MS2009-4: RFID Security

posted Jul 1, 2009, 2:06 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Dec 14, 2009, 9:01 AM ]
RFID is being rapidly deployed for various applications and scenarios, for example, asset tracking and monitoring supply chain management, automated payment, physical access control, counterfeit prevention, and smart homes and offices. Accenture is actively partnering with RFID vendors to deploy RFID solutions for a wide variety of clients and market segments. However, security and privacy in RFID is assuming significant importance. A recent example is the breach in security in OV chipkaart, the Dutch RFID public transit card.
The project aims to understand the security and privacy aspects of RFID tags and how they can be integrated with current offerings to better support our clients. 
The assignment is to:
  • Determine scenarios for RFID security with respect to different markets - banking, public infrastructure, shopping.
  • Analyze current RFID security products and solutions.
  • Determine the ability to integrate security with current RFID architecture and applications.
  • Develop a roadmap for market demands and opportunities for RFID security within 2 - 5 - 10 years.
In a nutshell, this project aims to understand the security and privacy aspects of RFID tags and how they can be integrated with current offerings to better support our clients.

Start date: September 2009
Type: external (Amsterdam)
Contact: Marco