries should not be reported due to its tracability to individuals. One solution could be to design a separate Authorisation layer and/or to utilise database VIEWs to implement the realtime itemcount filters. Or integrate an external data virtualisation module? Or would implementing it in the current Business Objects environment with a dynamic HAVING clause do?

Your task is to desk research the problem space, interview key stakeholders, design a solution, and then validate it, either by implementation or focus group confirmation.

This assignment can possibly also be taken as a master thesis project. Contact Marco for more info.