// // aster2023.cc, C++-program to assess 15-puzzles with A*, ... // // Compile: g++ -Wall -Wextra -O3 -o puzzle aster2023.cc // Run: ./puzzle // // name inputfile with puzzle size and target // extra parameter for some maximum, // for instance maximum length of solution // maximum size of frontier for BestFirst and A* // 1 perhaps not reachable; 2 reachable // 0/1/2/3 number of heuristic; TODO: 3 // 1 BestFirst; 2 A*; 3 IDA* // number of games to play // 0 print only number of steps (#) per puzzle, and // some general statistics (for plotting) // 1 also print solution(s), if any // seeds random number generator; 0: use time // (#) Return value 1000000 means: memory issues; // and 2000000 means: unsolvable (within certain bounds). // The constant MAX (bounds the board size) may be changed. // Walter Kosters, March 23, 2023, w.a.kosters@liacs.leidenuniv.nl // // BestFirst has all candidates in the frontier. It finds the (rather: a) // best one, having the smallest heuristic h value, and adds its children. // A* selects a candidate with the smallest f = g + h value. // In both cases, the frontier can contain at most MEMORY states. // IDA* has no frontier, but develops all nodes with f value at most f-limit. // If no solution is found, this depth first search is repeated for // a larger f-limit. And f-limit <= maxparam. // #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class ThePuzzle { public: static const short MAX = 4; // maximum height & width of the puzzle static const short BLACK = 99; // blocked = BLACK square static const short ZERO = 0; // empty = (unique) ZERO square bool readfile (ifstream & inputfile, int myparameter, int mymemory); void printtarget ( ); void printcurrent ( ); void printsequence (ThePuzzle Frontier[ ], int number); bool movepossible (short k); void domove (short k); short numberofmoves ( ); void randommove ( ); int bestfirst (short heu, bool print); int Astar (short heu, bool print); int mainIDAstar (short heu, bool print); int IDAstar (short heu, bool print, int boundaryvalue); bool finished ( ); void scramble1 ( ); void scramble2 ( ); short Manhattan (short i, short j, short p, short q); int heuristic0 ( ); int heuristic1 ( ); int heuristic2 ( ); int heuristic3 ( ); int heuristic (short k); private: short data[MAX][MAX]; // the target puzzle short current[MAX][MAX]; // the current puzzle short height; // actual height short width; // and width short izero, jzero; // position of (only) zero in current short blacks; // count BLACKs int nrmoves; // number of moves so far int maxparam; // parameter for some maximum int parent; // number of parent node in A*-tree int memory; // maximum size of frontier bool equal (short A[ ][MAX], short B[ ][MAX]); void printarray (short A[ ][MAX]); };//ThePuzzle // are two height x width arrays A and B exactly the same? bool ThePuzzle::equal (short A[ ][MAX], short B[ ][MAX]) { short i, j; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( A[i][j] != B[i][j] ) { return false; }//if }//for }//for return true; }//ThePuzzle::equal // read target data from inputfile; return success (true/false) // exactly one "zero", and at least one move is possible // inputfile starts with line with height and width // 99 is interpreted as BLACK square, 0 is the ONLY "zero" // equal numbers are allowed (apart from 0) // also maxparameter and memory are initialized bool ThePuzzle::readfile (ifstream & inputfile, int myparameter, int mymemory) { short i, j; inputfile >> height; inputfile >> width; if ( height > MAX || width > MAX ) { cout << "Size too large ..." << endl; return false; }//if maxparam = myparameter; memory = mymemory; blacks = 0; izero = -1; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { inputfile >> data[i][j]; current[i][j] = data[i][j]; if ( data[i][j] == ZERO ) { if ( izero != -1 ) { cout << "Too many zeroes ..." << endl; return false; }//if izero = i; jzero = j; }//if else if ( data[i][j] == BLACK ) { blacks++; }//if }//for }//for inputfile.close ( ); if ( izero == -1 ) { cout << "No zero ..." << endl; return false; }//if if ( numberofmoves ( ) == 0 ) { cout << "No moves possible (because of