1: Cold case cop 2007 (Blind voor gevaar) BlackRose4 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Cassidy, Carla (geboren Bracale) VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: His new nanny 2007 (Stille getuigenis) BlackRose3 BlackRose105 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling, twee maal] 2: The sheriff's secretary 2008 (Levenslang) BlackRose14 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Scene of the crime: Bridgewater, Texas 2009 (Voor altijd van mij) BlackRose84 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Wanted: Bodyguard 2010 (Bloedstollend geheim) BlackRose49 BlackRose123 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 5: Scene of the crime: Bachelor Moon 2011 (Blinde liefde) BlackRose88 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Scene of the crime: Widow Creek 2011 (Moord zonder motief) BlackRose33 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Mystic Lake 2012 (Ritueel van angst) BlackRose97 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 8: Black Creek 2012 (Plaats delict: Moord in Black Creek) BlackRose103 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: Deadman's bluff 2013 (Begraven in het zand) BlackRose113 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Scene of the crime: Return to Bachelor Moon 2013 (Vermist in de nacht) BlackRose59 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Scene of the crime: Return to Mystic Lake 2014 (Naderend onheil) BlackRose62 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 12: Scene of the crime: Baton Rouge 2014 (Verborgen in het moeras) BlackRose55 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 13: Scene of the crime: Killer Cove 2015 (Schaduwen in de mist) BlackRose119 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 14: Scene of the crime: The deputy's proof 2015 (Dolende geest) BlackRose125 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 15: Who killed Shelly Sinclair? 2016 (Geheimen van Lost Lagoon) BlackRose132 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 16: Desperate intentions 2019 (Huis vol geheimen) BlackRose90 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 17: 48 Hour lockdown 2020 (Als iedere seconde telt) BlackRose106 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Castillo, Linda VS [Politieroman] [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Operation: Midnight tango 2005 (Duister complot) BlackRose16 BlackRose111 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 2: Operation: Midnight escape 2005 (Gevecht in het duister) BlackRose18 BlackRose111 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 3: Operation: Midnight guardian 2006 (In duister gevangen) BlackRose20 BlackRose111 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 4: Operation: Midnight rendezvous 2006 (Duistere vlucht) BlackRose22 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Operation: Midnight cowboy 2007 (Sprong in het duister) BlackRose22 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: In the dead of night 2007 (Zwijgende getuige) BlackRose9 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: The dark side of the night 2008 (Duister is de nacht) BlackRose10 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Night rescuer 2009 (Weg naar de dood) BlackRose14 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: The marshall's witness 2013 (Als in een nachtmerrie) BlackRose44 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Undercover twin 2013 (Gevaarlijk plan) BlackRose50 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Tennessee takedown 2014 (Koelbloedige ontvoering) BlackRose58 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: The bodyguard 2014 (Tot de dood ons scheidt) BlackRose60 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Missing in the Glades 2015 (Diep in het moeras) BlackRose71 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Arresting developments 2015 (Een plek om te schuilen) BlackRose80 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Deep cover detective 2016 (Gehuld in schaduw) BlackRose98 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 8: Hostage negotiation 2016 (Gevaar in het moeras) BlackRose104 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: Mountain witness 2017 (Nooit meer veilig) BlackRose75 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Secret stalker 2017 (De rekening vereffend) BlackRose79 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Murder on Prescott Mountain 2022 (Schim in het duister) BlackRose130 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Dimon, HelenKay (aka Darby Kane) VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Copy that 2012 (Dubbel doelwit) BlackRose43 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: When she wasn't looking 2012 (Kijk niet om) BlackRose32 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Cornered 2015 (Achtervolgd door gevaar) BlackRose63 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Sheltered 2015 (Diep in het bos) BlackRose65 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Tamed 2015 (Verborgen dreiging) BlackRose66 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Single father sheriff 2016 (Dreigend onheil) BlackRose71 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Sudden second chance 2016 (Onbekend verleden) BlackRose72 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Army ranger redemption 2016 (Begraven geheim) BlackRose73 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: In the arms of the enemy 2016 (Verloren leven) BlackRose78 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Giordano, Adrienne VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: The prosecutor 2014 (Onschuldig veroordeeld) BlackRose67 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: The defender 2014 (Het spoor bijster) BlackRose68 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: The rebel 2015 (Op gevaarlijk terrein) BlackRose61 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: The detective 2015 (Achter de façade) BlackRose88 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Graham (Pozzessere), Heather VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: In the dark 2004 (Moord in het paradijs) BlackRose114 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Tangled threat 2019 (Gruwelijke legende) BlackRose104 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Unmasking the shadow man 2019 (Moordenaar in de schaduw) BlackRose133 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Murder in the shallows 2020 (Achtervolgd in het moeras) BlackRose124 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Peek-a-boo protector 2009 (Tussen twee vuren) BlackRose25 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: The missing twin 2011 (Verloren zusje) BlackRose39 BlackRose128 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in twee bundelingen] 3: Her stolen son 2011 (Missie voor een moeder) BlackRose39 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Lullabies and lies 2006 (Op klaarlichte dag) BlackRose2 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: A father's sacrifice 2007 (De tijd tikt door) BlackRose52 BlackRose105 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling, twee maal] 3: High school reunion 2008 (Dodendans) BlackRose11 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Silent guardian 2008 (Een lok blond haar) BlackRose15 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: His best friend's baby 2009 (Bedreigde onschuld) BlackRose19 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] [Black Hills Brotherhood 1] 6: The sharpshooter's secret 2009 (Vervlogen onschuld) BlackRose20 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] [Black Hills Brotherhood 2] 7: The colonel's widow? 