Overarching learning goals
Computing Systems
- You know what computing systems comprise of
- You know what discrete, digital computing is, and how it compares to other computing models
(analog, biological, quantum)
- You know what the scope and applications of computing systems are, and you know about basic
examples (computing for bio, security (cryptocurrencies, blockchain), AI, economics)
- You know what the role of operating systems (OS), computer networks (CN) and computer
architectures (CA) in computing systems
- You know what role abstraction plays in the organisation and implementation of CS
- You know what an operating system does
- You know what computer networks are and how they are organised in layers
- You know what the architecture of computers comprises
- You know what protocols are in general and how they occur in the specific topics
Supplementary Skills
- Presenting
- Teamwork and project organisation
- Technical/scientific Writing