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Below you will find all the values relevant in this experiment. Please use it as a reference if you want to find out more about the values you encounter.

0 - Hedonism

pleasure, enjoying life, self-indulgent

Defining goal: pleasure or sensuous gratification for oneself.

1 - Mental health

mentally, stress, Mental damage, positivity, living alone, psychic injury, stress, physical proximity, mental complaints, tension, spiritual relaxation, quality of life, psychiatry, loneliness, walk around, visit ill people in nursery home, cheer up, last days, empathy, compassion, last phase of life, psychologist, personal care

Defining goal: The strive towards protecting and improving one’s emotional and psychological well-being

2 - representation

Approach all residents, stand up for, accountability, responsibility

Defining goal: Every member of society should be accounted for when taking decisions.

3 - Distributional justice

Everywhere, not just in Friesland, spread , across the netherlands, they pay

Defining goal: Fair distribution of burdens and benefits.

4 - control

cross-border traffic, traffic, necessary adjustments, protective equipment, distance, necessary, obliging mouth caps, can maintain, tests, impossible, protectors, solutions, masks, desinfect, app, protocol, monitored, humidity monitored, difficult, distance, sly, secretive, obey

Defining goal: Having and respecting regulations in order to avoid the spread of the disease.

5 - Involvement

involve people, involve citizens, democratically elected, voting, veto, election, financial participation, think along, participation, public, public evaluation, survey, opinion

Defining goal: People have a say in the process of reaching the energy goals

6 - Stimulation

a varied life, an exciting life, daring

Defining goal: excitement, novelty, and challenge in life.

7 - Power

authority, wealth, social power

Defining goal: social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources.

8 - Technological Innovation

Hydrogen storage, Frontrunner, water treatment, biogas, wave energy, most recent products, newest technology, H2

Defining goal: Capacity to come up with new and better solutions to energy-related problems

9 - Initiative

Involvement, Do something themselves, empty roofs, local enterpreneur, residents, buying solar panels, self-doing, conscious behaviour, heat pumps, solar panels, enthusiasm, regulate its own energy, opportunities, Encouraging residents, Stimulates, stick behind the door, Initiating

Defining goal: Participants value acting towards their own plans

10 - community

decide for themselves, determining people, people determining, free, own steps, willingness, leave it to the people, from the bottom, choice, self-management, independence, autonomy, Local needs, own community, small-scale, own initiative, involvement, with residents, participation, each others, solidarity, engagement

Defining goal: Creation and ownership by and of the community.

11 - fairness

apply to everyone, differences, equality, distribution, discrimination

Defining goal: Measures should apply to everyone, without discriminating among groups (age and region especially).

12 - Tradition

respect for tradition, humble, devout, accepting my portion in life

Defining goal: respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that one’s culture or religion provides.

13 - enjoyment

beer, getaway, recreational sex, sport, entertainment, drinking, fun, pleasure, celebrate, festivals, weekends

Defining goal: Being able to enjoy life at full and indulge in fun activities.

14 - guidance

direction, Obliges companies, control, central, disagree, coordinated, overview, centrally regulated, distribute, take the lead, government, municipality, monitoring

Defining goal: Having a central entity that decides and regulates energy policies.

15 - Pleasure

pleasure, fun, activity, entertainment, cozy, Drink, Balance, social interaction, festivals, dates, food, recreational, leisure, liveliness, kiss, hug, whore

Defining goal: Being able to undertake activities that promotes personal satisfaction and pleasure.

16 - Achievement

ambitious, successful, capable, influential

Defining goal: personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards.

17 - Belonging to a group

friends, miss friends, social contact, Zoom, Skype, meet friends, social, cozy, chill, friends, buddies, youth, together, contact, church, sing, pray, sports, family, school, peers, daughter, cuddling, grandparent, relatives

Defining goal: Being able to closely interact with the people that you care about or enjoy spending time with

18 - safety

safety measures, mouth caps, gloves, precaution, distance, wash hands, low risk, not transfering, many strangers come very close, immunity temporary, infection hazard, transfer limited, below 60, risk, building immunity, group immunity, tests, dangers to the elderly, monitoring our health, health

Defining goal: Staying healthy and not infected.

19 - Universalism

broadminded, social justice, equality, world at peace, world of beauty, unity with nature, wisdom, protecting the environment

Defining goal: understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature.

20 - Acceptance of misbehavior

working black, empathy, illegal, ignorance, misbehavior, People are already doing it, We see it every day, abuse, illusion, lying, unfair

Defining goal: Acceptance to the fact that people might not conform to measures.

21 - care

caregiving, care for each others, help, support

Defining goal: Make sure that everyone is taken care of and looked after.

22 - sustainability

pollution, renewable energy, care for environment

Defining goal: Having energy policies that increase renewable energy generation.

23 - equal opportunities

benefits everyone, rich and poor, paid by everyone, strongest win from the weakest, possible for everyone, fairness

Defining goal: Everyone should be given a chance to participate and speak up.

24 - freedom

own direction, my choice, freedom, independence, autonomy, responsibility for themselves, private, liberty, themselves, voice, residents, small scale

Defining goal: Participants value the ability to freely speak, think or make their own choices in the energy transition.

25 - Economic security

money, shops, recession, company, jobs, entrepreneurs , self-employed, survival, companies, financial impact, fall, restart activity, poverty, bankrupt, restaurants, enterpreneurship, economic, taxation, productivity, unemployment, resume work, heavy economic times, economy, zzp, zzper, financial damage, companies fall down, earn money, Relaunching economics

Defining goal: Mitigating the economic downsides of the situation caused by the pandemic and its countermeasures.

26 - Autonomy

walk around, own decision, choice, proximity, do something useful, police state, personal, choice, freedom, self, autonomy, companies decide, decide for themselves, responsibility for individual, you may visit or not, own responsibility, choose for themselves

Defining goal: Being able to make your own decisions and take the responsibility for your actions

27 - well-being

alone, loneliness, psychological influence, relaxation, depression, mental health, emotional, beautifull moments, mental health, psychically, suicide, pressure, needs, normal, loneliness, isolation, restless, apprehensiveness, expectation, hope

Defining goal: Being content, doing well, without worries.

28 - Free market economy

profitable, efficient, lucrative, most profit per area, optimize space, scalability, large scale, companies are effective, company, income, players, capitalist , profit

Defining goal: The belief that a free, self-regulated market economy will result in the best gains for all participants

29 - feasibility

test case, research, possibilities, demonstrated, charts, statistics, science, rivm, try out, unlikely, logical, practical, reasonable, common sense

Defining goal: Having policies that are doable and effective.

30 - Security

social order, family security, national security, clean, reciprocation of favors

Defining goal: safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self.

31 - Benevolence

helpful, honest, forgiving, responsible, loyal, true friendship, mature love

Defining goal: preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in frequent personal contact (the ‘in-group’).

32 - Equality

equal, the same, unfair, Distinction, discrimination, doesn’t apply only to certain groups of subjects, help other people, Human side, humanity

Defining goal: Ensuring that all people are given the same treatment and act for the common good

33 - Technical Reliability

Transport losses, Overproduction, help with industry, severe winter, retention of electricity, spikes, excess generated energy, stored, later use, always electricity, stable grid, control, stability, direction of the municipality, electricity grid, energy security

Defining goal: Ensuring that people can rely on energy solutions and have a stable energy grid without hampering in their way of life

34 - Self-Direction

creativity, freedom, choosing own goals, curious, independent

Defining goal: independent thought and action–choosing, creating, exploring.

35 - nuclear family

couch, wedding, parents, sister, birth, family members, foundation, social education, unnatural, child, relatives

Defining goal: Being together with your parents, kids and siblings.

36 - energy independence

themselves, own backyard, self, self-doing, close to home, private, reserve, need, storage

Defining goal: Having an independent source of energy, without relying on external providers.

37 - Community

cooperation, Encouraging residents, ideas, involve, involvement, local binder, limits and conditions of government and residents , mei elkoar, mienskip, think along, each other, care, contribute, balance, protection , everyone, Solidarity

Defining goal: Preserving the feeling of doing it together and taking care of each other

38 - landscape preservation

Billiard towel with holes, beautiful, landscape, messy, few places as possible, not stand out, landscape pollution, inconspicuous, opposed to large-scale, beauty, nature is affected, interference, for nature, surroundings

Defining goal: Leave landscape untouched.

39 - autonomy

everything open, restrictions, enforcement, choice, own, liberty, individualist, self-concern

Defining goal: Being able to determine by yourself what you do and are allowed to do.

40 - support

municipality can help me with that, professional expertise, help me decide, older people, elderly, support, help, assist, aid, facilitation, legal, permit, subsidy

Defining goal: Ensuring that all participants can rely on the expertise of the decision makers, and are all assisted during the organizational procedures.

41 - Fairness

Same playing field, social approach, social, Each province must take a share, weaker, share profit, Divide the burden, strongest wins, neighbourhoods differ, local decision, local solution, Keep it local

Defining goal: The strive towards a proper division of benefits and responsibilities.

42 - regional benefits

jobs, own gain, profit, investment, opportunities

Defining goal: Bring advantages to job market and economy of South-West Friesland.

43 - innovation

alternatives, stimulate, under development, future, bet on, biogas, new technologies, creativity, progress, invention

Defining goal: Keep on producing new and better technologies.

44 - Conformity

obedient, self-discipline, politeness, honoring parents and elders

Defining goal: restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.

45 - economic prosperity

unemployment, poverty, bankruptcy, economy, companies, entrepreneur, money, interests, restart, must be kept running, running, income, provide, jobs, industry, work, worried, stability

Defining goal: Being able to pay and afford what you need.

46 - Safety and Health

hygiene, facial protection, screen, immune, small scale, masks, protected, keep distance, distance, Mouth caps, gloves, busy, crowded, health, groups, personal, safe, mortality, fatality, death, dying, diabets, die, immune system, temperature

Defining goal: Personal protection against the health-related impacts caused by the coronavirus

47 - Conformity

official, government, behavior, citizen, control, measures, controlled protection, 1.5 meter, working undercover, RIVM, keep distance, strict regulations, mouth caps, rules, fines, norms, regulations, stay home, responsible, unless you’re ill, no busy places, limit risk, work at home, trust

Defining goal: Striving to comply to the guidelines and rules imposed by the authorities

48 - planning for rainy days

expectation, storage, seasonal, weather conditions, unforeseen

Defining goal: Having plans for unforeseen circumstances.

49 - support

help, care, possibilities, don’t know, knowledge, unable, weakest

Defining goal: People receive advice and assistance.

50 - Nature and landscape

Nature, landscape, few places as possible, preserve, nature conservation, find a place, nature protection, small number of places, disruption of landscape, view in nature, ugly windmills, putting trees, trees, bushes, clustering, cluttering of the landscape, landscape, living, surrounding, scenic, ecology, not stand out, flat building, further from the inhabited world, not in my backyard, underground, minimal nuisance, less burdened, minimize burdening, liveability, noise, in front of my nose

Defining goal: Preserving nature and the aesthetic of the landscape

51 - Local benefit

Investment, Profits, revolves around money, earning model, profitable, rewarding, an extra penny, earn money, local profit, labour, financial risk reduction, no big investors, local labour, jobs for citizens, mercy of wealthy companies

Defining goal: To try and steer the (financial) benefits from a solutions towards one that is best for the participant and its peers.

52 - Inevitability

no choice, energy security, necessity, needed, required, necessary, important, uncertainty , responsibility

Defining goal: The realization that actions need to be taken even if your preferences are not aligned with that action

53 - being social

contact, physical, oil of society, social isolation, neighbors, hug, weighs very heavily, fellow believers, religion, friends, each others

Defining goal: Being in contact with friends, neighbors and other acquaintances in your social circle.

54 - distrust

only revolves around money, fill his own cases, not leave it to the market, small part, delivered to the gods, serving, repugnance, economy, savings, anti-politics, many beautiful words, few deeds, anti-market, mistrust

Defining goal: Big players (government, large companies) should not be in charge of solving problems on citizens’ behalf.

55 - effectiveness

success, feasible, effective, appropriate, optimal, in order to get away from , inevitable, necessary, does its job, very busy, well-led, needed, Prevent things from being done twice, Many different housing situations, possible, small, fitting

Defining goal: Creating tailor-made, doable policies to reach the renewable energy target.

56 - Organizational Leadership

organized, mess, conflict, central management, delays, decision-making, Prevent things from being done twice, oversee, higher level, cooperation, director, supervises, compliance, regulate, energy co-operations, director, leader, control, supervision, protection, direction, conditions, central point, democratic, Consults, municipality, Approach all residents, decision, coordinate, lead, expertise, nation, municipality, Europe, politicians, official

Defining goal: A single organization is in charge of supervision and organizing the process towards reaching the energy goals.

For my PhD project, together with Enrico Liscio I developed Axies, a method for finding personal values in value-laden texts. Currently, this is work in progress, but it fits inside my project on Deliberation that scales.