MS2012-08: Business intelligence in large municipalities

posted Sep 18, 2012, 8:15 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Jan 28, 2013, 5:00 AM ]
Company C focuses primarily on in-memory multidimensional database technology. Smart BI/CPM technology that offers the most business value to organisations. It is a certified partner of Jedox and offers certified Jedox training. Jedox is a leading and award winning OLAP BI/CPM software company. Company C has several opportunities for graduation projects but is also open to any ideas you may have. 

Company C is especially looking for a student to research the maturity of the use of business intelligence/ performance management within large municipalities related to all their planning & control activities. You will develop a model and corresponding instrument that measures planning & control related information for all identified processes. Part of the research result may serve as input for the realization of a standard solution for integrated planning & control at municipalities.

Contact Marco for more info.