Data mining:
Knowledge Discovery in Bio-medical Databases

Bio Informatica, Pre University College Leiden
January 2005

In bio-medical data interesting patterns are hidden - information about genes that are responsible for causing or inhibiting certain diseases, molecular patterns that characterize candidate drugs or patient characteristics that indicate higher risk categories. Data mining can help to discover useful and potentially life saving information. What kind of data mining tasks and technologies exist and how can these be applied in the biomedical domain? These and other topics will be discussed in the Pre University College class on data mining and knowledge discovery.


  • Lecture Sheets
  • Assignments
  • WEKA, open source data mining tool used in the assignments, and the data sets used.
  • Data mining is not just rocket science, people use it every day!
  • KDNuggets, the premier data mining website (check the solutions and website sections on bioinformatics & microarray data analysis.
  • Classifier applet, een webbased demo van het gedrag van verschillende classifiers in de patroonruimte (auteur Ran El-Yaniv)
  • My homepage.

      Peter van der Putten, e-mail:, homepage