Master theses

Walter Kosters was advisor of the following master theses (usually one of the two supervisors):
  1. Peter van der Sman - Het effect van vertragingen voor treinreizigers: Het RVM-model (JdG; 1995)
  2. Nico Knoops - Algoritmen voor het maken van roosters (ISK; 1995)
  3. Lex van den Nieuwenhuizen - Gestructureerd testen van objectgeorienteerd ontworpen systemen (GE; 1996)
  4. Martel Berends - Attribuutselectie als basis voor datamining (ISK; 1997)
  5. Edzko Neuteboom - Begripvorming van klantgedrag met behulp van neurale netwerken (JK; 1997)
  6. Maurits Out - Kostenschatting voor het wegbeheer met behulp van neurale netwerken (JK; 1997)
  7. Michiel de Jong - Adaptive sampling — On the similarities between learning and evolving (AE; 1998)
  8. Rokesh Jankie - Solving a university timetabling problem using local search (LK; 1998)
  9. Jeroen Eggermont - Rule extraction and learning in the BP-SOM architecture (ISK; 1998)
  10. Bernard van Kesteren - The clustering problem in Dutch high schools; Changing metrics in search space (HG; 1999)
  11. Gijsbert van Heurn - Het eindspel in het schaken: Van database tot regels (HG; 2000)
  12. Siegfried Nijssen - Data mining using logic (JK; 2000)
  13. Xander van Pelt - The fusion factory, a constrained data fusion approach (PvdP; 2001)
  14. Daniel Palomo van Es - Fuzzy association rules and promotional sales data (JdG; 2001)
  15. Jeroen Witteman - Frequent itemsets: taxonomies, interestingness, fuzzy logic and time behaviour (JdG; 2001)
  16. Mischa Jansen - A scheduling simulator for LOFAR (JvH; 2001)
  17. Joost Jacob - A scriptable planner: Using Python as a problem definition language (JvH; 2002)
  18. Mathijs van der Burg - Genetic algorithms for Nonograms (HK; 2002)
  19. Rogier van der Burg - Calculating supports for itemsets using a neural network (JdG; 2002)
  20. Martijn van der Vaart - Distributed gameplaying using genetic programming (RK; 2002)
  21. Jeroen Haverkorn van Rijsewijk - Evolution of game strategies using Genetic Programming (JdG; 2003)
  22. Peter Koning - Neurale netwerken voor baggerschepen (MvW; 2003)
  23. Julia Dmitrieva - Het toepassen van het TD(λ) algoritme op het spel vier-op-een-rij (JdG; 2003)
  24. Joost Batenburg - An evolutionary algorithm for discrete tomography (HJH; 2003)
  25. Niels Netten - Towards believable virtual characters using a computational model of emotion (DdG; 2004)
  26. Lingjun Meng - Artificial immune system for knowledge discovery (PvdP; ICT in Business 2004)
  27. Vedran Bilanovic - Temporal difference driving exam (HJH; 2004)
  28. Tim Cocx - Automated generation and analysis of logical puzzles, The flats puzzle (JdG; 2004)
  29. Pascal Haazebroek - Web event based usability analysis (HJH; 2004)
  30. Jeroen Laros - Unique factors in the human genome (HJH, PT; 2005)
  31. Sergio Prieto - Crime data mining (PvdP; ICT in Business 2005)
  32. Lina Sun - Making the right offer to the right customer (PvdP; ICT in Business 2005)
  33. Zhaochun Sun - EQPD, A way to improve the accuracy of mining fused data? (PvdP; ICT in Business 2005)
  34. Wouter Meuleman - Integration and analysis of zebrafish microarray data (FV; 2005)
  35. Robin Roestenburg - Particle Swarm Optimization: Finding optimal poker strategies (JMdG; 2005)
  36. Martijn Cox - Simulated Evolution: A model of evolution focussing on neural networks (ME; 2006)