2009 (Verloren onschuld) BlackRose21 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] [Black Hills Brotherhood 3] 8: Her bodyguard 2010 (Valse veiligheid) BlackRose35 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] [Delancey] 9: Under suspicion 2015 (Begraven geheim) BlackRose84 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Security breach 2015 (Vergeven en vergeten) BlackRose85 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Lindsey, Julie Anna VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Shadow point deputy 2018 (Spoor van bloed) BlackRose91 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Marked by the marshall 2019 (Zee van vlammen) BlackRose96 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: The sheik's safety 2005 (In het heetst van de strijd) BlackRose1 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Undercover sheik 2006 (Het oog van de storm) BlackRose1 BlackRose107 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Secret contract 2007 (Geheim contract) BlackRose51 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Ironclad cover 2007 (Dodelijke glimlach) BlackRose51 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: My bodyguard 2007 (Tropische hitte) BlackRose54 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Intimate details 2007 (Missie vol gevaren) BlackRose54 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Sheikh seduction 2008 (Moordende hitte) BlackRose12 BlackRose114 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 8: Sheikh protector 2008 (Dreiging in de woestijn) BlackRose12 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: 72 Hours 2008 (In de greep van de angst) BlackRose41 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Royal protocol 2009 (Web van intriges) BlackRose28 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Saved by the monarch 2009 (Moordcomplot) BlackRose28 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 12: The socialite and the bodyguard 2009 (Op een haar na) BlackRose18 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 13: Stranded with the prince 2010 (Gevangenis zonder muren) BlackRose34 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 14: Royal captive 2010 (Op jacht naar de kroon) BlackRose34 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 15: Last spy standing 2012 (Op het tweede gezicht) BlackRose46 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
McClellan, Sharon VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Mercenary's honor 2008 (Naar eer en geweten) BlackRose7 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Miles, Cassie (= Kay Bergstrom) VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Protective confinement 2007 (Aan de dood ontsnapt) BlackRose31 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Compromised security 2007 (Levend bewijs) BlackRose31 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Christmas cover-up 2007 (Moorddadige kerst) BlackRose82 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Mysterious millionaire 2008 (Een fataal testament) BlackRose6 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Lock, stock and secret baby 2010 (Uit leugens geboren) BlackRose42 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Hook, line and shotgun bride 2010 (De gevluchte bruid) BlackRose42 BlackRose120 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Mountain midwife 2011 (Vlucht door de sneeuw) BlackRose48 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 8: Unforgettable 2011 (Man zonder verleden) BlackRose38 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: Snowed in 2014 (Ingesneeuwd) BlackRose56 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Snow blind 2014 (Moord zonder spoor) BlackRose57 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Mountain retreat 2014 (Vlucht door de kou) BlackRose65 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 12: Mountain shelter 2016 (Noodlottige herinnering) BlackRose74 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 13: Colorado wildfire 2016 (Oplaaiend vuur) BlackRose77 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 14: Frozen memories 2017 (IJzige angst) BlackRose83 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 15: The girl who couldn't forget 2019 (Schim uit het verleden) BlackRose97 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 16: The final secret 2020 (Gevaarlijke opdracht) BlackRose116 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 17: Shallow grave 2023 (Tot in het graf) BlackRose127 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Finding his child 2007 (Vervagende voetsporen) BlackRose105 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: I'll be watching you 2008 (Met eigen ogen) BlackRose9 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Christmas ransom 2005 (Dodelijk dilemma) BlackRose126 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Dangerously attractive 2008 (Motief voor moord) BlackRose15 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: A voice in the dark 2008 (De man in de schaduw) BlackRose10 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Kissing the key witnes 2009 (Dodelijke woorden) BlackRose24 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: A perfect stranger 2009 (Schuldig geweten) BlackRose30 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Shadow protector 2010 (Gezicht in de schaduw) BlackRose36 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Dakota marshall 2011 (Ademloze achtervolging) BlackRose44 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Sala, Sharon (aka Dinah McCall) VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: The fiercest heart 2010 (Speling van het lot) BlackRose26 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Rules in blackmail 2018 (Gevangen in blackmail) BlackRose86 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Midnight abduction 2020 (Ontvoerd in de nacht) BlackRose109 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: The lawman's secret son 2008 (Ingehaald door het lot) BlackRose8 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Bodyguard father 2008 (Te laat om te vluchten) BlackRose8 BlackRose123 