Page Contents
Contact, Imaging & BioInformatics
- Dr. Ir. Fons Verbeek
- LIACS, Leiden University
- Niels Bohrweg 1
- 2333 CA Leiden
- The Netherlands
- Office 105, Snellius Building
- Phone +31 - (0)71 - 527 5773
- Fax +31 - (0)71 527 6985
- URL section Imaging & BioInformatics
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Pages last edited, February 5th 2008.
Research Areas
- The research of this group is on the interface of Imaging and BioInformatics.
- Current research subjects comprise: 3D Reconstruction & Modeling, Ontologies and their application in the image domain, Gene expression databases, Image analysis and pattern analysis in the Bio-Imaging domain (microsocopy).
The research focus of this group is on bio imaging and relation the analysis of image information to other bio-molecular information resources. At present the bio imaging has its emphasis on microscopy modalities, in particular light microscopy.
The analysis requires that a large number of images be processed. To overcome the limitations of standard storage formats, innovative approaches for image databases in experimental settings are probed.
Courses & Lectures
In the 1st semester (september - december) :
- Human Computer Interaction
- URL Human Computer Interaction Course Pages
- Information Systems in the Life Sciences
- URL Information Systems in the Life Sciences Pages
In the 2nd semester (february - april) :
- Image Analysis in Microscopy, AKA Microscopy, Modelling & Visuzalization
- URL Image Analysis in Microscopy
Student Projects
The topics listed here comprise masters projects (project study and thesis project) as well as bachelors projects. The topics include:
image analysis
ontology mapping
3D reconstruction
3D image projecton
bio-image databases (microscopy)
interopreability bio-databases
microarray analysis (image, integration)