Embedded Systems and Software, Spring 2025

Main Goal:

The Embedded Systems and Software course intends to introduce students to state-of-the-art methods, techniques, and tools to design, program, implement, and use Embedded Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). This is done through a series of lectures, hands-on sessions, and discussions on relevant scientific journal/conference papers.

Main Lecturer: Dr. ir. Todor Stefanov
Assistants: Roozbeh Siyadatzadeh, Fatemeh Mehrafrooz


Embedded Systems are application domain specific information processing systems that are tightly coupled to their environment via sensors and actuators. They appear in home appliances, office/vending machines, automotive, avionics, and robot systems, medical systems, wireless and portable terminals, distributed sensor networks, and many more.

The course first introduces the notion of and some basic concepts in embedded systems and software. Then, it deals with basic methods, techniques, algorithms, and components that are found in embedded systems.

In a second part, the course focuses on methods, techniques, and tools for system-level design, programming and implementation of Embedded Multi-processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC). In particular, the DAEDALUS framework (https://daedalus.liacs.nl) for system-level design of MPSoCs will be studied in detail. DAEDALUS features: 1) automated translation of sequential application code to equivalent parallel specification code; 2) automated system-level synthesis of specific MPSoCs; 3) automated mapping of the parallel specification code to the synthesized specific MPSoC; 4) fast implementation/prototyping of the whole MPSoC embedded system on FPGA-based prototyping boards.

In a third part – that is integrated with the second part – the course takes the form of laboratory hands-on sessions in which the DAEDALUS framework is used to design and prototype a relatively simple MPSoC.

Course Organization

Exams and Grading

There is no traditional written exam. The final grade is a combination of grades for

  1. presentation on a given topic related to the course material (40%)

  2. performance during the hands-on sessions (40%) and

  3. pro-active attitude during lectures and paper discussions (20%).