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen] 3: A baby between them 2010 (Op de hielen) BlackRose17 BlackRose128 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in twee bundelingen] 4: The baby's bodyguard 2010 (Fataal verraad) BlackRose49 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Shattered 2014 (Verraderlijk plan) BlackRose112 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Stranded 2014 (Ontsnapt aan de dood) BlackRose115 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Cowboy incognito 2015 (Gevaarlijk spoor) BlackRose64 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen, en in bundeling Schaduw over de prairie] 8: Cowboy undercover 2015 (Onmogelijke missie) BlackRose76 BlackRose131 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling, en in bundeling Schaduw over de prairie] 9: Cowboy secrets 2016 (Teken van leven) BlackRose81 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling, en in bundeling Schaduw over de prairie] 10: Identical stranger 2019 (Schokkend evenbeeld) BlackRose93 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Hidden identity 2019 (Ten dode opgeschreven) BlackRose99 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: D.B. Hayes, detective 2005 (Een gevaarlijk spel) BlackRose102 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] [Lipstick Ltd.] 2: Bodyguard to the bride 2008 (Kinderspel) BlackRose2 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: The missing millionaire 2008 (Eindspel) BlackRose6 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Police protector 2009 (Zonder enig spoor) BlackRose13 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
Snell, Tyler Anne VS [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: Manhunt 2015 (Klopjacht) BlackRose82 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Reining in trouble 2019 (Dreiging uit het verleden) BlackRose93 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Credible alibi 2019 (Riskant alibi) BlackRose94 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Identical threat 2020 (Dubbel zo gevaarlijk) BlackRose108 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Last stand sheriff 2020 (Gevaarlijke obsessie) BlackRose110 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Uncovering small town secrets 2021 (Zaak van leven en dood) BlackRose122 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Searching for evidence 2021 (Verborgen in het duister) BlackRose127 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Double life 2006 (Schaduwleven) BlackRose29 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Texas ransom 2008 (Op scherp) Bookazine BlackRose24 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Showdown in West Texas 2009 (Moord in opdracht) Bookazine BlackRose19 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Pine Lake 2017 (Geheime getuige) BlackRose81 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Whispering springs 2017 (Dodelijk bericht) BlackRose90 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: Crminal behaviour 2019 (Profiel van een moordenaar) BlackRose95 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 7: Incriminating evidence 2019 (Kijk niet weg) BlackRose99 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 8: Killer investigation 2019 (Achtervolgd door het verleden) BlackRose108 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: Without a trace 2020 (Moord in het maanlicht) BlackRose113 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: A desperate search 2020 (Engel van het kwaad) BlackRose116 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: Someone is watching 2020 (Echo van wanhoop) BlackRose121 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 12: Little girl gone 2021 (Echo uit het verleden) BlackRose129 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 13: John Doe cold case 2022 (Diep begraven verleden) BlackRose133 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Missing 2011 (Elke minuut telt) BlackRose36 BlackRose100 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling en in trilogie] 2: Damaged 2011 (Geen seconde te laat) BlackRose37 BlackRose100 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling en in trilogie] 3: Broken 2011 (Uur van de waarheid) BlackRose38 BlackRose100 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling en in trilogie] 4: Bet me 2007 (Rien ne va plus) BlackRose26 [foto] [foto] [met co-auteurs Catherine Mann en Joanne Rock] [ook in bundeling] 5: Dark whispers 2016 (Donkere fluistering) BlackRose72 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling en in trilogie] 6: Investigating Christmas 2016 (Countdown tot Kerstmis) BlackRose74 BlackRose126 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundelingen en in trilogie] [met co-auteur Regan Black] 7: Still waters 2016 (Dodelijke obsessie) BlackRose77 [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling en in trilogie] 8: Finding the edge 2018 (Kwetsbaar doelwit) BlackRose85 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 9: Sin and bone 2018 (Dubbelgangster) BlackRose87 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 10: Body of evidence 2018 (In de val) BlackRose89 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 11: In self defence 2019 (Ondergronds gevaar) BlackRose96 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 12: The dark woods 2019 (Het donkere woud) BlackRose103 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 13: The stranger next door 2019 (Rilling van angst) BlackRose110 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 14: The safest lies 2019 (Riskante missie) BlackRose118 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 15: Witness protection widow 2020 (Getuige in gevaar) BlackRose122 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 16: Before he vanished 2020 (Dodelijk mysterie) BlackRose129 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 17: The bone room 2021 (Gruwelijke ontdekking) BlackRose132 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
White, Loreth Anne Canada [Romantische thriller] oeuvre
1: The sheik's command 2010 (Verzengende hitte) BlackRose27 BlackRose107 [foto] [foto] [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Sheik's revenge 2012 (Bloed in het zand) BlackRose43 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 3: Surgeon sheik's rescue 2012 (Spelen met vuur) BlackRose47 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 4: Guarding the princess 2012 (Sporen in het zand) BlackRose50 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 5: Seducing the mercenary 2007 (Onder de huid) BlackRose5 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 6: The heart of a renegade 2008 (Schaduwgevecht) BlackRose5 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]
1: Smoke and ashes 2016 (Uitslaande brand) BlackRose68 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling] 2: Dust up with the detective 2016 (Ondergronds kwaad) BlackRose70 [foto] [foto] [ook in bundeling]