  37. Chong Gao - Simulation and optimization in analytical and collaborative customer relationship management (PvdP; ICT in Business 2006)
  38. Rui Chen - Application of collaborative filtering algorithm in bioinformatics (PvdP; ICT in Business 2006)
  39. Daniil Umanski - Computer game development for speech therapy support (FV; MediaTechnology 2006)
  40. Bastiaan Maat - The need for fusing head & neck cancer data (PvdP; ICT in Business 2006)
  41. Staas de Jong - The retinal afterimage as information carrier (GV; VU 2006)
  42. Tijn Witsenburg - Unravelling the genetic structure of NP-completeness (ME; 2006)
  43. Matthijs van der Zon - Adding robustness and scalability to existing data mining algorithms for successful handling of large data sets (JK; 2006)
  44. Ning Xu - Explanation interfaces in recommender systems (PvdP; ICT in Business 2007)
  45. Alexander Nezhinsky - How rules determine the operator: Analysis of water height prediction (JdG; 2007)
  46. Maarten Oosten - Verleden namen (HJH and KM; 2008)
  47. Xuan Wang - An empirical study on the relation between the quality of UML models and the quality of the implementation (MC; 2008)
  48. Ron Vink - Temporal pattern analysis using reservoir computing (JK; 2009)
  49. Timo de Vries - Predicting high-level cognitive decisions using low-level features from eye gaze data (JB; 2009)
  50. Frank Takes - Applying Monte Carlo techniques to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (HJH; 2010)
  51. Emiel Witteman - Compression of DNA sequences with Genetic Programming (ME; 2010)
  52. Ruben van Bodegom - Automated document classification of medical reports (YO; 2010)
  53. Pieter Bas Donkersteeg - Klondike strategies using Monte Carlo techniques (HJH; 2010)
  54. Roy Kensmil - Developing software for detection of bitmap based patterns within pictures of documents (DPH; 2010)
  55. Marco Hofman - Text mining in Dutch reports with a specific vocabulary (MS; ICT in Business 2011)
  56. Adrian Kentsch - Exploratory recommendations using Wikipedia's linking structure (PvdP and FWT; ICT in Business 2011)
  57. Jonathan Vis - Discrete Tomography, A neural network approach (KJB; 2011)
  58. Sjoerd Henstra - From image to Nonogram: Construction, quality and switching graphs (KJB; 2011)
  59. Menno Luiten - Topical influence on Twitter: A feature construction approach (FWT; 2012)
  60. Jan van Rijn - Playing games, The complexity of Klondike, Mahjong, Nonograms and Animal Chess (HJH; 2012)
  61. Johan de Ruiter - Counting classes of Klondike solitaire configurations (HJH; 2012)
  62. Edwin Veger - Mining path traversal patterns in Wikipedia (FWT; ICT in Business 2013)
  63. Erik Zandvliet - Intelligent agents in a large state space, A case study on Magic: The Gathering (PL; 2013)
  64. Bas van Stein - A mobile smart care platform - Home spirometry by using the smartphone microphone (PL; 2013)
  65. Piet van Hekke - Time-interval sequential patterns in insurance data (SN; 2014)
  66. Wouter Eekhout - Automated multi-label classification of the Dutch speeches from the throne (CT; 2014)
  67. Tom Groen - Measuring implicit personalisation on Google News (ML; MediaTechnology 2014)
  68. Bobbie Smulders - Annotate code, Introducing a system for code-stepping based visualization (FV; MediaTechnology 2014)
  69. Eli van Es - An improved maximum-likelihood solver for the analysis of graph ensembles (DG; 2014)
