MS2009-10: Preparing the Prescribing Optimisation Method Platform (POMP)

posted Oct 19, 2009, 7:55 AM by Marco Spruit   [ updated Jan 13, 2011, 1:09 AM ]
This thesis research entails prepatory work in anticipation of project funding of the POMP research proposal. Here's the abstract:

The Prescribing Optimisation Method Platform (POMP) outlines our vision to further contribute to more efficient and effective geriatric care through integration of state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT). We define efficiency in terms of timeliness, effort, and financial costs, whereas effectiveness indicates the prevention of drug-related problems.

The current proposal extends and builds upon the Prescribing Optimisation Method (POM) which assists physicians, especially general practitioners (GPs), in optimising polypharmacy in elderly patients, and has been proven to significantly increase geriatric care quality.

The main goal of the POMP project is to develop, validate and deploy a knowledge sharing and discovery platform for geriatric care through a self-learning and collaborative implementation of the POM. The objective is operationalised by partitioning the work into four types of activities: implementation, integration, optimisation and validation.

KEYWORDS: polypharmacy, geriatrics, prototyping, data mining, information systems

The precise perspective for your MSc thesis is open for discussion. Possibities include:
  • Perform a feasibility analysis using the TELOS (Technical, Economic, Legal, Operational, Schedule) method or comparable techniques,to inventory and analyse system integration and information extraction initiatives (the medical domain is still somewhat unchartered territory) [Om-U, Gaston, IPCI, LSP, etc] and advice on how to optimally capitalise on the bodies of knowledge?
  • investigating the consirable chain information system integration challenges
  • Explore knowledge discovery techniques (e.g. Comparing medical data mining methods)
One notable Unique Selling Point of this assignment is the possibility to continue research on this topic as a PhD student (upon awarded project funding and upon successful completion of this prepatory master thesis research).

Type: external (UMC)
Contact: Marco
Requirements: affinity with medical informatics
