1: Run, spy, run ...! 1964 (Vlucht, spion! ...) BornD7 = NC1 NC100 [foto] [foto] [geschreven door Michael Avallone, samen met Valerie Moolman] [ook samen met Death en kraak] 2: Checkmate in Rio 1964 (Schaakmat in Rio (de Janeiro)) BornD8 = NC2 [foto] [foto] 3: Safari for spies 1964 (Spion in de val) BornD9 = NC3 [foto] [foto] 4: Saigon 1964 (Spion in Saigon) BornD18 = NC4 [foto] [geschreven door Michael Avallone, samen met Valerie Moolman] 5: The china doll 1964 (De sexbom-spionne) BornD39 = NC7 [foto] [foto] [geschreven door Michael Avallone, samen met Valerie Moolman] 6: Fraulein Spy 1965 (Fräulein spionne) BornD19 = NC5 [foto] [foto] 7: The 13th spy 1965 (De 13de spion) BornD38 = NC6 [foto] [foto] 8: The eyes of the tiger 1965 (De adellijke spionne = De ogen van de tijger) BornD40 = NC8 [foto] [foto] [foto] 9: A bullet for Fidel 1965 (Een kogel voor de dictator) BornD41 = NC9 [foto] [foto] [foto] 10: Spy castle 1966 (Het Pendragon dossier) BornD98 = NC12 [foto] [foto] 11: Hanoi 1966 (Meesterspion in Vietnam) BornD131 = NC18 [foto] [foto] 12: The terrible ones 1966 (De verschrikkelijken) BornD160 = NC25 [foto] 13: Danger Key 1966 (Het gevareneiland) BornD161 = NC26 [foto] 14: Assignment: Israel 1967 (Duel in Israël) BornD99 = NC13 [foto] [foto] 15: Double identity 1967 (De gehersenspoelde dubbelganger) BornD102 = NC14 [foto] [foto] 16: Web of spies 1967 (Een web vol spionnen) BornD121 = NC16 [foto] [foto] 17: The Chinese paymaster 1967 (Chinees komplot) BornD146 = NC22 [foto] [foto] 18: The devil's cockpit 1967 (Cockpit voor de duivel) BornD152 = NC23 [foto] 19: The golden serpent 1967 (De goudblonde slang) BornD153 = NC24 [foto] 20: The mind poisoners 1967 (De fatale drug) BornD163 = NC28 [foto] 21: The red guard 1967 (De rode wacht) BornD175 = NC34 [foto] 22: Mission to Venice 1967 (Opdracht in Venetië) BornD178 = NC35 [foto] 23: Seven against Greece 1967 (De Griekse zevenklapper) BornD186 = NC39 [foto] 24: A Korean tiger 1967 (Eén Koreaanse tijger) NC65 [foto] [T] 25: The filthy five 1967 (De vunzige vijf) NC66 [foto] 26: The bright blue death 1967 (De Germaanse Ridders) BornD179 = NC36 [foto] 27: Rhodesia 1968 (De gecamoufleerde agent) BornD120 = NC15 [foto] [foto] [foto] 28: Amsterdam 1968 (Opdracht in Amsterdam) NC61 [foto] [T] 29: Fourteen seconds to hell 1968 (14 sekonden van de hel) NC67 [foto] 30: Operation Moon rocket 1968 (Operatie Mars) NC73 [foto] 31: Operation starvation 1968 (Het zaad der onderwerping = Honger naar macht) BornD162 = NC27 [foto] [foto] 32: Weapon of night 1968 (Killers in de nacht) BornD174 = NC33 [foto] 33: Istanbul 1969 (Spionne in travestie) BornD56 = NC10 [foto] [foto] [foto] 34: The defector 1969 (De overloper) NC71 [foto] 35: Carnival for killing 1969 (Carnaval van de dood) NC74 [foto] 36: The human timebomb 1969 (De menselijke tijdbom) BornD141 = NC19 [foto] [foto] 37: Berlin 1969 (Neo-nazi's in Berlijn) BornD142 = NC20 [foto] [foto] 38: Operation Che Guevara 1969 (Operatie Che Guevara) BornD145 = NC21 [foto] [foto] 39: The sea trap 1969 (Valkuil op de zeebodem) BornD182 = NC37 [foto] 40: The living death 1969 (De levende doden) BornD183 = NC38 [foto] 41: Operation Snake 1969 (Operatie Slangengod) NC75 [foto] 42: The doomsday formula 1969 (Hawaii gaat ten onder) NC76 [foto] [T] 43: The Cobra kill 1969 (De Cobra-moorden) NC55 [foto] 44: The amazon 1969 (De fatale amazone) NC70 [foto] 45: The red rays 1969 (Dubbelspel in het kwadraat) NC72 [foto] 46: Temple of fear 1969 (Tempel van de angst) NC69 [foto] [T] 47: Casbah killers 1969 (De sinistere killers) NC103 [foto] 48: The Judas spy 1970 (Kidnap in Indonesië) BornD130 = NC17 [foto] [foto] 49: Moscow 1970 (Moskou) BornD167 = NC30 [foto] [foto] 50: The Arab plague 1970 (De Arabische plaag) BornD190 = NC41 [foto] 51: Time clock of death 1970 (Tijdklok van de dood (des doods)) BornD204 = NC51 [foto] 52: The executioners 1970 (De beulen) NC63 [foto] 53: The hood of death 1970 (Het vliesdunne einde) NC68 [foto] 54: The red rebellion 1970 (De bloedrode opstand) NC96 [foto] 55: Cambodia 1971 (Cambodja) BornD192 = NC43 [foto] 56: The death strain 1971 (Het dodelijke virus) BornD173 = NC32 [foto] 57: Mind killers 1971 (De gehersenspoelde doders) BornD172 = NC31 [foto] 58: Jewel of doom 1972 (De robijn des oordeels) BornD166 = NC29 [foto] [foto] 59: The mark of Cosa Nostra 1972 (Het teken van de Mafia) BornD187 = NC40 [foto] 60: The Inca death squad 1972 (Het Inca-dodeneskader) NC54 [foto] [geschreven door Martin Cruz Smith] 61: Assault on England 1972 (Engeland is in gevaar!) NC57 [foto] 62: Strike force terror 1972 (Het Turkse einde) NC77 [foto] 63: The black death 1972 (De zwarte dood) NC90 [foto] 64: Ice bomb zero 1972 (De kille dood) BornD193 = NC44 [foto] 65: The Kremlin file 1973 (Het Kremlin dossier) NC78 [foto] 66: Dragon flame 1973 (De vlammende draak) BornD97 = NC11 [foto] [foto] 67: The Cairo Mafia 1973 (De Egyptische Mafia) BornD191 = NC42 [foto] 68: The liquidator 1973 (Het mes op de keel) BornD196 = NC45 [foto] 69: Assassination brigade 1973 (Moordbrigade) BornD198 = NC47 [foto] [geschreven door Thomas Chastain] 70: Night of the avenger 1973 (Bloednacht) BornD199 = NC48 [foto] 71: Butcher of Belgrade 1973 (De slachter van Belgrado) BornD200 = NC49 [foto] 72: The Peking dossier 1973 (Het Peking-dossier) NC56 [foto] [T] 73: The Spanish connection 1973 (De Spaanse furie) NC58 [foto] [T] 74: Code name: Werewolf 1973 (Codenaam: Weerwolf) NC62 [foto] [T] [geschreven door Martin Cruz Smith] 75: Omega terror 1973 (De biologische H-bom) BornD201 = NC50 [foto] 76: Sign of the Cobra 1974 (Het teken van de Cobra) NC59 [foto] 77: The Aztec avenger 1974 (De wraak der Azteken) NC60 [foto] 78: Target: Doomsday Island 1974 (Operatie Laatste Oordeel) BornD197 = NC46 [foto] 79: Ice trap terror 1974 (De ijskoude terreur) NC64 [foto] 80: The N3 conspiracy 1974 (Het N-3 complot) NC82 [foto] [geschreven door Michael Collins] 81: The devil's dozen 1974 (De opium-route) NC79 [foto] 82: Hour of the wolf 1975 (Het uur van de wolf) NC80 [foto] [T] 83: Dr Death 1975 (Dr Death) NC100 [foto] [samen met kraak en vlucht] 84: A preposterous theft 1975 (De 10.000 kilo kraak) NC100 [foto] [samen met vlucht en Death] [kort verhaal] 85: Counterfeit agent 1975 (Spion in duplo) NC99 [foto] 86: Agent counter agent 1975 (De bedreigde agent) NC81 [foto] [T] 87: The fanatics of Al Asad 1976 (De fanatici van Al Asad) NC97 [foto] 88: Our agent in Rome is missing 1976 (Agent vermist in Rome) NC83 [foto] 89: The green wolf connection 1976 (De Groene Wolfterreur) NC102 [foto] [geschreven door Michael Collins] 90: The vulcan disaster 1976 (Wapensmokkel syndicaat) NC101 [foto] 91: Vatican vendetta 1977 (Bloedwraak in het Vaticaan) NC53 [foto] [T] 92: Massacre in Milan 1977 (Dood in Milaan) BornD205 = NC52 [foto] 93: The Katmandu contract 1977 (Het Katmandoe contract) NC91 [foto] 94: Assassin code name Vulture 1977 (Moordenaar codenaam Gier) NC93 [foto] 95: Death message: Oil 74-2 1977 (Doodsbericht: OIL 74-2) NC94 [foto] 96: The Nichovev plot 1977 (De Nichovev plot) NC88 [foto] 97: The Z-document 1978 (Het Z-document) NC89 [foto] 98: A high yield in death 1978 (Niet zwichten voor de dood) NC92 [foto] 99: The man who sold death 1978 (Dood als handelswaar) NC84 [foto] 100: The code 1980 (De kode) NC85 [foto] 101: Six bloody summer days 1980 (Zes bloedstollende zomerdagen) NC86 [foto] 102: The list 1981 (Microfilm in Hongkong) NC95 [foto] 103: Beirut incident 1981 (Het Beiroet incident) NC87 [foto] 104: The snake flag conspiracy 1981 (Het Slangevlag complot) NC98 [foto] 105: Operation McMurdo Sound 1982 (Operatie McMurdo Sound) NC104 [foto] 106: Appointment in Haiphong 1982 (Rendez-vous in Haiphong) NC105 [foto]