  70. Wei Liu - An evaluation method for nodes in multiple dynamic networks (FWT; 2015)
  71. Derk Mus - Autonomous simulated car racing through apprenticeship learning (LG; 2015)
  72. Frank van Smeden - Framework for scheduling and analysis of real-time applications without the use of worst-case execution times (TS; 2015)
  73. Michiel Vos - Retrograde analysis and Proof Number Search applied to Jungle Checkers (AP; 2016)
  74. Jan Kalmeijer - Visualizing features learned by Convolutional Neural Networks (WJK; 2016)
  75. Xander Croes - Tree search methods for Diplomacy agents (BR; 2016)
  76. Mathé Zeegers - Theoretical properties of 2048 (HJH; 2016)
  77. Leon Helwerda - Mobile Radio Tomography — Autonomous vehicle planning for dynamic sensor positions (KJB; 2016)
  78. Tim van der Meij - Mobile Radio Tomography — Reconstructing and visualizing objects in wireless networks with dynamically positioned sensors (KJB; 2016)
  79. Roberto Lucchese - Analyzing the resilience of board interlock networks under imperfect data (FWT; 2016)
  80. Achilleas Xypolytos - A security assessment framework: Combining static analysis tools (AA; 2016, ICTiB)
  81. Frank van Rijn - Learning to play Hearthstone using machine learning (AP; 2016)
  82. Boyd Witte - Algorithms for detecting and analyzing multiplex motifs in large-scale corporate networks (FWT; 2017)
  83. Jeroen van den Heuvel - Finding business processes in computer usage data using frequent sequence mining (WJK; 2017)
  84. Bob Wansink - Finding minimal conflicting teacher sets for Dutch high school timetabling (JdG; 2018)
  85. Jarno Huibers - Strategies for restricted Nim (HJH; 2018)
  86. Luc Edixhoven - Checkerboard patterns and Binary Decision Diagrams for the game 2048 (AL; 2019)
  87. Bert Peters - Deep Mammography: Applying deep learning to whole-mammogram classification (WJK; 2019)
  88. Hanjo Boekhout - Exploring scientific mobility in co-authorship networks using multilayer temporal motifs (FWT; 2019)
  89. Georgios Kyziridis - Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms for the Train Unit Shunting Problem (MB; 2020)
  90. Julius Koschny - Synchronous Hackenbush (MvdB; 2022)
  91. Saleh Alwer - Graph Neural Networks for Modelling Chess (AP; 2023)
  92. Vincent Prins - Dungeons & Firearms: AI-Directing Action Intensity of Procedural Levels (MP; 2023)
  93. Rob Mourits - Optimizing the Use of Recuperative Braking by Trams (JMdG; 2024)
Between brackets the name of the other advisor and the year are given. Initials: AA: A.M.T. Ali-Eldin; MB: M. Baratchi; MvdB: M. van den Bergh; KJB: K.J. Batenburg; JB: J. Broekens; MC: M.R.V. Chaudron; DdG: D. De Groot; AE: A.E. Eiben; ME: M.T.M. Emmerich; GE: G. Engels; DG: D. Garlaschelli; HG: H.J.M. Goeman; JdG: J.M. de Graaf; LG: L.P.J. Groenewegen; JvH: J.I. van Hemert; HJH: H.J. Hoogeboom; DPH: D.P. Huijsmans; LK: L.C.M. Kallenberg; RK: R. Keller; HK: H.C.M. Kleijn; JK: J.N. Kok; WJK: W.J. Kowalczyk; AL: A. Laarman; ML: M.H. Lamers; PL: P. Lucas; KM: K. Mandemakers; SN: S.G.R. Nijssen; YO: Y.L. O; AP: A. Plaat; MP: M. Preuss, PvdP: P.W.H. van der Putten; BR: B. Ruijl; MS: M.P. Schraagen; ISK: I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper; TS: T. Stefanov; CT: C. Stettina; PT: P.H.K.G. Taschner; FWT: F.W. Takes; GV: G. van der Veer; FV: F. Verbeek; MvW: M.C. van Wezel.

