from random import Random from time import time import math import inspyred class tsp: def __init__ ( self, weights ): # weights contains the distances between all cities self.weights = weights # TSP is a minimization problem self.maximize = False # use a predefined bounder function, in which only values in range(len(weights)) are allowed self.bounder =[i for i in range(len(weights))]) # a generator generates one individual def generator(self,random, args): locations = [i for i in range(len(self.weights))] random.shuffle(locations) return locations # an evaluator returns a list of fitnesses for all individuals in a population def evaluator(self, candidates, args): fitness = [] for candidate in candidates: total = 0 for src, dst in zip(candidate, candidate[1:] + [candidate[0]]): total += self.weights[src][dst] fitness.append(total) return fitness def main(prng=None, display=False): if prng is None: prng = Random() prng.seed(time()) # small example of cities points = [(110.0, 225.0), (161.0, 280.0), (325.0, 554.0), (490.0, 285.0), (157.0, 443.0), (283.0, 379.0), (397.0, 566.0), (306.0, 360.0), (343.0, 110.0), (552.0, 199.0)] # calculate distances weights = [[0 for _ in range(len(points))] for _ in range(len(points))] for i, p in enumerate(points): for j, q in enumerate(points): weights[i][j] = math.sqrt((p[0] - q[0])**2 + (p[1] - q[1])**2) # initialize the problem problem = tsp ( weights ) ea = # make a choice for selection, in this case tournament selection ea.selector = # make a selection for the operations, in this case PMX crossover and # inversion mutation. See the online documentation for options ea.variator = [,] # the offspring obtained after applying the above operators in order, # replace the parents in the population; however, the best individual # in the parent population will also survive if it is better than the # worst individual in the new population (due to num_elites) ea.replacer = # stopping criterion ea.terminator = # call of the evolutionary algorithm; note that the parameters # are passed in a dictionary. This dictionary will be forwarded # to all of the above functions (args), which can use information # passed here, such as num_elites for the elitism used in # ea.replacer. final_pop = ea.evolve(generator=problem.generator, evaluator=problem.evaluator, bounder=problem.bounder, maximize=problem.maximize, pop_size=100, max_generations=50, tournament_size=5, num_selected=100, num_elites=1) if display: best = max(ea.population) print('Best Solution: {0}: {1}'.format(str(best.candidate), return ea if __name__ == '__main__': main(display=True)