walls) ..." << endl; return false; }//if return true; }//ThePuzzle::readfile // print height x width array A void ThePuzzle::printarray (short A[ ][MAX]) { short i, j; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( A[i][j] == ZERO ) { cout << " ZZ "; }//if else if ( A[i][j] < 10 ) { cout << " " << A[i][j] << " "; }//if else if ( A[i][j] == BLACK ) { cout << " XX "; }//if else { cout << " " << A[i][j] << " "; }//else }//for cout << endl; }//for }//ThePuzzle::printarray // print the target puzzle void ThePuzzle::printtarget ( ) { cout << "Target position:" << endl; printarray (data); cout << endl; }//ThePuzzle::printtarget // print the current situation void ThePuzzle::printcurrent ( ) { printarray (current); cout << "After move " << nrmoves << endl << endl; }//ThePuzzle::printcurrent // print ancestors of number from Frontier, starting from the root void ThePuzzle::printsequence (ThePuzzle Frontier [ ], int number) { if ( Frontier[number].nrmoves > 1 ) { printsequence (Frontier,Frontier[number].parent); }//else Frontier[number].printcurrent ( ); }//ThePuzzle::printsequence // is move k of ZERO tile allowed? // k=0 up; k=1 right; k=2 down; k=3 left bool ThePuzzle::movepossible (short k) { return ( ( k == 0 && izero != 0 && current[izero-1][jzero] != BLACK ) || ( k == 1 && jzero != width-1 && current[izero][jzero+1] != BLACK ) || ( k == 2 && izero != height-1 && current[izero+1][jzero] != BLACK ) || ( k == 3 && jzero != 0 && current[izero][jzero-1] != BLACK ) ); }//ThePuzzle::movepossible // do allowed move // k=0 up; k=1 right; k=2 down; k=3 left void ThePuzzle::domove (short k) { if ( k == 0 ) { current[izero][jzero] = current[izero-1][jzero]; current[izero-1][jzero] = ZERO; izero--; }//if else if ( k == 1 ) { current[izero][jzero] = current[izero][jzero+1]; current[izero][jzero+1] = ZERO; jzero++; }//if else if ( k == 2 ) { current[izero][jzero] = current[izero+1][jzero]; current[izero+1][jzero] = ZERO; izero++; }//if else { // k== 3 current[izero][jzero] = current[izero][jzero-1]; current[izero][jzero-1] = ZERO; jzero--; }//else nrmoves++; }//ThePuzzle::domove // how many moves can be made (0/1/2/3/4)? short ThePuzzle::numberofmoves ( ) { short counter = 0, k; for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if ( movepossible (k) ) { counter++; }//if }//for return counter; }//ThePuzzle::numberofmoves // do random move void ThePuzzle::randommove ( ) { short k, nr = rand ( ) % numberofmoves ( ); for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if ( movepossible (k) ) { if ( nr == 0 ) { domove (k); return; }//if nr--; }//if }//for }//ThePuzzle::randommove // bestfirst with heuristic heu, print gives extra output int ThePuzzle::bestfirst (short heu, bool print) { ThePuzzle* Frontier = new ThePuzzle[memory]; // can be LARGE int* heuristics = new int[memory]; short k; int first = 0, last = 0, i, besti, bestf, p, temp, fvalue; bool newone; Frontier[0] = *this; heuristics[0] = heuristic (heu); Frontier[0].parent = -1; ThePuzzle bestone; ThePuzzle copy; while ( first <= last ) { // non-empty frontier bestf = 10000000; besti = 0; for ( i = first; i <= last; i++ ) { fvalue = heuristics[i]; if ( fvalue < bestf ) { besti = i; bestf = fvalue; }//if }//for if ( Frontier[besti].finished ( ) ) { if ( print ) { printsequence (Frontier,besti); }//if int temp = Frontier[besti].nrmoves; delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return temp; }//if bestone = Frontier[besti]; Frontier[besti] = Frontier[first]; Frontier[first] = bestone; temp = heuristics[besti]; heuristics[besti] = heuristics[first]; heuristics[first] = temp; first++; for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if ( bestone.movepossible (k) ) { copy = bestone; copy.domove (k); newone = true; for ( p = 0; newone && p <= last; p++ ) { if ( equal (Frontier[p].current,copy.current) ) { newone = false; }//if }//for if ( newone && copy.heuristic (heu) <= maxparam ) { last++; copy.parent = first - 1; Frontier[last] = copy; heuristics[last] = copy.heuristic (heu); }//if }//if }//for if ( last > memory - 5 ) { if ( print ) { cout << "Memory problem" << endl; }//if delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return 