Current PhD students
- Jia-Huei (Dylan) Ju, co-supervised with Andrew Yates in the Hybrid Intelligence consortium (2024-now, UvA)
- Jujia Zhao, co-supervised by Zhaochun Ren: Integrating search and recommendation with generative models (2024-now, LIACS)
- Anna Langedijk, co-supervised by Gijs Wijnholds: Analysing negation in Large Language Models (2024-now, LIACS)
- Ali Satvati, RUG, co-supervised by Fatih Turkmen: privacy and security of Large Language Models (2023-now, NWA LESSEN)
- Murad Bozik: Emotion-aware text-to-speech (2023-now, LIACS and DAISYS)
- Andras Paraskeva: Parsimonious architectures for Large Language Models, co-supervised with dr. Jan van Rijn (2023-now, LIACS, NWA LESSEN)
- Yumeng Wang: Explainability for conversational agents (2023-now, LIACS, NWA LESSEN)
- I-Fan Lin: Domain adaptation for conversational agents (2023-now, LIACS, NWA LESSEN)
- Mert Yazan: Domain adaptation for conversational agents (2023-now, HvA&LIACS, NWA LESSEN)
- Myrthe Reuver, VU, co-supervised with Antske Fokkens on the NWO project Rethinking news algorithms: nudging users towards diverse news exposure (2020-now)
- Amin Abolghasemi: Improving neural retrieval models in domain-specific contexts (2021-now, LIACS, H2020 DoSSIER)
- Arian Askari: Improving neural retrieval models in domain-specific contexts (2020-now, LIACS, H2020 DoSSIER)
- Juan Bascur Cifuentes: Interactive visual browsing and retrieval of scientific literature (2019-now, collaboration with CWTS)
Completed PhD supervisions
- Sophia Althammer, TU Wien, co-supervised with Allan Hanbury on the project Addressing Data Availability and Document-to-Document Retrieval for Domain-specific Neural Rankers, part of the H2020 DoSSIER project (2020-2023)
- Gineke Wiggers: The Relevance of Impact. Bibliometric-enhanced legal information retrieval (2017-2022, collaboration with Faculty of Law). PhD defence: 8 March 2023
- Anne Dirkson: Knowledge Discovery from Patient Forums. Gaining novel medical insights from patient experiences. (2018-2022, collaboration with LUMC). PhD defence: 6 December 2022
- Xue Wang: Multi Modal Representation Learning and Cross-Modal Semantic Matching (2019-2022, LIACS, collaboration with Xi’an Jiaotong University). PhD defence: 24 June 2022.
- Alex Brandsen: Digging in Documents. Utilizing text mining to access the hidden knowledge in archeological grey literature (2017-2021, collaboration with Faculty of Archaeology). PhD defence: 15 February 2022
- Maya Sappelli: Knowledge Work in Context: User Centered Knowledge Worker Support (2011-2016, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University). PhD defence: 19 February 2016
- Eva D’hondt: Cracking the Patent: Using phrasal features to aid patent classification (2009-2014, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University). PhD defence: 17 June 2014
Postdocs and research assistants
- Inge Stortenbeker, external postdoc on the SENTENCES project at Radboud University, 2022-now
- Zahra Abbasiyantaeb, research assistant on the EPO patent mining project, 2022
- Alex Brandsen: postdoc on the EXALT project, 2021-now
- Benjamin van der Burgh, research assistant on health NLP projects, 2017-2019
Current projects I am involved in
- The 4D PICTURE Project: Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User-centred Research, 2022-2026 (news article)
- LESSEN: Low-Resource Chat-based Conversational Intelligence, 2022-2026. Coordinated by the University of Amsterdam. Funded by NWO in the NWA-ORC programme.
- Linking patents to scientific publications through in-text reference mining, 2022-2023. Funded by the European Patent Office (EPO) in the Academic Research Programme
- EXALT: Excavating Archaeological Literature, 2021-2024. Coordinated by the Faculty of Archaeology. Funded by NWO in the call ‘Future directions in Dutch archaeological research (NWA)‘
- Rethinking news algorithms: nudging users towards diverse news exposure, 2020-2024. Coordinated by VU (Antske Fokkens). Funded by NWO in the call ‘Open competitie voor digitalisering‘.
- SENTENCES: Social mEdia aNalysis To promotE caNCEr Screening, 2020-2024. Coordinated by the University of Amsterdam (Gert-Jan de Bruijn). Funded by ZonMW in the call ‘Vroege Opsporing’.
- BEL (Behaviour, Energy transition, Low income): “Tenants’ behavioural responses to residential energy transition: are intended energy savings feasible?”, 2020-2026. Coordinated by TUe (Ioulia Ossokina). Funded by NWO in the call ‘Transities en Gedrag’.
- DoSSIER: Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval (co-applicant), 2020-2024. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
- RISE_SMA: Social Media Analytics for Society and Crisis Communication (co-applicant), 2019-2022. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
Current projects with bachelor and master students are listed here.
Past projects
- Curriculum Development in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence / DS&AI, 2019-2021. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
- Digital tools for knowledge extraction for (rare) cancers (co-applicant), Voucher project funded by the Ministry of Health. With 4 cancer patient communities, in collaboration with TNO.
- SmartFile: from keyboard to patient, and the follow-up project, ‘Learning from registration’, (co-applicant), in collaboration with Hogeschool Codarts, the startup company ‘SmartFile’, 10 sports physiotherapy practices and the Dutch Association for Physical Therapy in Sport Healthcare (Funded by RAAK-SIA)
- The reach of junk news on Facebook, in collaboration with Nieuwscheckers.
- Empowerment of patients (co-applicant), pilot project for hypothesis generation based on text mining from patient forums, in collaboration with TNO and LUMC (funded by SIDN)
- DISCOSUMO: Discussion Thread Summarization for Mobile Devices (financed by NWO Creative Industries), with Tilburg University and Sanoma Media BV (2015-2019)
- Wisdom of the crowds, Patient empowerment in online support communities (casus 3) (co-applicant), with RIVM and (2016)
- PFM: Patient forum mining (co-applicant), with TNO and, financed by SIDN (2016)
- QUINN (main applicant): Query Updates for News moNitoring (financed by a COMMIT valorization grant), with TNO and LexisNexis (2015)
- SWELL: smart reasoning systems for well-being at work and at home (financed by COMMIT), with TNO, Philips, Noldus, University of Twente, Roessingh R&D, Innovalor, and Sense/Almende (2012-2016)
- RemBench (main applicant): A Digital Workbench for Rembrandt Research (financed by CLARIN-NL), with Huygens ING and RKD (2013-2014)
- Rembrandt Documents: A new digital infrastructure for accessing, analysing, and interpreting original written and printed documents related to the life and art of the world-renowned Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669), with Huygens ING and the Rembrandthuis Museum (2012-2013).
- PoliticalMashup: Automatic classification of political texts, with University of Amsterdam (2012-2013)
- Route 66 explorative text mining, for De Baak (2012)
- ComPoli: Communicatie en revalidatie digiPoli, with Sint Maartenskliniek (2011-2012)
- Extracting Factoids from Dutch texts (main applicant), financed by a Google European Digital Humanities Award (2011-2012)
- Inventarisatie TST en Onderwijs, for Nederlandse TaalUnie (2011)
- Feasibility study speech synthesis, for Dedicon (2011)
- TM4IP: Text Mining for Intellectual Property, financed by MatrixWare (2009-2011)
- In Search of the Why, PhD project (2005-2009)