Welcome to iFM 2023!
The 18th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM) will take place on 13-15 November 2023, organized by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science of Leiden University in the charming city of Leiden, The Netherlands.
- The Springer's proceedings of iFM 2023 (volume 14300 of LNCS) are temporarily available here to all participants of the event from 14 November to 14 December, 2023.
- Information on the social events at iFM 2023 and colocated events is now available here
- iFM 2023 best paper award candidates are known. See the iFM 2023 program
- The program of FMAS 2023 can be found here and in the FMAS official website
- The program of the PhD symposium is available too. See here
- The program of iFM 2023 is now available here
- The accepted contributions of the PhD symposium are here
- The list of accepted papers at iFM 2023 is available here
- The paper submission and notification deadlines of FMAS 2023 have been extended!
- Barbara Jobstmann is a keynote speaker at iFM 2023.
- The paper submission deadline of the PhD symposium has been extended until 13 July 2023.
- Erika Abraham accepted to be a keynote speaker at iFM 2023.
- 20 Euro discount for participants to both SEFM 2023 and iFM 2023.
- iFM 2023 adheres to the Code of Conduct of FME.
- The abstract and paper submission deadlines of iFM 2023 have been extended by two weeks!
- Information about the registration fees has been added.
- Rustan Leino is one of the keynote speakers of iFM 2023.
- Marieke Huisman and Rustan Leino are the invited speakers of the PhD Symposium.
- Information about the venue, accommodation, and travel is now available.
- The Call for Artifacts of iFM 2023 is now available.
- The Call for Paper of iFM 2023 is now available.
- The 5th Workshop on Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems (FMAS 2023) is an event at iFM 2023.
- Information on the PhD symposium has been updated, including the important dates.
- The website of iFM 2023 has been launched.
About iFM
The Integrated Formal Methods (iFM) conference series targets research in formal approaches that combine different methods for modeling and analysis. The conference covers a broad spectrum of topics: from language design, to verification and analysis techniques, to supporting tools and their integration into software engineering practice.