On-campus Student Symposium

Goal and Organization:

The goal of this symposium is to prepare students for and examine their knowledge in research by means of reading, studying, understanding, and presenting scientific papers in the context of the Embedded Systems and Software course.

Students are given suitable scientific research papers in the scientific area related to the course. Students should work in a small group (max. 2 persons) on one paper. They have to read, study, and understand the paper assigned to them. At the end of the semester, the students have to present the paper to their peers in a student symposium.

Schedule of Activities:

Mar 07, 2025:

Deadline for on-line paper bidding
See section "Paper Bidding Instructions" below for instructions!

Mar 28, 2025:

Paper assignments should be ready. Start reading and studying the assigned papers.
The list with the final assignment of papers to students can be found HERE

May 23, 2025:

Student Symposium
The symposium will take place in Room BW 0.32 (Gorlaeus building) from 9:00 until 18:30.
Every student must attend the whole symposium and present their
assigned paper.
See section "Presentation Instructions" below for instructions!

Paper Bidding Instructions:

In order to help the lecturer of the course with the process of assigning one paper to every group of students (max. 2 students per group), each group could bid on-line for papers that are interesting to the group. During the bidding process, a group should indicate at least 5 preferred papers. The lecturer will try to assign one of the preferred papers to the group for reading and presenting. Students are encouraged to form a group and to bid in order to avoid completely random assignment of a paper to them.

The list of available papers for bidding can be found here.

All available papers can be downloaded from here.


Presentation Instructions:

All students must present the paper, they have read and study, by preparing and giving a research presentation at the student symposium. Some specific instructions and presentation guidelines can be found HERE . In addition, more general and maybe helpful guidelines on how to give a good research presentation can be found HERE.

For every paper, a time slot of 25 min will be allocated at the symposium: 20 min for the presentation and 5 min for questions/answers/feedback. If a paper is assigned to a group of 2 students, every student should give half of the presentation. However, every student must be prepared to give the whole presentation. Just before the presentation, the lecturer will decide who will give the first half and who will give the second half. Presentations should be given in English.

Every student will be graded separately (on a scale from 1 to 10) for their presentation and answers to questions.