MS2009-3: From musicological prototypes to software product line

posted Jun 4, 2009, 1:22 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Mar 23, 2010, 8:31 AM ]

How to progress from a Music Information Retrieval (MIR) software prototype(s) to a commercial software product (line).

This assignment applies the Reference framework for SPM in the innovative MIR context of the WITCHCRAFT project, and may also involve the development of a Process-Deliverable-Diagramme (PDD) in Method Engineering terms which details every phase. The 8+ (eHumanities) prototypes have been developed in the context of the Catch programme. Example prototypes are YahMuugle and Dutch Songs On Line. But... Now that several conceptual software prototypes have been created, what to do with them? What is needed to move beyond prototype, at what cost, requiring which activities. Etc. You figure it out.

You may also extend your research scope to include an exploration of viable business models, i.e. how to actually make money from the product (line) once the prototype phase has been superseded. Perhaps something along the lines of Buma/Stemra voorziet geen problemen met Google? See also Modeling of Product Software Businesses for possible inspiration.

Start date: a.s.a.p. (Sept 2009)
Type: external
Contact: Marco
Requirements: affinity with cultural heritage