1000000; }//if }//while if ( print ) { cout << "Impossible ..." << endl; }//if delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return 2000000; }//ThePuzzle::bestfirst // A* with heuristic heu, print gives extra output int ThePuzzle::Astar (short heu, bool print) { ThePuzzle* Frontier = new ThePuzzle[memory]; // can be LARGE int* heuristics = new int[memory]; short k; int first = 0, last = 0, i, besti, bestf, p, temp, fvalue; bool newone; Frontier[0] = *this; heuristics[0] = heuristic (heu); Frontier[0].parent = -1; ThePuzzle bestone; ThePuzzle copy; while ( first <= last ) { // non-empty frontier bestf = 10000000; besti = 0; for ( i = first; i <= last; i++ ) { fvalue = Frontier[i].nrmoves + heuristics[i]; if ( fvalue < bestf ) { besti = i; bestf = fvalue; }//if else if ( fvalue == bestf ) { if ( Frontier[besti].nrmoves > Frontier[i].nrmoves ) { besti = i; }//if }//if }//for if ( Frontier[besti].finished ( ) ) { if ( print ) { printsequence (Frontier,besti); }//if int temp = Frontier[besti].nrmoves; delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return temp; }//if bestone = Frontier[besti]; Frontier[besti] = Frontier[first]; Frontier[first] = bestone; temp = heuristics[besti]; heuristics[besti] = heuristics[first]; heuristics[first] = temp; first++; for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if ( bestone.movepossible (k) ) { copy = bestone; copy.domove (k); newone = true; for ( p = 0; newone && p <= last; p++ ) { if ( equal (Frontier[p].current,copy.current) ) { newone = false; }//if }//for if ( newone && copy.nrmoves + copy.heuristic (heu) <= maxparam ) { last++; copy.parent = first - 1; Frontier[last] = copy; heuristics[last] = copy.heuristic (heu); }//if }//if }//for if ( last > memory - 5 ) { if ( print ) { cout << "Memory problem" << endl; }//if delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return 1000000; }//if }//while if ( print ) { cout << "Impossible ..." << endl; }//if delete [ ] Frontier; delete [ ] heuristics; return 2000000; }//ThePuzzle::Astar // IDA* with heuristic heu, print gives extra output int ThePuzzle::mainIDAstar (short heu, bool print) { int boundaryvalue = heuristic (heu); int result; while ( boundaryvalue <= maxparam ) { result = IDAstar (heu,print,boundaryvalue); if ( result < 2000000 ) { return result; }//if boundaryvalue++; }//while return 2000000; }//ThePuzzle::mainIDAstar // IDA* with heuristic heu, print gives extra output // expand all nodes with f <= boundaryvalue, including the root int ThePuzzle::IDAstar (short heu, bool print, int boundaryvalue) { ThePuzzle copy; short k; int myvalue, myresult; if ( finished ( ) ) { return nrmoves; }//if for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if ( movepossible (k) ) { copy = *this; copy.domove (k); myvalue = copy.nrmoves + copy.heuristic (heu); if ( myvalue <= boundaryvalue ) { myresult = copy.IDAstar (heu,false,boundaryvalue); if ( myresult < 2000000 ) { if ( print ) { copy.printcurrent ( ); myresult = copy.IDAstar (heu,true,boundaryvalue); }//if return myresult; }//if }//if }//if }//for return 2000000; }//ThePuzzle::IDAstar // is puzzle solved? bool ThePuzzle::finished ( ) { short i, j; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] != current[i][j] ) { return false; }//if }//for }//for return true; }//ThePuzzle::finished // produce initial random board with same numbers as target // perhaps target is unreachable from here void ThePuzzle::scramble1 ( ) { short thenumbers[MAX*MAX]; short i, j, temp, r; do { r = 0; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] != BLACK ) { thenumbers[r] = data[i][j]; r++; }//if }//for }//for for ( j = height * width - blacks - 1; j > 0; j-- ) { r = rand ( ) % (j+1); temp = thenumbers[j]; thenumbers[j] = thenumbers[r]; thenumbers[r] = temp; }//for r = 0; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] == BLACK ) { current[i][j] = BLACK; }//if else { current[i][j] = thenumbers[r]; if ( thenumbers[r] == ZERO ) { izero = i; jzero = j; }//if r++; }//else }//for }//for } while ( numberofmoves ( ) == 0 ); nrmoves = 0; }//ThePuzzle::scramble1 // produce initial random board with