2004 Feb 03 Student Seminar Computational Molecular Biology Friday 9.15 to 11.00, room 403. Today we had the second meeting of the seminar, in order to fix the first topics. Unfortunatey the list of participants is a little bit unclear yet, as the sets of people of the first and second meeting, and those that have written emails are all different. The number of participants however, is limited by the number of topics. Tentative list of participants, not all confirmed. Please let me know your status! I have sent emails to the addresses below. name email (at liacs.nl) Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom hoogeboom Taco Buitenhuis tbuitenh Ji Gu jgu Remko van Kerkhoff Zan Li lizan98 (a) msn.com Arjen de Mooij zipje_and_zopje (a) penguinpowered.nl Klaske van Vuurden kvvuurde Haobo Zhou hzhou Bas van Zon vanzon2000 (a) yahoo.com Frederico Sangati eras051 Yan Gao ygao Guoxiang Liu liugx_2 (a) 163.com Tian Feng ridiculoustiger (a) hotmail.com Jinshuo Liu sureliu (a) yahoo.com.cn We use the following lecture notes. Sets of the first chapters have been dstributed in class. Algorithms in Molecular Biology Ron Shamir http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rshamir/algmb/01/algmb01.html The first meetings were fixed as follows: 13.2 2 Pairwise alignment Jinshuo Liu + Yan Gao 20.2 8 Phylogeny Frederico Sangati + Guoxiang Liu 27.2 5 Hidden Markov Models Taco Buitenhuis + Klaske van Vuurden 5.3 7 Gene Finding Tian Feng + Zan Li Please refer to 'Format' on the course page: http://www.liacs.nl/~hoogeboo/semabc/ Regards, Groeten, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom