Publications of year 2005 |
Articles in journal or book chapters |
@incollection{2005Arlandis05a, author = {J. Arlandis and P. Over and W. Kraaij}, title = {Boundary error analysis and categorization in the {TRECVID} news story segmentation task}, booktitle = {CIVR 2005}, keywords={TRECVid, Video Retrieval, Multimedia Retrieval,IR Evaluation}, editor = {W.-K. Leow et al.(Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3568}, pages = {103-112}, month = {July}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/", year = {2005}, }
@InCollection{2005hiemstra05, author = {Djoerd Hiemstra and Wessel Kraaij}, editor = {Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna Harman}, booktitle = {{TREC}: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval}, title = {A language modeling approach for {TREC}}, keywords={Language Modeling}, publisher = {MIT press}, pdf = {}, year = 2005, }
@article{2005trieschnigg05jdim, author = {Dolf Trieschnigg and Wessel Kraaij}, title = {Hierarchical topic detection in large digital news archives: Exploring a sample based approach}, keywords={Topic Detection and Tracking}, journal = {Journal of Digital Information Management}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/dir-2005.pdf", volume = 3, number = 1, year = 2005 }
Conference articles |
@InProceedings{2005buist05:_autom_summar_meetin_data, author = {Anne Hendrik Buist and Wessel Kraaij and Stephan Raaijmakers}, keywords = "Summarization, Meetings", title = {Automatic Summarization of Meeting Data: A feasibility Study}, booktitle = {proceedings of the 15th CLIN conference}, year = 2005, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/meeting_sum_tno.pdf", }
@InProceedings{2005carletta_a, author = {Jean Carletta and Simone Ashby and Sebastien Bourban and Mike Flynn and Mael Guillemot and Thomas Hain and Jaroslav Kadlec and Vasilis Karaiskos and Wessel Kraaij and Melissa Kronenthal and Guillaume Lathoud and Mike Lincoln and Agnes Lisowska and Iain McCowan and Wilfried Post and Dennis Reidsma and Pierre Wellner}, title = {The {AMI} Meeting Corpus: A Pre-Annoncement}, keywords={Meetings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of MLMI 2005}, pdf = {}, year = 2005 }
@InProceedings{2005carletta_b, author = {Jean Carletta and Simone Ashby and Sebastien Bourban and Mike Flynn and Mael Guillemot and Thomas Hain and Jaroslav Kadlec and Vasilis Karaiskos and Wessel Kraaij and Melissa Kronenthal and Guillaume Lathoud and Mike Lincoln and Agnes Lisowska and Iain McCowan and Wilfried Post and Dennis Reidsma and Pierre Wellner}, title = {The {AMI} Meetings Corpus}, keywords={Meetings}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/mccowan-ami-mb2005.pdf", booktitle = {Proceedings of the Measuring Behavior 2005 symposium on "Annotating and measuring Meeting Behavior"}, year = 2005 }
@InProceedings{2005kraaij05:trec2004, author = {Wessel Kraaij and Marc Weeber and Stephan Raaijmakers and Rob Jelier}, title = {{MeSH} based feedback, concept recognition and stacked classification for curation tasks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TREC 2004}, keywords = {Genomics}, year = 2005, pdf={}, organization = {NIST} }
@InProceedings{2005smeaton, author = {P. Over and T. Ianeva and W. Kraaij and A.F. Smeaton}, title = {{TRECVID} 2005 - An Overview}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TRECVID 2005}, keywords={TRECVid, Video Retrieval, Multimedia Retrieval,IR Evaluation}, year = 2005, organization = {NIST, USA}, pdf={} }
@InProceedings{2005trieschnigg05dir, author = {Dolf Trieschnigg and Wessel Kraaij}, title = {Hierarchical topic detection in large digital news archives}, keywords={Topic Detection and Tracking}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Dutch Belgian Information Retrieval workshop (DIR)}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/dir-2005.pdf", year = 2005 }
@InProceedings{2005trieschnigg05:_scalab_hierar_topic_detec, title = {Scalable Hierarchical Topic Detection (extended abstract)}, year = 2005, author = {Dolf Trieschnigg and Wessel Kraaij}, keywords={Topic Detection and Tracking}, booktitle = { Proceedings of the 28th Annual International {ACM SIGIR} Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval ({SIGIR} 2005)}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/sigir2005_trieschnigg.pdf", }
@InProceedings{2005jong05:_noval, author = {Franciska de Jong and Wessel Kraaij}, title={Novalist: Content Reduction for Cross-media News Browsing}, booktitle={Proceedings of the RANLP workshop Crossing barriers in Text Summarization Research}, year={2005}, keywords={Summarization, Topic Detection and Tracking}, pdf="/~kraaijw/papers/ranlp_novalist_final.pdf", }
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