Publications of year 1997
Conference articles
  1. Djoerd Hiemstra, Franciska de Jong, and Wessel Kraaij. A Domain Specific Lexicon Acquisition Tool for Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In L. Devroye and C. Chrisment, editors, Proceedings of RIAO'97, pages 217-232, 1997. Keyword(s): Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
    author = {Djoerd Hiemstra and Franciska de Jong and Wessel Kraaij},
    title = {A Domain Specific Lexicon Acquisition Tool for Cross-Language Information Retrieval},
    pages = {217-232},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of RIAO'97},
    editor = {L. Devroye and C. Chrisment},
    keywords = "Cross-Language Information Retrieval",
    year = {1997} 

  2. Djoerd Hiemstra, Franciska de Jong, and Wessel Kraaij. The Twenty-One Demonstrator. In Proceedings of the RIAO'97 Conference on Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet, pages 645-647, 1997. Keyword(s): Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
    author={Djoerd Hiemstra and Franciska de Jong and Wessel Kraaij},
    title="The Twenty-One Demonstrator",
    keywords = "Cross-Language Information Retrieval",
    booktitle="Proceedings of the RIAO'97 Conference on Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet",
    pages= "645-647",

  3. Wessel Kraaij. Multilingual Functionality in the TwentyOne Project. In David Hull and Douglas Oard, editors, AAAI Symposium on Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval, March 1997. American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Keyword(s): Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
    author = {Wessel Kraaij},
    booktitle = {AAAI Symposium on Cross-Language Text and Speech Retrieval},
    editor = {David Hull and Douglas Oard},
    organization = {American Association for Artificial Intelligence},
    title = {Multilingual Functionality in the {TwentyOne} Project},
    month = {March},
    keywords = "Cross-Language Information Retrieval",
    pdf = {papers/kraaij97multilingual.pdf},
    year = {1997} 

  4. Wessel Kraaij. The EU project Twenty-One and Cross-Language IR. In ERCIM Workshop Proceedings No. 97-W003, number ISBN 2-912335-02-7, 1997. Keyword(s): Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
    author = {Wessel Kraaij},
    title = {The EU project "Twenty-One" and Cross-Language IR},
    booktitle = {ERCIM Workshop Proceedings No. 97-W003},
    year = 1997,
    number = {ISBN 2-912335-02-7},
    keywords = "Cross-Language Information Retrieval",

  5. Renée Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij. Improving the Precision of a Text Retrieval System with Compound Analysis. In Jan Landsbergen, Jan Odijk, Kees van Deemter, and Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten, editors, CLIN VII -- Papers from the Seventh CLIN meeting, pages 115-128, 1997. Keyword(s): Compound Analysis.
    author = {Ren\'ee Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij},
    booktitle = {{CLIN VII} -- Papers from the Seventh {CLIN} meeting},
    title = {Improving the Precision of a Text Retrieval System with Compound Analysis},
    keywords = "Compound Analysis",
    editor = {Jan Landsbergen and Jan Odijk and Kees van Deemter and Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten},
    pages = {115-128},
    year = {1997} 

  6. Renée Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij. The Effect of Syntactic Phrase Indexing on Retrieval Performance for Dutch Texts. In L. Devroye and C. Chrisment, editors, Proceedings of RIAO'97, pages 176-187, 1997. Keyword(s): Phrase Indexing.
    author = {Ren\'ee Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of RIAO'97},
    editor = {L. Devroye and C. Chrisment},
    title = {The Effect of Syntactic Phrase Indexing on Retrieval Performance for {D}utch Texts},
    keywords = "Phrase Indexing",
    year = {1997},
    pages = {176-187} 



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Last modified: Thu Jun 4 13:19:39 2020
Author: kraaijw.

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