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Here’s a list of courses I assist(ed) as a teaching assistant.

Thesis students

If you’re interesting in a BSc/MSc thesis on similar topics as me, drop me a message on my email, or check the open projects below.

Open projects

  • MSc CS/AI Mining Arguments and Values from Live Discussions. We will use an existing dataset to create a representation ofthe values held by a participant during a live discussion and create an overview of the arguments being communicated. We will combine both representations to find how values and argument interact in a real-life synchronous discussion. Send me an email in case this sounds interesting to you.

Ongoing and completed projects

  • 2022-2023 MSc CS Discussion Quality Estimation from Text completed
  • 2021-2022 BSc AI - Balancing Nao robot using RL completed
  • 2020-2021 MSc IE - Unravelling Twitter chaos during a policy crisis completed