MS2018-03: Automatic Text Summarization from Grant Applications

posted Mar 23, 2018, 2:06 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated May 18, 2018, 1:22 AM ]
  • Full title: Automatic Text Summarization of Research Data Management Strategies from Grant Applications With Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL) approaches 
  • Focus: Data science applied to research grants 
  • Type of research: simulation, experiment, design science, text mining, information retrieval
  • Collaboration: This project conducted in collaboration with IDFUSE ( ), it is not an internship but a full-time research project at the UU. The collaboration with IDFUSE fosters exchange of data (i.e. real research grant applications from researchers) and knowledge (effective NPL/DL approaches). IDFUSE developed an IT application to help researchers improve the impact of their proposal by evaluating specific aspects of the knowledge utilization paragraphs (see In this project, similar analyzes will be extended to data management paragraphs
See the attached text for more info.

--Armel and Marco
Marco Spruit,
Mar 23, 2018, 2:06 AM