Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom
H.J. Hoogeboom, UHD
Informatica / Dept. of Comp. Science (
Universiteit Leiden
P.O. Box 9512,
2300 RA Leiden,
The Netherlands
E-mail: h.j.hoogeboom (A) liacs.leidenuniv.nl
Bezoek / Visit:
Gorlaeus BM 2.05 (at the front, behind "Science")
click to toggle switches (and change the number of cycles)
Member of the research cluster
Research Interests:
Theoretical computer science
(Formal Languages,
In particular:
formal models of natural computation,
delta matroids and their polynomials,
logic & automata,
tree-walking automata,
infinitary languages,
patterns in strings.
Pivots & gene sorting» ·
Pebbles» ·
Molecular computing» ·
Tetris» ·
Pushdown automata»
/ dblp
/ orcid
PhD students
Rudy van Vliet (DNA Expressions — A formal notation for DNA», 2015)
Jun Wang (Spiking Neural P Systems», 2011)
Robert Brijder (Models of Natural Computation: Gene Assembly and Membrane Systems», 2008)
Pierluigi Frisco (Theory of Molecular Computing. Splicing and Membrane systems, 2004)
Nikè van Vugt (Models of Molecular Computing, 2002)
Paulien ten Pas (Trees and Texts, 1995)
Datastructuren (najaar 2024, met M. van den Bergh)
Seminar Algorithms: "Fun with Algorithms"
(with W.A. Kosters, spring 2024)
Previous years
2023,22,21: "Fun with Algorithms",
2020: "Lessons in Play",
2019: Combinatorial Game Theory,
2018: "Winning Ways",
2016: SAT solvers,
2015: "Fun with Algorithms",
2014: Approximation algorithms,
2013: Rating&Ranking,
2012: Advanced Algorithms & Data structures,
2011: Complexity of games»,
2010: Knuth-Combinatorial Algorithms,
2008: String Algorithms»,
200x: Molecular Biology
Foundations of Computer Science (najaar 2020, met J.M. de Graaf)
Fundamentele Informatica 2 / Automata Theory (najaar 2019)
Complexiteit (voorjaar 2019, met W.A. Kosters)
Fundamentele Informatica 1 (najaar ≤2016)
Studievaardigheden I&E (najaar ≤2013)
Challenges in CS
(met Schraagen/van Haastregt, voorjaar 2011, 2012, 2013)
(met Groenewegen/ Stefanov, voorjaar 2009, 2010)
Molecular Computational Biology
(with A.P. Gultyaev, spring 2005 to 2009)
2nd Course Formal Languages (fall 2009)
- Formele Talen en Automaten
(tot 2000)
- Logica
Algemene Voordrachten
Rekenen met Tegels
(okt'24 proefstuderen)
(jan'20 Gastlessen)
(IPA lentedagen)
Waar is hier de uitgang? Algoritmen in het doolhof
(Leidsche Flesch Ouderdag 27.3'21)
Bio-informatica / dynamisch programmeren
(Lapp-Top jan '21)
(Proefstuderen 29.11'19)
Fractran ... een tamelijk nutteloze programmeertaal
(Leidsche Flesch Lunchlezing)
E.&S. door Nederland (of: de kortste weg van A naar B)
ouderdag 4'16
River Crossing, or Cabbage, Goat, and Wolf
USF/UNF Math Club, Jan/Feb '16
Dna computers?
Turing's Legacy SNiC Symposium, 7.3'12
Hobbes: Do you have an idea for your story yet?
Calvin: No, I'm waiting for inspiration.
C: You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet.
You have to be in the right mood.
H: What mood is that?
C: Last-minute panic.
(Bill Watterson: Calvin and Hobbes, May 21, 1992)
Calvin: Here's another math problem I can't figure out.
What's 9+4 ?
Hobbes: Ooh, that's a tricky one.
You have to use calculus and imaginary numbers for this.
Hobbes: You know, eleventeen, thirty-twelve, and all those.
It's a little confusing at first.
Calvin: How did YOU learn all this?
You've never even gone to school!
Hobbes: Instinct. Tigers are born with it.
(Calvin and Hobbes, January 06, 1988)