same numbers as target // certainly reachable void ThePuzzle::scramble2 ( ) { short i, j; int scrambleparam1 = 200; int scrambleparam2 = 100; // do between scrambleparam1 and scrambleparam1 + scrambleparam2 // random moves int number = scrambleparam1 + rand ( ) % scrambleparam2; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { current[i][j] = data[i][j]; if ( data[i][j] == ZERO ) { izero = i; jzero = j; }//if }//for }//for for ( i = 0; i < number; i++ ) { randommove ( ); }//for nrmoves = 0; }//ThePuzzle::scramble2 // Manhattan distance between (i,j) and (p,q) short ThePuzzle::Manhattan (short i, short j, short p, short q) { if ( i >= p ) { if ( j >= q ) { return ( i-p + j-q ); }//if else { return ( i-p + q-j ); }//else }//if else { if ( j >= q ) { return ( p-i + j-q ); }//if else { return ( p-i + q-j ); }//else }//else }//ThePuzzle::Manhattan // heuristic 0: always zero int ThePuzzle::heuristic0 ( ) { return 0; }//ThePuzzle::heuristic0 // heuristic 1: number of misplaced tiles (apart from ZERO) int ThePuzzle::heuristic1 ( ) { short i, j, counter = 0; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] != current[i][j] && current[i][j] != ZERO ) { counter++; }//if }//for }//for return counter; }//ThePuzzle::heuristic1 // heuristic 2: total misplaced Manhattan distances (apart from ZERO) int ThePuzzle::heuristic2 ( ) { short i, j, p, q, dist; int counter = 0, shortest; for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < width; j++ ) { if ( current[i][j] != ZERO ) { shortest = 1000000; // notice that the same number can occur more than once for ( p = 0; p < height; p++ ) { for ( q = 0; q < width; q++ ) { if ( current[i][j] == data[p][q] ) { dist = Manhattan (i,j,p,q); if ( dist < shortest ) { shortest = dist; }//if }//if }//for }//for counter += shortest; }//if }//for }//for return counter; }//ThePuzzle::heuristic2 // heuristic 3: TODO int ThePuzzle::heuristic3 ( ) { return 0; }//ThePuzzle::heuristic3 // select heuristic 0/1/2 or even 3 int ThePuzzle::heuristic (short k) { if ( k == 0 ) { return heuristic0 ( ); }//if else if ( k == 1 ) { return heuristic1 ( ); }// else if ( k == 2 ) { return heuristic2 ( ); }//else else { return heuristic3 ( ); }//else }//ThePuzzle::heuristic // main program int main (int argc, char* argv[ ]) { if ( argc != 10 ) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " " << " " << endl; return 1; }//if string filename = argv[1]; int maxparameter = atoi (argv[2]); int memory = atoi (argv[3]); if ( memory < 10 ) { memory = 10; }//if short scrambletype = atoi (argv[4]); short heu = atoi (argv[5]); short method = atoi (argv[6]); int games = atoi (argv[7]); bool print ( atoi (argv[8]) == 1 ); int seed = atoi (argv[9]); if ( seed == 0 ) { srand (time (NULL)); }//if else { srand (seed); }//else ifstream thefile; thefile.open (filename.c_str ( ),ios::in); if ( thefile.fail ( ) ) { cout << "Could not open file " << filename << endl; return 1; }//if cout << endl; ThePuzzle mypuzzle; int i; int result; int stats[100] = {0}; int statslarge = 0; if ( ! mypuzzle.readfile (thefile,maxparameter,memory) ) { cout << "Something wrong with the puzzle" << endl; return 1; }//if for ( i = 0; i < games; i++ ) { if ( print ) { mypuzzle.printtarget ( ); }//if if ( scrambletype == 1 ) { mypuzzle.scramble1 ( ); }//if else { mypuzzle.scramble2 ( ); }//else if ( print ) { mypuzzle.printcurrent ( ); cout << "==================" << endl << endl; }//if if ( method == 1 ) { result = mypuzzle.bestfirst (heu,print); }//if else if ( method == 2 ) { result = mypuzzle.Astar (heu,print); }//if else { result = mypuzzle.mainIDAstar (heu,print); }//else if ( result == 1000000 ) { cout << i << ": memory problem" << endl; }//if else if ( result == 2000000 ) { cout << i << ": unsolvable (with these bounds)" << endl; }//if else { cout << i << ": " << result << " moves" << endl; }//else if ( result < 32 ) { stats[result]++; }//if else { statslarge++; }//else }//for cout << endl; cout << "Statistics:" << endl; for ( i = 10; i < 32; i++ ) { cout << i << " " << stats[i] << endl; }//for cout << "Too large ( >31, including 1000000 and 2000000): " << statslarge << endl; return 0; }//main