This course deals with computer science (CS) aspects of social network analysis (SNA), and is open to all students in the master computer science programme at Leiden University. If you want to participate in the 2024 edition and are in a different programme, then you should contact the lecturer in advance.

Course information

Lectures: Fridays from 9:00 to 10:45 in Gorlaeus room BM1.33
Lab sessions: Fridays from 11:00 to 12:45 in Gorlaeus room DM0.09 an DM0.13
Prerequisites: a CS bachelor with courses on Algorithms, Data Structures and Data Mining
Literature: provided papers and book chapters (free and digitally available)
Examination: based on presentation, paper, programming, peer review and participation (no exam)
Brightspace link: 2425-S1 Social Network Analysis for Computer Scientists
Study guide link: Social Network Analysis for Computer Scientists
Study points: 6 ECTS

Lecturer: dr. Frank Takes (, room BE 3.07)
Assistant Lecturer: dr. Vincent Traag (
Assistants: Rachel de Jong (head TA; room BE 3.03), dr. Francesco Bariatti (room BE 3.09), Hanjo Boekhout (room BE 3.23), Tiago Cumetti, Jakob Lindscheid and Jan Żuromski

Need help? Ask your questions during the lab sessions. If it is more urgent, walk by the lecturer or assistant's offices. If they are not around, contact

[Network visualization image]

Network with 1458 nodes and 1948 edges.

Course schedule

  Date Lecture (9:00-10:45) Lab session (11:00-12:45)
1. Fri Sep 6, 2024 Lecture 0: Course information
Lecture 1: Introduction
Introduction to Gephi
Work on Assignment 1
2. Fri Sep 13, 2024 ... ...

Mon Sep 30, 2024

Deadline for Assignment 1 (AoE; hand in via Brightspace)

... ... ... ...

Mon Oct 28, 2024

Deadline for Assignment 2 (AoE; hand in via Brightspace)

... . .. ... ...

Dec 15, 2024

Deadline for final Course Project paper and accompanying code (AoE; hand in via Brightspace)

Dec 17, 2024 Deadline for retake assignment to replace failed assignment(s) (AoE; hand in via email)
Dec 20, 2024 Course end. Grades are sent to student administration.
Jan 31, 2025 Course project retake deadline

Reading material

Some students have expressed interest in additional reading material to help freshen up on skills and knowledge required for this course.

Past editions

The course was also given in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.