SLAM Workshop on Windows 10 machine: 1) Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator and execute: Set-Executionpolicy Unrestricted Select the answer [Y] and close the PowerShell. 2) Open the following link in a browser: (Older alternative) - Download and run vs_buildtools__0263ef45a05c4fdcaa343125cc96bb01.exe - Select Desktop Development with C++ - Keep default selected first five MSVC v142 - C++AdressSanitizer) Required space: 6.75GB - Click ------ did not work (2022-03-25: msi-file unavailable --------------------------------------- Save the file . Run it aftwerwards to install VisualStudio C++ 15.0 build tools necessary to compile breezySLAM. Select installation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Install Python 3.8.2, using the link: Download Python 3.8.2 for Windows (be sure to get the 64-bit installer ! ) and run the installer. Select and select install with all options but the Visual Studio 2015 option. Disable MAX Path Length Limit 4) Download the SLAM Workshop for Windows 10 by using the link: Extract it in your , e.g., C:\Users\ Replace: room_static.ttt in WSLAM\src\scenes in WSLAM 5) Start the PowerShell and give the command: pip install --user virtualenv Add the path "\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts" to your PATH by the command: $env:Path += ";\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts" 6) Make a virtual environment with python3: virtualenv myenv --python=python3 7) Activate your virtual environment: myenv\Scripts\activate.ps1 8) Go to the directory and issue the command: pip install -e slam/python 9) Run the CoppeliaSim: python 10) Start a new PowerShell, activate your virtual environment, go to the directory and run the simulation: myenv\Scripts\activate.ps1 cd WSLAM python