
Dr. Michael Emmerich - Associate Professor

Email: m-dot-t-dot-m-dot-emmerich-at-liacs-dot-leidenuniv-dot-nl

MODA Group Leader, (Indicator-based) Multiobjective Optimization, Complex Networks, Chemoinformatics

Dr. André Deutz - Assistant Professor

Email: a-dot-h-dot-deutz-at-liacs-dot-leidenuniv-dot-nl

Mathematical Foundations of MODA, Quantum Computing

Dr. Kaifeng Yang, PhD - PostDoctoral Researcher

Multiobjective Bayesian Global Optimization, Machine Learning

Martina Friese, MSc - PhD Student

Machine Learning and Optimization, External PhD Student, TH Cologne

Samineh Bagheri, MSc - PhD Student

Constrained Optimization, External PhD Student, TH Cologne

Koen v.d. Blom, MSc - PhD Student

Building Performance and Energy Optimization, Mixed Integer Multiobjective Optimization

Yali Wang, MSc - PhD Student

CIMPLO Project, Scheduling, MOEA Design

Marios Kefalas, MSc - PhD Student

CIMPLO Project, Scheduling, Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming

Asep Maulana, MSc - PhD Student

Complex Networks and Multicriteria Decision Analysis, LPDP Grant, UNPAD Bandung, Indonesia

Hao Wang, MSc - PhD Student

Continuous Single-and Multiobjective Optimization

Hui Wang - PhD Student

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Game Playing and Transportation

Divyam Aggraval - PhD Student

Dutch India Project SAPPAO - Aviation Scheduling IIT Roorkee, GE Aviation

MODA is part of the Natural Computing Group, LIACS, Leiden University.

Websites and Contacts: Click here.

Former members

Dr. Zhiwei Yang

Dr. Rui Li

Longmei Li, MSc - PhD Student

Dr. Iryna Yevseyeva

Dr. Johannes Kruisselbrink

Dr. Alexander Nezhinsky

Prof. Ofer Shir