Tutoring for LIACS Senior Bachelor Students

As you know, most of education will now take place virtually and often asynchronously. At the same time, we will need some way of quickly spotting issues, discerning information and of organising the physical access to the Snellius building. We aim to achieve this by forming tutoring groups for all Bachelor students. These groups will play two roles: organising exchange between the institute and the students, and organising the physical classes.


While bachelor students in the first year get tutors assigned by the institute, senior bachelor students (2nd & 3rd year) are kindly asked to organise tutoring themselves. However, we will provide an organisational structure to help with the tutoring.


The organisational structure for the tutoring in one picture:

Organisation of tutoring for senior bachelor students at LIACS

The two basic organisational units are tutoring groups with one delegate each, and the tutoring team with me (Henning Basold) as the tutoring organiser as member. Every student is assigned to one tutoring group by the institute and the members of the group elect one of their members to fill the role of their delegate. The task of the delegate is to make sure that the weekly meetings are organised and moderated, to monitor how the group is doing, and communicate issues and requests to the tutoring team. All this information is handled by the tutoring team, which will try to help and serves as an intermediary between the institute and the students to channel requests.


To simplify the communication between the delegates and the tutoring team, we will be using a Trello board. It will be explained below how to get accesses to the board. Even though we expect that you, as students, already have a preferred way of individual and group communication, we provide a Tutoring organisation on MS Teams to get the tutoring groups off the ground in these virtual times. Note, however, that the communication with the tutor team will mainly happen through the Trello board.

Getting Started

On the first day, Monday 31 August 2020, you will arrive either at the university or in a virtual room, where you will be provided some information about the coming semester. We would ask you to use this occasion to join the Tutoring organisation on MS Teams.

During the first week, you will receive a notification with the group and physical room that you are assigned to. Once you know this, please proceed as follows.

  1. Create a channel for your group in the Tutoring organisation, if it does not exist yet. You can use the name of the Snellius room that your group is assigned to.
  2. Once everyone has gathered in the room, elect a delegate for your group.
  3. Find a memorable name for your group (not “42” 😉) and rename the stream to <Your chosen name> (<Snellius room>). Keeping the room number in the stream name will allow people to later identify your stream more easily and join the stream.
  4. Ask the delegate to sign up to the Trello board. This can be done here, which can be accessed with delegate as user and tutoring20-liacs. The further steps for the delegate are explained on the Trello board.
  5. Enjoy your study time together with your tutoring group, despite the pandemic!

<a href="https://liacs.leidenuniv.nl/~basoldh/education/liacs-bsc-tutoring.html">Link to this site</a>