Bachelor theses

And Bachelor Theses for Tsoe Loong Li (2006), Sjoerd Henstra (2007), Robin van der Zwan (2007), Michiel Helvensteijn (2007; published as "Applying Data Mining to the Study of Joseki" at IFIP AI 2008 Milan, Italy, September 7-10, 2008; Proceedings; pages 87-96; doi), Frank Takes (2008; published as Sokoban: Reversed Solving at NSVKI Student Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 6, 2008; Proceedings pages 31-36), Susan Laraghy (2008, ii) Jeroen Mets (2008), Ramon van Dam (2008), Bart van der Drift (2008), Johan Groenen (2008), Tim van Meurs (2008), Andrew Li (2008), Timo Morsink (2009), Kerem Denizmen (2009), Johan de Ruiter (2010), Oswald de Bruin (2010, ii), Zeki Karaca (2010), Bertram Bourdrez (2011), Edwin Veger (2011), Iris Hupkens (2011, ii), Jan Kalmeijer (2012), Ramon de Graaff (2012), Thijs van Ommen (2012), Boyd Witte (2013), Alexander Leznar (2013, ii), Bas van Boven (2014), Tim van der Meij (2014), Leon Helwerda (2014), Thomas Bakker (2014), Lai-yee Liu (2014), Alyssa Milburn (2014), Roelof van der Heijden (2014), Marieke Kortsmit (2014), Victor Dekker (2015), Mark van den Bergh (2015), Ralph Bos (2015), Simone Cammel (2015), Sarah Haddou (2015), Jelco Burger (2015, ii), Alenka Bavdaz (2016, ii), Jarno Huibers (2016), Luc Edixhoven (2016), Vanessa Carreiro (2016), Jasper Oostdam (2016, ii), Teddy Etoeharnowo (2017), Cedric Hoogenboom (2017), Nils Out (2017, ii), Stef van Dijk (2017, ii), Laurens Beljaards (2017), Joris Teunisse (2017), Koen Castelein (2017), Michiel van Spaendonck (2017), Vinay Oedayrajsingh Varma (2017, ii), Erik Soelaksana (2017, ii), Laurens Damhuis (2018), Egon Janssen (2018), Pim Spelier (2018), Tom van Dijkhuizen (2018, ii), Marco van Dijk (2018), Rafi Taleb (2018), Pepijn Griffioen (2018, ii), Joep Helmonds (2018), Kelvin Kleijn (2018, ii), Galen Deering (2018), Tim Merckens (2019), Florian Varkevisser (2019), Mitchel Colli (2019, ii), Ruud Plug (2019), Samuel Meyer (2019, ii), Philippe Bors (2019), Aaron Kannangara (2019), Max Blankestijn (2019), Vera Schous (2019, ii), Joos van Zweeden (2020, ii), Sem Kluiver (2020), Thomas Wink (2019, ii), Leendert van der Plas (2020, ii), Yven Lommen (2020, ii), Job van der Zwaag (2020), Said Krebbers (2021), David Nieuwenhuizen (2021), Tayfun Aygun (2021), Aron de Jong (2021), Thomas de Mol (2021), Robert Arntzenius (2021), Rob Reijtenbach (2021), Vincent Prins (2021, ii), Michael van der Zwart (2021, ii), Elze de Vink (2022, ii), Meili Hegeman (2022, ii), Roos Wensveen (2022), Lily Kientz (2022), Rob Mourits (2022, ii), Marten Klaver (2022), Fien van Wetten (2022, ii), Xander Lenstra (2022), Femke Slangen (2023), Pedro van der Zon (2023, ii), Liva van der Velden (2023), Enrico Bonsu (2023, ii), Oualid Azzeggarh (ii, 2023), Daniel van den Boogaard (2023), Amber van den Broek (2023), Bram van Ommen (2023, ii), Tristan van den Akker (2024), David Notebordn (2024, ii), Teun Bergsma (2024), Esther Koene (2024), ... (A "ii" means "second supervisor/reader".) And several ongoing ones ...