Quantum @ LIACS

Personal webpage of Vedran Dunjko

Aurora, Trømso

My web page has migrated to:


This is an old web-age which is no longer updated.

Students and post-docs:

- MSc. Alice Barthe (LION, external funded by CERN and ESA)
- MSc. Elies Gil-Fuster (ELLIS PhD w/ Eisert, FU Berlin)
- MSc. David Dechant (PhD student, LION)
- MSc. Radoica Draškić (PhD student, LIACS)
- MSc. Simon Marshall (PhD student, LIACS)
- MSc. Andrea Skolik (External PhD student, LIACS)
- MSc. Yash Patel (PhD student, LIACS)
- MSc. Casper Gyurik (PhD student, LIACS)
- MSc. Charles Moussa (PhD student, LIACS)

- Dr.David Dechant (PostDoc)
- Dr.Adrián Pérez Salinas (PostDoc, starting 2022)

I am also a co-supervisor of:

- MSc. Lea Trenkwalder (PhD student w/ Briegel, Innsbruck)
- MSc. Sofiene Jerbi (PhD student w/ Brigel, Innsbruck)
- MSc. Titus de Haas (second supervisor w/ Buda, LIC, Leiden)

Former group members:
- Dr. Eleanor Scerri (PostDoc)
- Dr. Mathys Rennela (PostDoc, now INRIA)