Bachelorklas 2014-2015


The bachelorklas serves several purposes:

  • In the bachelorklas researchers from LIACS present topics for bachelor projects;
  • The progress of students is monitored by means of talks;
  • Introductory presentations are given about topics such as how to write a thesis, how to plan your work, how to use the library, ...
  • The students defend their final project in the bachelorklas.
The bachelorklas is for students Informatica and Informatica-and-Economics.

Project Topics

In the first three lectures, topics were presented, as well as some general background information about the research groups of LIACS. A list of possible topics is available in the slides on this website.

It is also allowed to contact a professor yourself to determine a topic for your project.

Once you have selected a topic, you will need to fill in a bachelor contract. This contract can be found here. A print of the contract will need to be handed in at the end of January 2015.

Bachelor Dossier

To finish your bachelor, you need to successfully conclude your bachelor dossier. The bachelor dossier consists of:

  • the autumn student seminar;
  • the spring student seminar;
  • participation in the bachelorklas;
  • the bachelor project (including thesis, presentations).

For students Informatics the total number of study points is 18EC, of which 16 for the project and the bachelorklas. For students in Informatics-and-Economics the number of study points is 16EC, of which 14 for the project and the bachelorklas. Students following a double bachelor (such as mathematics and informatics) need to contact the study advisor.

Participation in the bachelorklas is obligatory for all students working on the bachelor project.

Conditions for Participation

To participate in the bachelorklas, you need to fulfill the following two conditions:

  • you need to have finished your propedeuse;
  • at the end of the first semester of the current academic year, at most 2 courses from the second year and the first semester of the third year can be missing.

If you do not fulfill these requirements, in exceptional cases you can still participate in the bachelorklas. You need to contact the study advisor Jeannette de Graaf or Judith Havelaar to get permission.

It is expected that all students work on their project while the bachelorklas is running. However, in case your two missing courses are in the spring semester, you may delay part of your project work to the autumn semester of 2015. You need to get permission from Jeannette de Graaf or Judith Havelaar to do so, and are still expected to attend all bachelorklasses. You cannot finish your bachelor without attending the bachelorklas!


You need to register in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.

You need to contact your study coordinator, Riet Derogee (Informatica) or Judith Havelaar (Informatica-and-Economics), for this. If the intended date of graduation is in the months of July or August, you need to register before July 1. See for the procedure for Informatica and for Informatica-and-Economics.

Note: the graduation date is the last date of the month in which you obtained your last grade. Your last grade is usually the grade that you received for your bachelor project, but it can also be an exam. The graduation date is hence not the date on which you receive your diploma! It is strongly recommended to finish your project in June, and not to continue till September. Note that there is a Harde Knip.

Finishing the Bachelor Project

To finish your bachelor project, you need to finish (1) your thesis, and (2) present your work in the bachelorklas in the presence of your supervisors. This defense is public and will be announced as such.

The exact dates for the project defenses will be announced on this website.

If you fail to defend your project on one of these dates, you need to register for the study again.

To evaluate the bachelor project, including the presentation and the thesis, an assessment form will be made available on this website. This form has to be filled in and signed by the supervisors, who need to discuss it with the student.

Students following a double bachelor need to contact the moderators of the bachelorklas.

Archiving the Bachelor Thesis

The student is obliged to use the standard front page. See A digital version (pdf-file) of the thesis needs to be sent to either Riet Derogee or Judith Havelaar. The thesis will be published on the website of LIACS. As long as the thesis has not been handed in, you cannot participate in a graduation ceremony.

The bachelor theses of previous years can be found here.