Contact, Imaging & BioInformatics

Dr. Ir. Fons Verbeek
LIACS, Leiden University
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Office 105, Snellius Building
Phone +31 - (0)71 - 527 5773
Fax +31 - (0)71 527 6985
URL section Imaging & BioInformatics


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Pages last edited, February 5th 2008.


Research Areas

The research of this group is on the interface of Imaging and BioInformatics.

The research focus of this group is on bio imaging and relation the analysis of image information to other bio-molecular information resources. At present the bio imaging has its emphasis on microscopy modalities, in particular light microscopy.

The analysis requires that a large number of images be processed. To overcome the limitations of standard storage formats, innovative approaches for image databases in experimental settings are probed.

Current research subjects comprise: 3D Reconstruction & Modeling, Ontologies and their application in the image domain, Gene expression databases, Image analysis and pattern analysis in the Bio-Imaging domain (microsocopy).

Courses & Lectures

In the 1st semester (september - december) :

Human Computer Interaction
URL Human Computer Interaction Course Pages
Information Systems in the Life Sciences
URL Information Systems in the Life Sciences Pages

In the 2nd semester (february - april) :

Image Analysis in Microscopy, AKA Microscopy, Modelling & Visuzalization
URL Image Analysis in Microscopy

Student Projects

The topics listed here comprise masters projects (project study and thesis project) as well as bachelors projects. The topics include:

    image analysis
    ontology mapping
    3D reconstruction
    3D image projecton
    bio-image databases (microscopy)
    interopreability bio-databases
    microarray analysis (image, integration)