@incollection{LEEBBDR09, author = {Rui Li and Michael T.M. Emmerich and Jeroen Eggermont and Ernst G.P. Bovenkamp and Thomas Bäck and Jouke Dijkstra and Hans Reiber}, title = {Optimizing A Medical Image Analysis System Using Mixed-Integer Evolution Strategies}, editor = {S. Cagnoni et al}, booktitle = {Evolutionary Image Analysis and Signal Processing, Studies in Computational Intelligence series}, publisher = {Springer}, volume = {213}, year = {2009} }
@techreport{SB05, author = {Ofer M. Shir and Thomas B\ddot{a}ck}, title = {Niching in Evolution Strategies}, institution = {LIACS, Leiden University}, year = {2005} }
@techreport{ESESB05, author = {Carsten Ernemann and Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Michael Emmerich and Lutz Sch{\"o}nemann and Nicola Beume}, title = {Scheduling algorithm development based on complex owner defined objectives}, institution = {University of Dortmund}, type = {Technical Report of the Collaborative Research Centre 531 {\em Computational Intelligence}}, year = {2005}, month = {January}, number = {CI--190/05}, issn = {1433-3325} }
@book{E05, author = {Michael Emmerich}, title = {{Single- and multi-objective evolutionary design optimization assisted by Gaussian random field metamodels}}, publisher = {eldorado}, address = {University of Dortmund}, year = {2005}, note = {http://hdl.handle.net/2003/21807} }
@mastersthesis{B04, author = {Ron Breukelaar}, title = {Evolving Transition Rules for Cellular Automata with Multiple Dimensions}, school = {LIACS, Leiden University}, year = {2004}, type = {}, address = {Leiden, The Netherlands} }
@mastersthesis{S04, author = {Ofer M. Shir}, title = {Niching in Evolution Strategies}, school = {LIACS, Leiden University}, year = {2004}, type = {}, address = {}, month = {November}, note = {}, abstract = {}, keywords = {}, source = {}, file = f }
@techreport{BHK03, author = {Ron Breukelaar and Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom and Walter Kosters}, title = {Tetris is Hard, Made Easy}, institution = {LIACS, Leiden University}, year = {2003} }
@incollection{BHZ03, author = {Thomas B{\"a}ck and Claus Hillermeier and J{\"o}rg Ziegenhirt}, title = {Routing optimization in corporate networks by evolutionary algorithms}, editor = {A.~Ghosh and S.~Tsutsui}, booktitle = {Advances in Evolutionary Computing}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2003}, pages = {739--753}, isbn = {3-540-43330-9} }
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