Some errata to Michael Huth and Mark Ryan - Logic in Computer Science Second Edition Version of 1 October, 2018 (of this list of errata). ====================================================== Page 14, Figure 1.1: The propositional atom $p$ should be inside a circle (like $r$), not inside a triangle Page 21, line -6: `premise' should be `assumption' (two times) Page 35, line -12 and line -22: `$((p \land (q \lor (\lnot r))))$' should be `$(p \land (q \lor (\lnot r)))$' (one pair of brackets less) Page 47, lines -11, -10 (not in all copies of book!): `$p implies r$' should be `$q implies r$' (two times) Page 49, lines 4-9, three times (not in all copies of book!): `$\phi_{1}, \phi_{2}, \ldots, \phi_{2}$' should be `$\phi_{1}, \phi_{2}, \ldots, \phi_{n}$' Page 51, line 10: `mathematical induction' should be `course-of-values induction' Page 52, lines -14 - -12 It is confusing to use $n$ both for the number of formulas $\phi_{i}$ and for the number of propositional atoms. These numbers are not necessarily the same. It would be better to use, e.g., $m$ for the number of propositional atoms, also in Proposition 1.38. Page 57, line 2 (not in all copies of book!): `is evaluates' should be `it evaluates' page 113, five times: `$\exists e$' should be `$\exists x e$' (see also line -3 on the same page) page 118, line 13: `We will prove most of these sequents' should be `We will prove some of these sequents' (4 out of 14, to be precise) page 120, line 6 (not in all copies of book!): `assumption' in first line of proof should be `premise' page 122, line 6 (not in all copies of book!): `$\forallxi$' should be `$\existsxi$' page 122, line 7 (not in all copies of book!): `$\forallyi$' should be `$\existsyi$'