Databases and Data Mining, Fall 2005

MSc Bio Informatics, Leiden University and TU Delft

On this page you can find information regarding the data mining part of the course databases and data mining for the MSc Bioinformatics offered by LIACS, Leiden University and TU Delft.


The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the basics of data mining and gain a primary understanding of the potential for applying it in the bioinformatics domain.


The course will be a mix of lectures (4) to introduce data mining concepts and lab sessions (2) to gain some hands on experience.


This data mining part will constitute 50% of the overall grade for the databases and data mining course. You will need to turn in the assignments for the second lab session; these assignments will contain questions about the lectures as well as hands on exercises. In addition, I will hand out a take home exercise (paper on bioinformatics data mining research) in the final class.


Date Time Room  
4-11 13.45 - 15.30 174   Lecture
18-11 13.45 - 15.30 413   Lecture
  15.45 - 17.30 306/308   Practical Assignments
25-11 13.45 - 15.30 413   Lecture
2-12 13.45 - 15.30 413   Lecture
  15.45 - 17.30 306/308   Practical Assignments

Lecture slides


Additional links

  • WEKA, open source data mining tool used in the assignments
  • KDNuggets, the premier data mining website (check the solutions and website sections on bioinformatics & micro array data analysis.
  • Classifier applet, a web based demo visualizing classifiers in pattern space (by Ran El-Yaniv)
  • My homepage.

Peter van der Putten, e-mail:, homepage